This is a guide for Beyond Eden: Dear Edward. This guide is going to be needing some cleaning and adjusting, as this is very much a first draft of it.
How to Get All Achievements
Life Achievements
1. Master Penniless
Get from playing the game
2. Beginner’s Luck
Get from playing the game
3. What in the World?
Have more than 1000 in debt.
- I recommend just starting a new game, and rushing to the weekend of week 8.
- Do anything other than earning money, then attend end-of-the-month whist night.
- As long as you have less than 30 gambling you will lose 50 pounds (If you try to borrow money from Arthur, you may win the money back, so just give up).
4. Sweet Nap
Took a nap with a calico cat
- Complete the case The Countess’s Cat.
- “Keep a kitten”.
- Then take a nap on any weekend to get this achievement.
5. My Hot Chocolate!
Get by playing through Alex’s Route.
6. The Man in the Mourning Suit
Get by playing the game.
7. Emotionally Debt
Practiced card games with Arthur
- Requires 60 Spiritual Power.
- You have to finish The Lane Hall Ghost quest line first to get this one.
- Challenge Lydia at whist with less than 90 Gambling.
- You will then get the option to play cards with Arthur.
8. Wizard of Cards
Just raise your gambling and play some whist nights.
- You may need to play the high stakes game to get this?
9. The Student Has Become the Master
Beat Lydia at whist
- Requires 60 Spiritual Power & 90 Gambling.
- You have to finish The Lane Hall Ghost quest line first to get this one.
- Challenge Lydia at whist.
10. The Successor
Become Lydia’s Heir
- Requires 60 Spiritual Power & 90 Gambling.
- You have to finish The Lane Hall Ghost quest line first to get this one.
- Challenge Lydia at whist.
- Then complete the game without debt.
- I recommend playing whist and performing seances.
11. Happy Birthday
Get by playing the game
12. Wrong Choice
Edward meets an untimely death
- Requires 90 Deduction and 70 Observation.
- Go to the high stakes whist game on week 36.
- “Deduct their Methods”, afterwards “Threaten the Swindlers”.
13. That was Fun, Good-bye Then
Edward quits the office job of his own vocation
- Play through Francis Route, and have high favor with Alex.
- I will have to confirm, but you must kiss Alex on Christmas.
- An automatic event on week 45 will occur.
- Choose you want something else from Alex.
- This will also get you the 7th Alex CG.
14. Flag Crusher
In Francis Route choose to stay friends.
Case Achievements
15. An Old Friend Revisited
Get from Francis Route.
- Earliest completion is Week 11.
16. Who stole the Silvers?
Get from Francis Route.
- Earliest completion is Week 12.
17. The Identity of the Midnight Intruder
Get from Francis Route.
- Earliest completion is Week 40.
18. The Boarding School Mystery
Get from Francis Route.
- Earliest completion is Week 41.
19. From Missing Cats to Locked Room Murders
Complete The Case of the Three Knots
- Requires 90 Observation and 90 Deduction.
- I recommend working towards completing London Trouble Shooter at the same time.
20. The London Trouble Shooter
Solved All 16 Cases
- Requires 60 Spiritual Power, 90 Observation, and 90 Deduction.
- Enter Francis Route (some cases are completed during his route).
- Complete the Lane Hall Ghost quest line.
- Complete all the cases during the weekends.
21. Jibber, Jabber
Suggested outrageous theories multiple times
- Can be completed in any of the Francis cases.
- Select all the wrong options before selecting the correct ones.
- The Stolen Silvers case is the best one for this.
- You can have wrong suggestions and finish the case successfully.
Wonder Achievements
22. The Lane Hall Ghost
Get by playing the game
23. The identity of the Ghost
Continue the Lane Hall Ghost quest line
- 1st Visit: no check required.
- 2nd Visit: Requires 40 Spiritualism.
- 3rd Visit: “Continue to investigate”.
- 4th Visit: Requires 60 Spiritual Power.
- Ask the ghost questions about their identity.
24. A Quiet Voice
Continue the Lane Hall Ghost quest line
To gain the information you need to continue during the 4th Visit, these are my suggestions:
- Are you Charles?
- Did you cause your brother’s death?
- Did you do it to win Rose’s love?
- Do you regret what you’ve done?
- Are you here to send a message?
25. A Eye for an Eye, a Trick for a Trick
Used spiritual powers to punish a cheater
- Requires 90 Spiritual Power.
- Go to the high stakes whist match on week 46.
- “Use your spiritual powers”.
26. I Saw Him Perform a Seance at a Party!
Successfully perform a seance
- Requires 65 Spiritual Power & 40 Eloquence.
- Complete the Lane Hall Ghost quest line.
- On Week 35, perform a seance.
- You can complete on different weeks, but the requirements will increase.
Alex Achievements
27. Warning: Do not Step
Dance with Alex
- Requires 20 Dancing.
- Hang out with Alex during Week 21.
- Choose to dance with Alex.
- Does not require, but I recommend New Game + with hidden talent “Good Reflexes”.
28. You Want Some, Don’t You?
Get Alex CG #1
- Requires 30 Athletics.
- Hang out with Alex during Week 8.
- Does not require, but I recommend New Game + with hidden talent “Good Reflexes”.
29. That Tickles!
Get Alex CG #2
- Hang out with Alex during Week 23.
30. No Help from a Mistletoe
Get Alex CG #3
- You can get during the automatic Christmas event.
- “Tell Alex They’re Standing Under a Mistletoe”.
31. The Road Not Taken
Get Alex CG #8
- Get From Alex Route.
- Do not miss any chance to hang out with Alex as lovers.
32. Just Wondering…
Get Alex CG #9
- Get From Alex Route.
- Do not miss any chance to hang out with Alex as lovers.
Francis Achievements
33. Can we go Back?
Decide to be Francis’ friend once more
- After hearing about the robbery, decide to go check on Francis.
- Choice appears at end of the Stolen Silvers Case.
- Required to enter Francis Route.
34. Cream Tart
Get Francis CG #3.
- Hang out with Francis on Week 29.
- Not required to enter Francis Route.
35. Bet You Can’t Eat Just One
Get from Francis Route
- Choose to Help Francis when asked on Week 30.
- This choice activates Francis Route officially.
36. Like a Dream
Get From Francis Route
- Automatic event after entering Francis Route.
37. Just Practicing
Get From Francis Route
- This event either comes with CG #6, or no CG at all.
- Hang out with Francis as much as possible to get all CGs in one run.
38. Sudden Shower
Get Francis CG #7
- Get From Francis Route.
- Hang out with Francis as much as possible to get all the CGs in one run.
Cupid Achievements
39. Friendly Advice
Play cupid for Alex and Oscar
- Either romance Francis, or no one at all.
- During automatic event on Week 45?, choose “Alex needs someone special”.
- Requires completion of Purple Ink case, Requires 50 Deduction.
- Practice Latin with Oscar at least 4 times.
- Hang out with Oscar until Edward asks about his type.
- When Oscar’s icon shows a heart, choose “Deepen Their Relationship”.
- I recommend one run for all the cupid achievements, save on Week 51 and reload.
40. Fit for London
Play cupid for Alex and Joshua
- Either romance Francis, or no one at all.
- During automatic event on Week 45?, choose “Alex needs someone special”.
- Requires completion of King of Diamonds case, Requires 55 Deduction.
- Practice French with Joshua at least 4 times.
- Hang out with Joshua until Edward asks about his type.
- When Joshua’s icon shows a heart, choose “Deepen Their Relationship”.
- I recommend one run for all the cupid achievements, save on Week 51 and reload.
- Requires finishing with no debt.
41. The Family Vineyard
Play cupid for Alex and Laurence
- Either romance Francis, or no one at all.
- During automatic event on Week 45?, choose “Alex needs someone special”.
- Requires completion of Five Streaked Claw Mark case, Requires 50 Observation.
- Visit the Salon with Laurence at least 4 times.
- Hang out with Laurence until Edward asks about his type.
- When Laurence’s icon shows a heart, choose “Deepen Their Relationship”.
- I recommend one run for all the cupid achievements, save on Week 51 and reload.
- Requires finishing with no debt.
42. Lawyer Joke
Play cupid for Alex and Morris
- Either romance Francis, or no one at all.
- During automatic event on Week 45?, choose “Alex needs someone special”.
- Requires completion of Blueberry Pie case, Requires 20 Observation.
- Learn Medicine with Morris at least 4 times.
- Hang out with Morris until Edward asks about his type.
- When Morris’ icon shows a heart, choose “Deepen Their Relationship”.
- I recommend one run for all the cupid achievements, save on Week 51 and reload.
- Requires finishing with no debt.
43. Job Broker
Play cupid for Alex and Theodore
- Either romance Francis, or no one at all.
- During automatic event on Week 45?, choose “Alex needs someone special”.
- Requires completion of Theft of the Black Pearl case, Requires 60 Observation.
- Learn Management with Theodore at least 4 times.
- Hang out with Theodore until Edward asks about his type.
- When Theodore’s icon shows a heart, choose “Deepen Their Relationship”.
- I recommend one run for all the cupid achievements, save on Week 51 and reload.
- Requires finishing with no debt.
44. Other Stories
Unlock all mini episodes.
To get Jeremy’s mini episode:
- Requires not romancing anyone, or failed romances?
- Hang out with Jeremy at every opportunity?
- Prevent Jeremy from falling down the stairs? Requires 30 Athletics by Week?
- Complete the Missing Boy case, Requires 70 Observation.
- Requires finishing with no debt.
Ending Achievements
45. Fully Repaid!
Play the game successfully.
- There are multiple ways to finish with no debt.
- Win whist nights, perform seances, or complete cases.
46. Hand of Midas
Pay off your debts, and make a 500 extra in the process.
47. Hard-earned Treasure
Follow the explorer career.
- Requires 90 Exploration, 90 Observation, & 90 Deduction.
- If you don’t have it yet, will automatically get Explorer, Pioneer, Trailblazer!
48. Messenger of Peace
Follow the Diplomat career.
- Requires 90 French & 70 Eloquence.
49. Gambling Apocalypse Edward
Follow the Gambler career, and become successful
- Requires 90 Gambling, 70 Observation, & 70 Deduction OR 90 Gambling and 70 Spiritual Power.
- If you don’t have it yet, will automatically get you Dice, Cards, & Slips!
50. Explorer, Pioneer, Trailblazer!
Follow the explorer career.
- Requires 90 Exploration.
51. Young Detective
Follow the detective career.
- Requires 70 Deduction and 70 Observation.
52. Loyal to the end
Follow the soldier career.
- Requires 70 Strategy.
53. A Gentleman Through and Through
There are multiple ways to complete.
- I finished with 90 Dancing and 70 Eloquence.
- I do not know the specific requirements.
54. Dice, Cards, & Slips!
Follow the Gambler career.
- Requires 90 Gambling.
55. Link to the World Beyond!
Follow the Spiritualist career.
- Requires 90 Spiritual Power.
- If you want your career to end well, you’ll need 70 Eloquence. There is no achievement however.
56. Knowledge is Power
Go for the Lawyer, Physician, Diplomat, or Estate Manager career.
- I recommend Diplomacy, as you can get Messenger of Peace at the same time.
- The other careers do not have special achievements.
57. Floating Leaf
End the game with no choice for career.
58. Someone I truly Love
Finish Alex’s route successfully.
- Automatically get Alex CG #9.
59. First Love Requited
Finish Francis’ route successfully.
- Automatically get Francis CG #8.
60. Love Triangle
Follow Francis Route while maintaining high favor with Alex.
- Choose to just be friends with Francis.
- When Francis asks if you favor Alex, choose that you like them equally.
- Finish the game successfully, you will get a CG automatically.
- Play the special episode to get the other 2 CGs.
61. Everlasting Friendship
Follow Francis Route while maintaining high favor with Alex
- Choose to just be friends with Francis.
- When Francis asks you if you favor Alex, choose yes.
- Finish the game successfully.
62. As Long as He’s Happy…
Play cupid for Alex successfully.
- Check Cupid Achievement section for specifics.
63. The Pride of his Family
Can complete many ways
- I got it by getting Edward to become Lydia’s heir.
- I do not know specific requirements, maybe a successful career?
64. The Prodigal Son
There are multiple ways to get this.
- I got it by going for the gambler career, but only raised gambling to 90 so your career does not go well.
- I do not know the specific requirements.
65. Socializing
This can get achieved easily as you play the game.
- Follow the instructions for Family and Friends are Precious if you have trouble.
66. Family and Friends are Precious
This one will take a bit of effort…
- Get Observation 60, Deduction 60, and Spiritualism 60 by week 32.
- Have completed ghost investigation line to max Harrietta’s relationship.
- Befriend Francis, do not romance. Ignore Alex.
- Go to the Salon with Laurence 4x and complete Five Streak Claw Mark Case.
- Learn Latin with Oscar 4x and complete Purple Ink Case.
- Learn French with Joshua 4x and complete King of Diamonds Case.
- Learn Medicine with Morris 4x and complete Blueberry Pie Case.
- Learn Management with Theodore 4x and complete Black Pearl Heist.
67. New Record!
You should get this just by playing the game.
68. A Wonderful Year
You should get this relatively naturally, if not go for the 1500 run and get both.
69. Break Through
This one will take a bit of effort…
- Requires Observation 90, Deduction 90, Spiritual Power 60, and Gambling 90.
- Start new game + with the hidden talent Poker Face.
- Finish the ghost investigation quest line.
- Have Gambling 90 by Week 46 to win high stakes whist game.
- Win whist game against Lydia.
- Become Francis’ lover.
- Solve all cases.
- To have enough time, you will need to ignore everyone other than Francis and Lydia.
- Every weekend that you have time to raise both Observation and Deduction at the same time, without compromising completing Francis’ quest lines, are recommended.
- I recommend leveling Gambling and Spiritual Power as soon as possible, then Deduction and Observation can be dedicated to.
70. Am I Dreaming?
Play through the Love Triangle mini episode after getting the achievement Love Triangle
- You will get 2 CGs by doing so.
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