Darkest Dungeon – Guide to Stuff Courtyard Plus, Darkest Plus and Farmstead Plus

A guide for those who need help with stuff from Courtyard Plus, Darkest Plus, and Farmstead Plus.

Official Plus Guide

Courtyard Plus Overview

  • The Courtyard starts at week 8 instead of week 3.
  • The Courtyard area will hide itself if it has no quests like the hamlet.
  • The Courtyard has only one apprentice level boss: as the intro mission with the croc acts as the other.

Courtyard Plus Enemies


  • Ticks replace carrion eaters in the courtyard.
  • Tick’s munch attack deals high damage to mark targets, but AI is set up so they won’t use it unless there is a marked target.
  • Tick’s Drain skill inflicts minor bleed and has a chance to give the target the crimson curse.
  • If there is a corpse left at the end of the round, the tick will kill itself and resurrect that enemy.


  • Mawmites replace large carrion eaters in the courtyard. They act very similar.
  • Mawmites will nibble a target, marking them.
  • Mawmites will devour marked targets for massive damage, doing some self healing if the attack lands, but will always debuff themselves with -speed.

Blood Fountain

  • Blood Fountains are champion only enemies.
  • They will get a free action and do high damage with a stun if you attack another bloodsucker in there presence.
  • There standard attack is a low damage (1 to 3 damage) move.
  • They also have a chance to heal other bloodsuckers for their standard action.

Farmstead Plus Overview

About the change from stress to horror.

Farmstead Plus does not add horror on top of the stress of the farmstead enemies. It REPLACES the stress of the farmstead enemies with horror, as close as I can get to a 1:1 ratio. So an enemy that gives 15 stress, now gives a 3 over 5 horror. It’s still the same amount of stress, just done differently.

The horror also has an 87% chance to apply. This means your heroes have a 13% chance to resist the horror effect, while base game farm stress is set to 100%. Meaning overall you’ll be getting less stressed in the long run form the farmstead.

About the loot

The loot in Farmstead Plus scales with difficulty. As in you won’t be getting many heirlooms or shards for doing apprentice content. This is due to shard trinkets being extremely powerful, as well as the ability to change shards into any other heirloom.

Once you get into champion dungeons, you’ll be getting a ton of shards from the dungeons.

Farmstead Plus Enemies

Blighted Vine

  • A weak enemy that has two actions.
  • Weak to blight, resistant to bleed.
  • Only does one attack that has a scaling chance to blight.

Thorny Vine

  • A weak enemy that has two actions.
  • Weak to blight, resistant to bleed.
  • Only does one attack that has a scaling chance to bleed.

Crystal Vine

  • A standard enemy.
  • Weak to blight, resistant to bleed
  • Only has one attack in which it stuns.

Sky-tainted Hen

  • A weaker enemy, but high dodge.
  • Weak to bleed, resistant to blight.
  • Will peck, a weak attack that moves it forward one.
  • Will peck if in position one for high damage.
  • Will lay eggs if there are only three enemies.

Monsterous Eggs

  • A weaker enemy, but high prot.
  • Weak to bleed, resistant to blight.
  • If in position 1 or 2, will scraw and push it back 2. This skill will go on cooldown for 3 rounds.
  • If in position 3 or 4, will scraw and push it forward 2. This skill will go on cooldown for 3 rounds.
  • Has a random chance to hatch instead into a new chicken. Will hatch after 3 rounds when all other skills are on cooldown.

Crystal Mirror

  • A very strong enemy from vet or higher dungeons.
  • Bleed immune, blight resistant.
  • Use debuffing moves on it, as it only has 30% debuff resistance.
  • Works in a clockwork, using 2 moves from other areas. These moves will go on cooldown for 5 rounds.

Time-warped Wife

  • A support enemy that shows up in champion dungeons only.
  • Weak to bleed, resistant to blight
  • Will buff allies
  • Can use a horror on you.
  • Will do a super attack if in position 1.

Farmstead Plus Curios

Locked Cabinet

  • 50% chance of loot, 50% chance at nothing.
  • Skeleton key: Always gives loot.
  • Shovel: Gives loot, but a lesser amount.
  • Torch: Gives a stress resist buff.

Old Fireplace

  • 33% chance for nothing, 33% chance to get hurt, 33% chance for negative quirk.
  • Shovel: gives a lot of loot.
  • Laudanum: Gives a tiny amount of loot.
  • Torch: gives a stress resist buff.

Rotten Harvest

  • Will always blight.
  • Shovel: Stress relief.
  • Anti-blight: small amount of food.

Crystalline Wheat

  • 50% chance for small amount of food, 50% chance for blight.
  • Shovel: Gives 3 Crystal Dust supply item.
  • Anti-blight: gives small amount of food.

Scythe against hay

  • 90% chance to gain a buff for one battle vs Husks, 10% chance for Scythemaster quirk.

Crystal Churner

  • 50% chance to get a horror applied to the hero, 50% chance for crystals.
  • Antivenom: small amount of food.
  • laudanum: Scaling amount of crystals based on difficulty.


  • 10% chance for scaling amount of crystals based on difficulty, 20% chance for horror, 70% chance to summon 3 chickens and a scarecrow.
  • Shovel: Light stress relief.
  • Laudanum: Scaling amount of crystals based on difficulty.
  • Torch: Stress resist buff.

Corrupted Harvest

  • 50% chance for food, 50% chance to blight the hero.
  • Shovel: great stress relief.
  • Antivenom: a decent amount of food.

Makeshift Shrine

  • 50% chance to horror the hero, 50% chance for scaling amount of crystals based on difficulty.
  • Torch: Stress resist buff.
  • Laudanum: purge negative quirk.
  • Key: treasure loot table.
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3752 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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