Mindustry – Guide to Math Behind the Materials

The math of what goes into creating materials.

Materials Math

Something to Note

Be aware that Oil, Water and Power is always defined as per second in the game, I have made this mistake a few times with things such as the spore press where I thought my output was going to be 3 times as much as it actually performed.

Defined Input and Output

  • Graphite Press Input: 2 Coal, 1.5 Seconds Output: 1 Graphite.
  • Multi Press Input: 3 Coal, 6 Water per Second 108 Power per Second, 0.5 Seconds Output: 2 Graphite.
  • Silicon Smelter Input: 1 Coal, 2 Sand, 30 Power per Second, 0.66 Seconds Output: 1 Silicon.
  • Silicon Crucible Input: 4 Coal, 6 Sand, 1 Pyratite 240 Power per Second, 1.5 Seconds Output: 8 Silicon.
  • Kiln Input: 1 Lead, 1 Sand, 36 Power per Second, 0.5 Seconds Output: 1 Metaglass.
  • Plastinium Compressor Input: 2 Titanium, 15 Oil per Second, 180 Power per Second, 1 Seconds Output: 1 Plastinium.
  • Phase Weaver Input: 10 Sand, 4 Thorium, 300 Power per Second, 2 Seconds Output: 1 Phase Weave.
  • Alloy Smelter Input: 3 Copper, 4 Lead, 2 Titanium, 3 Silicon, 240 Power per Second, 1.25 Seconds Output: 1 Surge.
  • Pyratite Mixer Input: 2 Lead, 1 Coal, 2 Sand, 12 Power per Second, 1.33 Seconds Output: 1 Pyratite.
  • Blast Mixer Input: 1 Spore pod, 1 Pyratite, 24 Power per Second, 1.33 Seconds Output: 1 Blast Compound.
  • Coal Centrifuge Input: 6 Oil per Second, 42 Power per Second, 0.5 Seconds Output: 1 Coal.
  • Cultivator Input: 12 Water per Second, 54 Power per Second, 2.33 Seconds Output: 1 Spore.
  • Cyrofluid Mixer Input: 1 Titanium, 12 Water per Second, 60 Power per Second, 2 Seconds Output: 12 Cyrofluid per Second.
  • Spore Press Input: 1 Spore pod, 42 Power per Second, 0.33 Seconds Output: 18 Oil per Second.

Per Second Input and Output

  • Graphite Press Input: 1.33 Coal, 0 Power per Second Output: 0.66 Graphite.
  • Multi Press Input: 6 Coal, 6 Water per Second, 108 Power per Second Output: 4 Graphite.
  • Silicon Smelter Input: 1.5 Coal, 3 Sand, 30 Power per Second Output: 1.5 Silicon.
  • Silicon Crucible Input: 2.66 Coal, 4 Sand, 0.66 Pyratite, 240 Power per Second Output: 5.33 Silicon.
  • Kiln Input: 2 Lead, 2 Sand, 36 Power per Second Output: 2 Metaglass.
  • Plastinium Compressor Input: 2 Titanium, 15 Oil per Second, 180 Power per Second Output: 1 Plastinium.
  • Phase Weaver Input: 5 Sand, 2 Thorium, 300 Power per Second Output: 0.5 Phase Weave.
  • Alloy Smelter Input: 2.4 Copper, 3.2 Lead, 1.6 Titanium, 2.4 Silicon, 240 Power per Second Output: 0.8 Surge.
  • Pyratite Mixer Input: 1.5 Lead, 0.75 Coal, 1.5 Sand, 12 Power per Second Output: 0.75 Pyratite.
  • Blast Mixer Input: 0.75 Spore pod, 0.75 Pyratite, 24 Power per Second Output: 0.75 Blast Compound.
  • Coal Centrifuge Input: 6 Oil per Second, 42 Power per Second Output: 2 Coal.
  • Cultivator Input: 12 Water per Second, 54 Power per Second Output: 0.43 Spore.
  • Cyrofluid Mixer Input: 0.5 Titanium, 12 Water per Second, 60 Power per Second Output: 12 Cyrofluid per Second.
  • Spore Press Input: 3 Spore pod, 42 Power per Second Output: 18 Oil per Second.

Per Unit Input and Output

  • Graphite Press Input: 2 Coal, 0 Power Output: 1 Graphite.
  • Multi Press Input: 1.5 Coal, 3 Water, 54 Power Output: 1 Graphite.
  • Silicon Smelter Input: 1 Coal, 2 Sand, 30 Power Output: 1 Silicon.
  • Silicon Crucible Input: 0.5 Coal, 0.75 Sand, 0.125 Pyratite, 30 Power Output: 1 Silicon.
  • Kiln Input: 1 Lead, 1 Sand, 36 Power Output: 1 Metaglass.
  • Plastinium Compressor Input: 2 Titanium, 15 Oil, 180 Power Output: 1 Plastinium.
  • Phase Weaver Input: 10 Sand, 4 Thorium, 300 Power Output: 1 Phase Weave.
  • Alloy Smelter Input: 3 Copper, 4 Lead, 2 Titanium, 3 Silicon, 240 Power Output: 1 Surge.
  • Pyratite Mixer Input: 2 Lead, 1 Coal, 2 Sand, 12 Power Output: 1 Pyratite.
  • Blast Mixer Input: 1 Spore pod, 1 Pyratite, 24 Power Output: 1 Blast Compound.
  • Coal Centrifuge Input: 6 Oil, 42 Power Output: 1 Coal.
  • Cultivator Input: 27.9 Water, 125.6 Power Output: 1 Spore.
  • Cyrofluid Mixer Input: 0.84 Titanium, 10 Water, 50 Power Output: 10 Cyrofluid.
  • Spore Press Input: 1.66 Spore pod, 23.33 Power Output: 10 Oil.

Per Unit Base Components

This section is simply showing the breakdown of base components (Things that can be mined or pumped with the exception of oil) per unit or product

  • Silicon Crucible Input: 0.25 Lead, 0.625 Coal, 1 Sand, 31.5 Power Output: 1 Silicon.
  • Plastinium Compressor (Spore Press) Input: 2 Titanium, 69.45 Water, 492.75 Power Output: 1 Plastinium.
  • Alloy Smelter (Smelter) Input: 3 Copper, 4 Lead, 3 Coal, 6 Sand, 2 Titanium, 330 Power Output: 1 Surge.
  • Alloy Smelter (Crucible) Input: 3 Copper, 4.75 Lead, 1.875 Coal, 3 Sand, 2 Titanium, 334.5 Power Output: 1 Surge.
  • Blast Mixer Input: 2 Lead, 1 Coal, 2 Sand, 12 Water, 90 Power Output: 1 Blast Compound.
  • Coal Centrifuge (Spore Press) Input: 27.8 Water, 167.1 Power Output: 1 Coal.
  • Spore Press Input: 46.3 Water, 208.5 Power Output: 10 Oil.

Per Second Base Components

This section is simply showing the breakdown of base components (Things that can be mined or pumped with the exception of oil) per second assuming you are just providing what’s required for the material.

  • Silicon Crucible Input: 2 Lead, 5 Coal, 8 Sand, 252 Power per Second Output: 8 Silicon.
  • Plastinium Compressor (Spore Press) Input: 2 Titanium, 69.45 Water per Second, 492.75 Power per Second Output: 1 Plastinium.
  • Alloy Smelter (Smelter) Input: 2.4 Copper, 3.2 Lead, 2.4 Coal, 4.8 Sand, 1.6 Titanium, 264 Power per Second Output: 0.8 Surge.
  • Alloy Smelter (Crucible) Input: 2.4 Copper, 3.8 Lead, 1.5 Coal, 2.4 Sand, 1.6 Titanium, 267.6 Power per Second Output: 0.8 Surge.
  • Blast Mixer Input: 1.5 Lead, 0.75 Coal, 1.5 Sand, 9 Water per Second, 67.5 Power per Second Output: 0.75 Blast Compound.
  • Coal Centrifuge (Spore Press) Input: 55.6 Water per Second, 334.2 Power per Second Output: 2 Coal.
  • Spore Press Input: 83.4 Water per Second, 375.3 Power per Second Output: 18 Oil.
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 7932 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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