A Lose Hero in the Castle of the Succubi – How to Enable Uncensor Patch R18+

Wondering where the spice is at? So was I. Here be the links to the patch.

Link and How to Install

Manual Patch

Install Guide

  1. Download zip.
  2. Unzip.
  3. Start Application.
  4. Say yes to things.
  5. Get to prompt asking for folder.
  6. Go to steam.
  7. Right click game.
  8. Manage.
  9. Browse Local Files.
  10. New window opens up.
  11. Copy address bar.
  12. Go back to installer.
  13. Paste address in prompt.
  14. Continue and say yes to things.
  15. Wait till says done.
  16. Boom done.
  17. Enjoy!

Why Not the Default Patch?

Some folk saying its broke cause it only installs on C: drives. Its looking for Steam in the default location on a boot drive. This is a problem because people may not have steam at a default location or their boot drive is not C: by default.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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