AdVenture Capitalist – Basic Guide (Angels, Events, Suits, Badges)

Guide to Basics

Angels: Claiming and Sacrificing

Angel Investors increase all of your profits by 2% each (This bonus can be increased with some upgrades). So 1 angel Investor will give you an overall profit increase of +2%, 2 angels = +4% overall profit and so on. There is a catch to Angel Investors. They accumulate in the Angels menu until you claim them, which resets all of your investments. They only give a benefit once you have reset the game, or used an Angel Claim, which allows you to claim all your available Angels without resetting. These can be obtained in the Shop for 20 Gold, as well as a few other ways.

Angels are the most important element to strategize for both claiming and sacrificing. It is suggested that you claim them when the amount you’ve gained is at least the amount you’ve started with after your last reset (before spending any), and if it’s your first claim, it’s suggested to wait until they accumulate to 100 or more.

Angel Upgrades

You can also buy upgrades with angels to further boost your profits, but spend them wisely, because you will lose the profit bonus from the angels you spend, and the upgrades & managers must be rebought after each reset. Unspent angels, on the other hand, persist and accumulate between resets, so any angels you claim by resetting will help you from then on, no matter how many additional times you reset.

Angel upgrades & managers that cost more than 1% of your current angels will give a confirmation prompt, and those that cost 15% or more give a more severe warning. In most cases, non-all profit upgrades should not be bought when they give the confirmation prompt. All profit angel upgrades should be bought when they cost no more than 20% of your angels for a x2 multiplier, 30% for x3, 40% for x4, 50% for x5 to x9, and 60% for x10 or higher.


Events are periodic updates that allow players to access a bonus “planet” with new unique businesses, managers, and upgrades.

They are usually only playable for about 2 – 4 days. Players who complete these events in the allotted time are rewarded with unique suits, badges, MegaBucks, Gold, and time warps.

Players can gain points through completing goals that can be seen by pressing the goals button on the right-hand side of the screen. They will consist of making / stockpiling / spending cash, owning / buying investments, and watching ads. Completing Goals will earn you points, which are needed to ascend the Leaderboard.

When you complete a Goal, a chime plays, letting you know that a Goal has been completed. Sometimes, Golden Goals appear. Only one Golden Goal can be on a set of goals. They appear with a chime. Golden Goals are much harder but reward at least 2,000 points. They only have 3 hours before they expire. If you fail to complete it before it expires, you will have to remove it, and you get no points.

For users who want to complete events, it’s recommended to allow AdCap to send you messages in reminder that there is still one available to try to complete while idling.

An ideal strategy for the goals that tell you to buy more investments, you can restart your business and claim angels and buy a certain amount of investments until you see an exclamation mark or hear the completed goal sound indicating that you finished that specific goal.

Now, for most users viewing this guide may ask themselves:

“I’ve not been playing for long and am just now able to access events. Is there any point in playing these so soon? Won’t the people with the best suits and badges always win?”

My response to this is, you should certainly still play. The first thing to remember is that the game is balanced to scale the goals which you are asked to complete to earn points, meaning that the goals a beginner is set are far easier to complete than those offered to an experienced player with better suits and badges. Developing an effective event strategy is more important than having the very best outfit or badge. You can score heavily regardless of the state of your inventory and what you choose to wear during the event. Tips on the best way to play events are variable, and it is recommended to voice what you think is ideal and what isn’t to others to gather a broad opinion on how to do your best.

Lastly, don’t feel intimidated by the leaderboard. Especially if you’re new, or haven’t completed an event before, you should only worry about the leaderboard once you’ve completed the event’s goal rewards. By the time you’ve completed the event you’ll be between 85,000 and 120,000 points (depending on the event), and you’ll already be in a high position on the leaderboard (at least Top 5).

A strong suggestion I have is to join late to events, as you’re more likely to be put with less competitive users. Although, always pace yourself, if you feel the event will take you more than a day to finish, then start earlier. There are 12 rewards you can win in each event, depending on the number of points needed, which also varies depending on each event. Most events require around 100,000 points for the top in-event reward, but it ranges from 85,000 – 120,000. These rewards can be claimed within the event once you’ve accumulated the required number of points. These are different from the rewards given at the end of the event, which is determined by your final position on the leaderboard. After you’ve claimed all rewards in the event, you can still keep playing to earn points for the leaderboard.

When you’ve been considered a part of the leaderboard is answered in the FAQ section.

Suits and Badges

Suits and Badges are special items which boost a part of the game when worn. Some of them can be purchased with MegaBucks, and some can be obtained from events. Only one piece in each slot can be worn at a time, located in the Career menu. All blue, gold, white, green, and teal suits can be purchased in the Shop (Steam only). Suits can also be obtained from vaults (mobile only).


Each suit consists of 3 pieces: hat, jacket, and pants. You can mix and match suit pieces, but can only have one of each piece type equipped at a time. When wearing all 3 pieces of the same suit, the stated bonus will be applied; for example, a ×3 bonus will add a 3 times boost to each item (this is an additive effect for most suits).

“How do I level a suit? / How do I gain more levels on a suit piece?”

Levelling a suit piece is just to earn more of it. If you have 1/30 of a piece and come 1st place on the leaderboard and gain 3 of the same piece, you’ll go to 4/30. An increase in the level will increase the bonus it gives.

Table of Suits

Suit NameInitial Suit BoostAdditional Level BoostFull Suit BonusBoostingRarityObtained From
Tip-Top Tuxedo25% Newspaper Deliveries Speed Boost/0.4% bonus per Angel/2.5% Donut Shops Speed Boost2.5%/0.4%/2.5%×1.2EarthEntrepreneurStarting Earth
Lunar Astrotux25% Payday Clones Speed Boost/0.4% bonus per Angel/2.5% Cheese Mines Speed Boost2.5%/0.4%/2.5%×1.2The MoonEntrepreneurUnlocking The Moon
Rover Romper Spacetux50% Profit Boost5%/1.5%/2.5%×1.2MarsEntrepreneurUnlocking Mars
Blushing Tuxedo1% bonus per Angel0.15%×1.5EarthExecutiveMultiple events (Tier 5+)
Red Dover Astrotux1% bonus per Angel0.12%×1.5The MoonExecutiveNo event?
Seeing Red Spacetux1% bonus per Angel0.1%×1.5MarsExecutiveMultiple events (Tier 5+)
Blue Suede Tuxedo×0.2 Profit Boost×0.025×1.5EarthExecutiveMultiple events (Tier 5+)
Dollar Bill-E Holiday Astrotux×0.2 Profit Boost×0.025×1.5The MoonExecutiveMultiple events (Tier 5+)
Blue View Spacetux×0.2 Profit Boost×0.025×1.5MarsExecutiveNot sure, I think it’s in one event
Sunraise Tuxedo×0.5 Profit Boost×0.085×2EarthMogulMultiple events (Tier 5+)
Clockwork Astrotux×0.5 Profit Boost×0.085×2The MoonMogulMultiple events (Tier 5+)
Proper Copper Spacetux×0.5 Profit Boost×0.085×2MarsMogul(no event)
Heliotropical Tuxedo×0.75 Profit Boost×0.1×2EarthMogulMultiple events (Tier 5+)
Lunar Lavendar Astrotux×0.75 Profit Boost×0.1×2The MoonMogulMultiple events (Tier 5+)
Peri-Twinkle Spacetux×0.75 Profit Boost×0.1×3MarsMogulMultiple events (Tier 5+)
Big Bux Tux2.5% bonus per Angel0.42%×2EarthMogulMultiple events (Tier 5+)
Terraform-Fitting Astrotux2% bonus per Angel0.4%×2The MoonMogulMultiple events (Tier 5+)
Everdent Horizon Spacetux2% bonus per Angel0.38%×2MarsMogulMultiple events (Tier 5+)
Ostentasteful Gold Tuxedo×0.5 Profit Boost×0.08510% Gold bonusEarthMogulShop with gold bundle; Capitalist Cakeday
Gouda Looking Astrotux×0.5 Profit Boost×0.08510% Gold bonusThe MoonMogul(no event)
The Bruno Spacetux×0.5 Profit Boost×0.08510% Gold bonusMarsMogul(no event)
Alabaster Master Tuxedo150% Speed Boost50%10% MegaBuck bonusEarthMagnateVaults
Pale Tails Astrotux150% Speed Boost50%10% MegaBuck bonusThe MoonMagnateVaults
Light & Ares Spacetux150% Speed Boost50%10% MegaBuck bonusMarsMagnateVaults
Steal of a Teal Tuxedo3.15% bonus per Angel4.65%×3EarthMagnateVaults
Sea of Tranquiliteal Astrotux6.2% bonus per Angel1.525%×3The MoonMagnateVaults
Wheelin’ & Tealin’ Spacetux6.15% bonus per Angel1.5%×3MarsMagnateVaults
Tucked-in & Tails Tuxedo×1.3 Profit Boost×0.3×3.5EarthMagnateSaturday Morning Fever!
(Tier 1-3)
Goodnight Moon Astrotux×1.3 Profit Boost×0.3×3.5The MoonMagnateSaturday Morning Fever!
(Tier 1-3)
Snuggle Buggle Spacetux×1.3 Profit Boost×0.3×3.5MarsMagnateSaturday Morning Fever!
(Tier 1-3)
Big-Top Tuxedo125% Speed Boost30%×3EarthMagnate1% Land
(Tier 1-3)
Center Crater Astrotux125% Speed Boost30%×3The MoonMagnate1% Land
(Tier 1-3)
Red Ring Spacetux125% Speed Boost30%×3MarsMagnate1% Land
(Tier 1-3)
Vam-buyer Attire2.5% bonus per Angel0.5%×2.5Any planet or eventMagnateGates of Heck
(Tier 1-3)
Plaid Tuxedo3% bonus per Angel0.75%×3EventsMagnateThanks-Gizmo
(Tier 1-3), event reward 12
Gimme A Quarterback Tuxedo60% Speed Boost15%×4EventsMagnateProfit-a-Bowl
(Tier 1-3)
Jingle Tuxedo×2 Profit Boost×1.5×2EventsTycoonMerry Merger
(Tier 1)
Jingle Bell Frock×1 Profit Boost×0.25×1.5Any planet or eventMagnateA Capitalist Carol
(Tier 1-3)
Knockout Gear×1.5 Profit Boost×0.85×1.5EventsMagnateLive Your Profits!
(Tier 1-3)
Happy Cakeday Outfit×3 Profit Boost×2×1.25Any planet or eventTycoonCapitalist Cakeday
(Tier 1)
Casha-Mia Suit80% Speed Boost40%×1.25Any planet or eventMagnateA Nightmare on Easy Street
(Tier 1-3)
The Dark Knit80% Speed Boost40%×1.25Any planet or eventMagnateThe Root of All Evil
(Tier 1-3)
Luck o’ the I-Wish Suit80% Speed Boost40%×1.25Any planet or eventMagnateMaking it Rain
(Tier 1-3)
Space Treksuit80% Speed Boost40%×1.25Any planet or eventMagnateLive Rich and Profit
(Tier 1-3)
Wonder-Wallet Outfit80% Speed Boost40%×1.25Any planet or eventMagnateCashalla
(Tier 1-3)
Resolution Delusion Suit200% Speed Boost200%×2Any planet or eventTycoonNew You Resolutions
(Tier 1)
Make It Reign Ensemble500% Profit Booster Surge Bonus500%×2EventsTycoonCashalot!; The Excellent AdVenture
(Tier 1)
Retro Duds×2 Ad Watch bonus×0.4×1.25EventsMagnateInsert Coins to Continue
(Tier 1-3)
Big Bargain Suit11% Discount?×1.5Any planet or eventMagnateBlack & Blue Friday
(Tier 1)
Be Mine Finery80% Speed Boost40%×1.25Any planet or eventMagnateFor the Love of Money
(Tier 1-3)

If you’re curious and/or unsure what to aim for as the best suits and badges, it’d depend on the style of boost you prefer. For profit boosters, the Capitalist Cakeday suit is the best suit, for speed it’s Resolution Delusion, etc.

It’s ideal to read through the table above and make an informed decision yourself, such as “Resolution Delusion is quite good but it’s very difficult to get… So maybe I could aim for a more common speed boosting suit like the Gimme A Quarterback Tuxedo and level that higher!”


Currently there are at least 98 obtainable badges, with 3 being mobile exclusive badges. Badges are obtained through hitting milestones in events and can also be gained through Item Vaults. You can only have 3 badges equipped at one time to make sure to strategise what ones you need!

Many badges are gained from a specific event and will boost the event it’s from, but there are also many badges that boost one or all businesses on Earth, The Moon and Mars, and also standalone badges you can gain from Vaults which may boost anything or any event, such as the “Sneak-Kings” that add a 75% boost to the profit caster in the Black & Blue Friday event.

The trophy badges gained from coming in certain tiers in events are not equippable but they look STUNNING in your inventory.

It’s common when people win giveaways for any badge of choice to select the Portrait of Wealth badge as it is otherwise impossible to get and is the only tycoon badge in the game. But, the badge does not stack and increase its boost past the original 50% speed boost, which is why it’s also common that people request the Hotdog Amuse Bouche, which is found in Vaults and the Capitalist Cakeday event.

Multipliers and Other Permanent Bonuses

It may seem confusing when you’ve watched an ad to multiply your profits, but they barely increased. This is due to the way multipliers (other than upgrades & unlocks) work. Any profit multipliers from badges, suits, the shop, ads, and the short bonus that can be activated in Mars and some events all stack additively with each other. For example, a x12 gold multiplier and a x4 ad bonus would add to make a total of x16, not multiply to make a total of x48. Speed bonuses from Suits and Capitalist Connections multiply with profit multipliers, but add with themselves, since they are a separate type of bonus.

Flux Capitalors multiply your profit speed by 2.21 if you have one, 3.42 if you have two, 4.63 if you have three, and so on. This bonus multiplies with profit and speed multipliers. Unlike speed multipliers (which reduce the cycle time for businesses), Flux Capitalors make the timer for businesses decrease at a faster rate than normal.


You’ve probably seen the word “Vaults” thrown all over this guide but may be wondering what they are.

Vaults are a mobile-exclusive item that can be purchased from the second tab in the shop. There are 4 different vaults, and 2 different types. There are Item Vaults and Connection Vaults. 

Connection Vaults give Capitalist Connections for whatever planet or event you’re currently in. E.g. If you’re purchasing one in the Shop while you’re on Mars, it’ll drop Mars connections (BUT you can select which one you want to get outside that planet or event by hitting the drop-down menu and selecting buy on the bottom in the collection menu).

Mini Item Vault – A Vault that can be purchased for 200 MegaBucks that drops time warps, free angel claims, and low rarity Suits & Badges (Entrepreneur, Executive and rarely Mogul). You would usually purchase these after you have bought every possible thing to buy with MegaBucks, since this will ultimately become their only purpose.

Big Item Vault – A Vault that can be purchased for 50 Gold that drops time warps, free angel claims, and high rarity Suits & Badges (Mogul, Magnate and rarely Tycoon).

Mini Connection Vault – A Vault that can be purchased for 10 Gold that drops 3 – 9 random Capitalist Connections.

Big Connection Vault – A Vault that can be purchased for 40 Gold that drops 15 – 50 random Capitalist Connections.

Capitalist Connections

Capitalist Connections are an extra part of the game that allow for permanent bonuses for Planets and Events. There are over 200 manager cards to collect, by spending Gold on or by claiming Connection Vaults in events. On Earth, for example, when you collect all of the blue connections (Earned by having at least 1 of that manager), you get a ×2 Ad Bonus. When you collect 3 of a manager, the card turns gold. When all of your managers on Earth are gold, you get a +500% Speed Boost for all your profits. Finally, when you collect 10 of a manager, the card turns platinum. When all of your managers on Earth are gold, you get a ×25 Profit Boost for all your profits.

If you exceed 10 of a manager, it gets converted into 5 MegaBucks. You also get rewards for your total connection progress for each planet / event: at 25% you get a Time Warp Express; 50% a 1-Day Time Warp; 75% an Angel Claim; and 100% 50 Gold. Capitalist Connections will not be removed from you after an event ends, and you can purchase them outside an event from the Shop if you wish. Spending gold on Connections is inefficient, as buying multipliers & Flux Capitalors from the shop is much more beneficial. However, long-term completionists may seek to obtain all of the connections.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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