Counter to Kri Rush
For those looking to counter CvC Kri Rush, you can counter it with Scythe. Done it multiple times, turtle up and sim city 2 base into Nexus then 2-3 main frame while you create 1 argent at a time to defend at base. Micro to pick off reinforcement and deny expos.
Once the main army retreats back to base, you can expand to 3rd. Trick is to make a fabricator at the start and on some maps you place it in the middle of 2 gas nodes. Saving you resources. Semi-long distance mining Therium is fine if you are floating/pressured.
- Build fabricator. Ideal inbetween two Therium nodes. First prism goes to luminte. Also, some fabricators should be built on the high ground so they don’t get sniped. Scan a spawn place, ideally cross spawn first then your second scan could be natural. If its not a 4 player map, save first scan for natural timing.
- Move arc to natural and place near ramp.
- Build 2 Prisms then morph core into Luminte. All prisms go to luminte.
- Make another 2 Prisms into Power Bank and Bastion. You want to be on 20 energy without building a single power bank, then pump Prisms.
- When bastion is started, pull 2 Prisms to Therium.
- Keep pumping Prisms until 3 on Luminte and 2 on Therium for both bases.
- Go tech 2 into guardian nexus then 3 mainframes. Place your guardian nexus near your front wall but a bit back. Build a force projector as well near your wall.
- Pump Scythes, this should be roughly around the 5 min mark and remember to upgrade and argents (1 bastion and 3 mainframes). If he is trying to use his arc to push your wall, make a saber and poke his arc to death. To leave your base just lift up your arc like a good Terran. You can also sneak a earlier 3rd collection array if you know he is Kri spamming but when you have scythes out, just lift it off if he finds it.
- Raid his butt and out expand him. gg, You can then transition in your own Kri to finish him off.

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