Stormgate – Counter to Kri Rush Guide

Counter to Kri Rush

For those looking to counter CvC Kri Rush, you can counter it with Scythe. Done it multiple times, turtle up and sim city 2 base into Nexus then 2-3 main frame while you create 1 argent at a time to defend at base. Micro to pick off reinforcement and deny expos.

Once the main army retreats back to base, you can expand to 3rd. Trick is to make a fabricator at the start and on some maps you place it in the middle of 2 gas nodes. Saving you resources. Semi-long distance mining Therium is fine if you are floating/pressured.

  1. Build fabricator. Ideal inbetween two Therium nodes. First prism goes to luminte. Also, some fabricators should be built on the high ground so they don’t get sniped. Scan a spawn place, ideally cross spawn first then your second scan could be natural. If its not a 4 player map, save first scan for natural timing.
  2. Move arc to natural and place near ramp.
  3. Build 2 Prisms then morph core into Luminte. All prisms go to luminte.
  4. Make another 2 Prisms into Power Bank and Bastion. You want to be on 20 energy without building a single power bank, then pump Prisms.
  5. When bastion is started, pull 2 Prisms to Therium.
  6. Keep pumping Prisms until 3 on Luminte and 2 on Therium for both bases.
  7. Go tech 2 into guardian nexus then 3 mainframes. Place your guardian nexus near your front wall but a bit back. Build a force projector as well near your wall.
  8. Pump Scythes, this should be roughly around the 5 min mark and remember to upgrade and argents (1 bastion and 3 mainframes). If he is trying to use his arc to push your wall, make a saber and poke his arc to death. To leave your base just lift up your arc like a good Terran. You can also sneak a earlier 3rd collection array if you know he is Kri spamming but when you have scythes out, just lift it off if he finds it.
  9. Raid his butt and out expand him. gg, You can then transition in your own Kri to finish him off.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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