Agatha Christie – Murder on the Orient Express – 100% Achievements Guide


  • Number of achievements: 27
  • Number of missable achievements: 12-13 (Pretty much all not granted for completing chapters, I’m unsure about “Just like a police lineup” awarded for completing the Characters menu)
  • Minimum Playthroughs: 1
  • Free-Roam After Story: No, chapter select available
  • Does difficulty affect achievements?: No

Most of the missed achievements can be earned using Chapter Select menu. The only two exceptions are “My little grey cells did not let me down!” (Don’t use hints) and “A human lie detector!” (Don’t make mistakes during confrontations) which require a whole new playthrough.

Certain achievements span across multiple chapters and as such are mentioned in every relevant chapter.

Achievements are presented in a chronological order where possible, however discrepancies are possible due to relative flexibility of the game. My approach in each chapter was always the same: check the area for collectibles, usually in a clockwise matter, check interactive items, talk to characters, solve the the mind map.

I tried to provide accurate description of the locations of each golden moustache, however I’ve also prepared a separate guide with screenshots just in case.

Prologue – Tokatlian Hotel

Catch’em all!
Collect all the golden moustaches.

  • 1/40 – Starting location, between the railings to the right side of the stairs near the hotel entrance.
  • 2/40 – On a small table next to the door to room 401 on the 4th floor of the hotel.
  • 3/40 – In the sink in the toilet in room 411.
  • 4/40 – In the bottom right drawer of the desk in room 411.

A human lie detector!
In a new game, do all the confrontations without ever making a mistake.

Captain Arbuthnot:

  • Lie: Spent night alone
  • Truth: Earring

A mystery? No! A trifle for Poirot!
Finish chapter 0.

Complete the chapter.

Chapter 1 – Departure

Catch’em all!
Collect all the golden moustaches.

  • 5/40 – On a bench at the far end of the station.
  • 6/40 – On the floor around the corner near compartment 101.
  • 7/40 – In WC behind the kitchen.

A human lie detector!
In a new game, do all the confrontations without ever making a mistake.

Freja Nielsen:

  • Lie: Strawberry
  • Truth: Raspberry

Freja Nielsen (again):

  • Lie: Chocolate
  • Truth: Crushed biscuit

Dessert Connoisseur!
Find the right ingredients by looking at Freja’s dessert.

When describing the dessert select these answers:

  • Ice cream: Lemon
  • Red fruit: Raspberry
  • Base: Crushed biscuit

I do not like your face, Mr Ratchett
Finish chapter 1.

Complete the chapter.

Chapter 2 – Trapped

Catch’em all!
Collect all the golden moustaches.

  • 8/40 – In the sink in the kitchen.
  • 9/40 – On the nightstand in compartment 204.
  • 10/40 – Under the pillow of the bottom bed in compartment 102 (You need to get very close to be able to pick it up).

A human lie detector!
In a new game, do all the confrontations without ever making a mistake.

Caroline Hubbard

  • Lie: I couldn’t see the latch from where I was.
  • Truth: X

Edward Masterman:

  • Lie: He specifically asked me to prepare sleeping pills
  • Truth: Gun

Find the code to Joanna’s briefcase without asking Bouc to keep quiet.

  • The code is 86249.

To find the code you need to listen to a different sound as you rotate dials. After you find two correct digits Bouc start to talk constantly making it impossible to find the other three digits. In order to work around it after you find the correct digit on one dial remember it, rotate the dial back to 0, and move to the next dial. This way Bouc will never interrupt you.

It was not in the book
Finish chapter 2.

Complete the chapter.

Chapter 3 – Daisy Armstrong

Catch’em all!
Collect all the golden moustaches.

  • 11/40 – On a shelf on the right wall as you enter the house.
  • 12/40 – In the toy castle in Daisy’s room (pink door).
  • 13/40 – Between two trees with joined trunks behind the cabin.
  • 14/40 – On the floor under the plush toy In the small room in the cabin.

A human lie detector!
In a new game, do all the confrontations without ever making a mistake.

Susanne Moreau:

  • I had to make a quick phone call, no more than five minutes. But when I came back Daisy was gone.
  • The phone record

Susanne Moreau (again):

  • I call her every night to check on her!
  • Coma

Susanne Moreau (again)

  • He never did anything to make me suspicious!
  • Valentine’s Day

A simple mistake leads to grave consequences
Finish chapter 3.

Complete the chapter.

Chapter 4 – The Murder Weapon

Catch’em all!
Collect all the golden moustaches.

  • 15/40 – On a shelf in the storage room behind bar.
  • 16/40 – On a chair in the restaurant car.
  • 17/40 – In a crate in the storage car.

A human lie detector!
In a new game, do all the confrontations without ever making a mistake.

Freja Nielsen

  • Lie: We then read quietly in our beds.
  • Truth: Mr Mori’s headache

Greta Ohlsson

  • Lie: If Ms Debeham woke up I would have heard her.
  • Truth: Ms Debenham woke up at 5 am.

The power of observation
Finish chapter 4.

Complete the chapter.

Chapter 5 – The Kidnapping Investigation

Catch’em all!
Collect all the golden moustaches.

  • 18/40 – In a bush near the car.
  • 19/40 – In the wood shed next to the cabin.
  • 20/40 – In the cabin, in a box next to the sofa.
  • 21/40 – On the floor in the corner in the bunker.
  • 22/40 – At the police station behind the water cooler

A human lie detector!
In a new game, do all the confrontations without ever making a mistake.

Michael Clark – The pickup

  • Lie: I headed for the crime scene in my trusty pickup like I’ve done for years.
  • Truth: Vehicle title

Michael Clark – Driving license > Camera

  • Lie: I changed gears when Daisy was kidnapped and started investigating the Armstrongs.
  • Truth: Camera

A true detective
Finish chapter 5.

Complete the chapter.

Chapter 6 – Connections

Catch’em all!
Collect all the golden moustaches.

  • 23/40 – In Poirot’s cabin, next to the suitcase.
  • 24/40 – In the cupboard in the Bar/Lounge car.

A human lie detector!
In a new game, do all the confrontations without ever making a mistake.

Mary Debenham

  • Lie: I met him on the Istanbul station platform.
  • Truth: Earring at the hotel

Elena Andrenyi

  • Lie: I couldn’t sleep because of train shaking between 12:00 and 2 am.
  • Truth: Train stopped

I know kung fu
Dodge Arbuthnot’s punch.

At some point during questioning of Mary Debenham Arbuthnot will approach you and try to punch you. Select option “Bend down”.

He is the doctor you’re looking for
Convince Count Andrenyi at the first attempt.

When talking to Count Andrenyi the second time select these options:

  • Ask for help
  • You love your wife
  • Offer Dr Constantine’s help
  • You should go get him

It’s all coming together
Finish chapter 6.

Complete the chapter.

Chapter 7 – The Plot

Catch’em all!
Collect all the golden moustaches.

  • 25/40 – In the cat cave on the floor

You’re probably wondering how I got here…
Finish chapter 7.

Complete the chapter.

Chapter 8 – Resolution

Catch’em all!
Collect all the golden moustaches.

  • 26/40 – On a shelf in the bar, behind Jean Faucher.
  • 27/40 – On a fruit shelf in the kitchen
  • 28/40 – In the sink in compartment 302 (after talking to Pierre)

The world’s greatest detective
Confront the twelve jurors without making mistakes.

Don’t make any incorrect choices during the final confrontation with the passengers. This is a long scene with no ability to save.

  • Q: What was the motive for the crime?
  • A: Revenge
  • Q: When was the crime planned?
  • A: Several months before departure from Istanbul
  • Q: Who is Daisy’s murderer?
  • A: Ratchett
  • Q: What do the 12 stabs symbolize?
  • A: A jury in the United States

Select the below options:

  • The red kimono
  • The broken watch
  • The vaping liquid
  • The conductor’s jacket
  • Q: Did Joanna Locke stab Rattchet?
  • A: No
  • Proof: She was drugged
  • Q: What did Mr MacQueen mean?
  • A: I thought we had eliminated all clues.
  • Q: Did Mr MacQueen stab Rattchet?
  • A: Yes
  • Proof: His Father
  • Q: Did Mr Masterman stab Rattchet?
  • A: Yes
  • Proof: Sleeping pills Ratchett
  • Q: Did Mr Bouc stab Rattchet?
  • A: No
  • Proof: Found me a room on the train
  • Q: Did Mr Michel stab Rattchet?
  • A: Yes
  • Proof: Drugged Ms Locke
  • Q: Did Mr Hardman stab Rattchet?
  • A: Yes
  • Proof: Mr Michel’s testimony
  • Q: Did Ms Schmidt stab Rattchet?
  • A: Yes
  • Proof: Drugged Ms Locke
  • Q: Did Countess Andrenyi stab Rattchet?
  • A: No
  • Proof: Morally incapable of stabbing
  • Q: Did Count Andrenyi stab Rattchet?
  • A: Yes
  • Proof: He replaced Mrs Andrenyi
  • Q: Did Mr Foscarelli stab Rattchet?
  • A: Yes
  • Proof: Ms Locke’s investigation
  • Q: Did Ms Ohlsson stab Rattchet?
  • A: Yes
  • Proof: Mrs Hubbard’s Latch
  • Q: What was Ms Ohlsson’s occupation?
  • A: She was the nurse of Daisy
  • Q: Did Dr Constantine stab Rattchet?
  • A: No
  • Proof: Bouc’s testimony
  • Q: What links Captain Arbuthnot to John Armstrong?
  • A: Soldiers
  • Q: What links Ms Debenham to the Armstrong family?
  • A: Teacher
  • Q: Ms Debenham was whose teacher?
  • A: Helen Andrenyi
  • Q: Did Captain Arbuthnot stab Rattchet?
  • A: Yes
  • Proof: Mr MacQueen’s testimony
  • Q: Did Ms Debenham stab Rattchet?
  • A: Yes
  • Proof: Ms Ohlsson’s testimony
  • Q: Did Princess Dragomiroff stab Rattchet?
  • A: Yes
  • Proof: She is left-handed
  • Q: What is Mrs Hubbard’s real name?
  • A: Linda Arden
  • Q: What links Mrs Hubbard to the Armstrong family?
  • A: Sonia’s mother
  • Q: Did Mrs Hubbard stab Rattchet?
  • A: Yes
  • Proof: Toilet bag hiding the latch

Finish chapter 8.

Complete the chapter.

Chapter 9 – City of Love

Catch’em all!
Collect all the golden moustaches.

This chapter is a bit chaotic since the location is quite open with many streets and alleys. The only navigation points are Tourist Information posts showing your current location.

  • 29/40 – Held by a rabbit at the fountain (letter O on the map)
  • 30/40 – Near the Pranzo Veloce store (south of the M letter on the map)
  • 31/40 – Strada Pesaro, on a gondola opposite the “Al Volto Mascherato” store (letter F on the map)
  • 32/40 – Available after switching back to Poirot. It’s in a post box next to the second bridge (letter N on the map)

The only useful pigeon is a stool pigeon
Make the pigeons fly away in Venice.

Once you’re in Venice run into a group of pigeons. They can be found in quite a few locations, the easiest is one of the far corners near the water in the very first area.

I am speed
Finish the chase without losing sight of the killer.

This is right after entering the code (28469) at the gorgon gate. The description is a bit misleading since you’ll be losing the sight of the killer many times around tight corners.

It’s a fairly easy chase, simply run after the killer and click every active point that appears in front of you so Joanna smoothly goes over the obstacle. There is one moment where your path gets blocked by people, simply run around them and continue the chase.

Finish chapter 9.

Complete the chapter.

Chapter 10 – The Thirteenth Wound

Catch’em all!
Collect all the golden moustaches.

  • 33/40 – In the sink in compartment 205.
  • 34/40 – On the blue case in the Storage car.

A human lie detector!
In a new game, do all the confrontations without ever making a mistake.

Freja Nielsen – The Venice alibi:

  • Lie: I brought in all the food crates with Hotaru.
  • Truth: Testimony of Mr Michel

Hotaru – The knife box:

  • Lie: I bought them all in Japan.
  • Truth: “Coltelleria Venezia”

Final questions
Finish chapter 10.

Complete the chapter.

Chapter 11 – Banque du Lac

Catch’em all!
Collect all the golden moustaches.

  • 35/40 – On the side of the statue in the main hall of the bank.
  • 36/40 – On a chair in Mr Wadi’s office.
  • 37/40 – Next to the sink in the bathroom in Mr Wadi’s apartment.

A human lie detector!
In a new game, do all the confrontations without ever making a mistake.

Mr Wadi’s “neighbour”:

  • Lie: I don’t know him very well.
  • Truth: Office photo frame

Just like a police lineup
Complete the Characters menu.

It should pop after talking to Medhi Wadi in Aziz Wadi’s apartment.

Master Chess
Solve the chess workshop.

Mate in three moves:

  • Rook C6
  • King C8
  • Knight C7

Time to rob a bank!
Finish chapter 11.

Complete the chapter.

Chapter 12 – Revelations

Catch’em all!
Collect all the golden moustaches.

  • 38/40 – On the floor during selecting of the murderer (the only interactive part of the chapter)

The world’s greatest detectives
Confront the real killer without making mistakes.

The whole chapter is the final confrontation, don’t make any mistakes.

  • Q: Which witness threw doubt upon the timeline of the night of the murder?
  • A: Pierre Michel
  • Q: Is Daisy’s death the motive of the thirteenth murderer?
  • A: No
  • Q: Apart from the ransom, what did the safety deposit box contain?
  • A: Victims’ trophies

Associate two objects whose link would be the motive for Ratchett’s murder.

  • Photo of Ratchett and Noah
  • Leather bracelet (same as in the photo)
  • Q: Who is the murderer?
  • A: Freja > bracelet
  • Q: Decode Noah’s bracelet
  • A: FREJA

A leap of faith to be sure!
Finish chapter 12.

Complete the chapter.

Chapter 13 – Gare de Lyon

Catch’em all!
Collect all the golden moustaches.

  • 39/40 – On a seat opposite the WC in the first class car
  • 40/40 – On a suitcase at the station

My little grey cells did not let me down!
Complete a new game without using a single hint.

It will pop at the end of the chapter providing no hints were used during the game.

A human lie detector!
In a new game, do all the confrontations without ever making a mistake.

It will pop at the end of the chapter providing no mistakes were made during confrontations.

End of the line, everyone disembark
Finish chapter 13.

Complete the chapter.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3758 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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