Age of Magic – Beginners Guide to Raids

Complete Guide to Raids

By Eddy.

What is Raid?

  • Lvl 28 Required.

Raids can only begin while in a clan and notification will be in the clan chat when it starts. You can only join a raid that after you joined a clan, raids are not possible without a clan. Try consulting a guide on which clan is right for you before following the raids.

Raids consist of nodes on a map containing high-level of enemies and its clan-based mode. Completing the nodes will reward with exp points, raid points, silver and tokens. Of course you can also fail a node, but do not worry, follow the guide and you will see what to do.

Got the clan? Congratulations!

How to Open Raids

To open these raids, clan members need to obtain portal stones by spending blue and purple energy for a total of 600 stones per day each (1 for every 1 unit of energy spent) or also follow the clan quest.

Attacks in the raid will need energy, similar to what we use for the campaign with the difference that its maximum will be 50 out of 50 but can be purchased with gold if you don’t want to wait 14 minutes and 30 seconds for each unit. I tell you something, you can also watch an ads for 30 seconds 3 times per day to earn free energy! 3 times for a total of 9 (3 units of energy for each ads).

The raids, in addition to offering nice prizes by completing their 60% for the first time (for more information click (i) on the selected raid) we will also have the possibility of completing the intermediate objectives of the raid, total points of the clan which will lead to essential resources for the completion of the heroes. That’s also how you join a raid or if you can start one:

Once enough portal points have been obtained, raids can only be started by the leader, officers veterans (whoever starts the raid is automatically placed in team 1 and the rest of the clan needs to choose the team).

Raids can vary in difficulty between 1 to 5 maps (the latter also has various difficulties with positive effects on enemies) and finally the nightmare difficulty for clans at maximum of their power and coordination. However, various targets of 30%, 60% and 100% must be reached. Obtainable based on effectiveness from the clan.

How to Heal Your Heroes and What Happens if You Fail a Node

Be careful that your heroes can get injured or fall in battle, but you can heal them using the rescue kits that can be accumulated by doing the Tomb of Horrors/ Live by the Sword (Challenges) or the Gift Chest (you can find it in the market) but the gift will be given randomly.

  • 25 Kits to heal
  • 50 to 100 Kits to revive a hero, it depends how many times the hero was defeated.

Live by the Sword:

Tomb of Horrors:

Please follow a guide how to proceed with Tomb of Horrors if you don’t know what it is and hot it works. Do not panic! You can use gold once you run out of healing kits. Always keep an eye on them.

As mentioned you can also fail a Raid node and each enemy that is damaged will remain as it was before losing the match and your fallen heroes can be revived with the healing kits.

Basic raid is called Portal of the Unknown:

Before the Portal to the Unknown there is the…

Threshold of the Portal to the Uknown

Highly recommended for those who have just created a clan or who have just joined one of them. The required level is 28 (minimum) – 45 (maximum) in order to have sufficient results.You will need 3600 portal stones. A team of 16 people divided into two teams. To ensure the best points and highest percentage for completing the raid, continue towards your line node by node.

That’s how a raid and nodes look like, they will get bigger and harder based on the difficulty:

Follow by the Portal below we will find next to the…

Portal to the Unknown

Portal to the Unknown I: For players who have recently got experience with the previous raid. You must be a minimum of level 45 to 55. To open this portal you must have 6000 portal stones. But from now on you will need a team of 30 people divided in 3 teams.

Portal to the Unknown II: For players who have enjoyed the first battles and want to venture into something a little more difficult. Minimum level 55 to 65. For this portal you need. These first two raids are recommended for clans that are still trying to form and you need to have 9000 portal stones.

Portal to the Unknown III: More moderate than previous levels and you need to have a more complete clan if you want to aim for 100%. Level between 55 and 65 and requires 12000 portal stones.

Portal to the Unknown IV: This raid starts to make you enjoy the difficulty of the raids you will encounter once you overcome this one. Quite difficult but not very, quite tactical depending on the heroes chosen. To start the raid you will need 14400 portal stones.

Portal to the Unknown V: Not the hardest but enough. It is divided into various difficulties which include the normal one to climb. All that will happen is give a boost to enemies, which:

  • More health
  • More attack
  • Stronger bosses
  • More resistance to magic
  • More speed

Also pay attention that almost every battle will also have something positive for the enemies in addition to the difficulty boost itself. You have to choose the right path. This type of raid will ask about 16800 portal stones and you will need a minimum level 85 to go up because as mentioned above you will have the possibility to increase the level.

Nightmare Portal Raid

This raid is exactly what the name says, a nightmare. You need to have heroes with equipment above 13, level 100 and maybe maximum arcana and your heroes must have 7 stars, not less (Ronald and Sharazar are still not available for this raid).

Each node has different enemies for different heroes, you need to study it well before going on the attack. You need 16800 portal stones and 30 members divided in 2 teams (15-15) and also specific heroes (like the Gates to the Unknown).

How to Unlock Raid V Difficulties?

To unlock the difficulties you must have reached at least 60% in previous raids and keep follow the guide because more prizes are coming reaching the 60% of each raids.

Raid Chests

Do not forget to open your raid chests! You can find those in the market.

Why do we have other raid chests and how to open them? Here they are the Special Raids!

Special Raids Gates to the Unknown

These raids are special because they occur as an event for the clan for a total of 3:

  • Celestial Gates / Fire Gates / Gates of Doom

These event raids last two weeks followed by a break of one week for the next event raid which we can call “rotation” and each raid has the duration of 24 hours, just like normal energy can be purchased with gold or wait for automatic replenishment but we should be careful not to wait too long because the maximum energy is 50/50 and it does not recharge further until used in raid and if you run out you can also watching ads instead of waiting for recharge it.

These event raids are called this because they offer stones for special chests where you will find special fragments for more difficult to obtain heroes.

These raids deliver various seals that vary based on the difficulty chosen to open the chests mentioned above. The aim of the raid is to complete his percentage. You will get rewards from 30% up, from 60% up and for a complete completion of 100%.

Attention: Before choosing the node, pay attention to which heroes you need. You can face these raids only with certain heroes that the raid requires.

Special Raid lvl I:

Precisely for beginners and 16 participants can participate for a total of 2 teams. Requires 6000 Raid Event Stones to open the raid.

To complete 100% of the raid you must ensure that all “nodes” or “lines” are completed. This low level raid is useful to understand what we can expect from the entire clan.

Special Raid lvl II:

Here we begin to face this difficulty when we obtain good results in difficulty 1 but with the difference that we will have 3 teams each made up of 10 participants. It goes without saying that the rewards will be greater. And the cost is around 13,000 Raid Event Stones. It will be a more difficult task to complete it 100% but don’t worry, as long as we reach 30% or 60%, we will take home some loot.

Special Raid lvl III:

For more prepared clans, you don’t need to have a completely prepared clan but enough to be able to achieve some rewards. Here we will need 16,000 Raid Event Stones to start the raid. Same amount of players and teams.

Special Raid lvl IV:

This difficulty is very particular because it can in turn increase in difficulty like the Portal To The Unknown V from the normal one to a maximum of 3. We will see our enemies with the same levels and equipment but with a difference!

The enemis also here will have effects that unfortunately we cannot cancel during the raid which include:

  • More health
  • More attack
  • Stronger bosses
  • More resistance to magic
  • More speed

Something positive? More raid points for our intermediate objective (explained in the normal raid).

How to Get The First Time Reward (60% or Above)

Once you complete a difficulty level of 60% or above, you will be rewarded with a big reward. For more information click the info button (i) on the event or difficulty itself to find out more. Keep in mind, this reward will be given just the first time you complete the 60%.

That’s a list of what you can get:

Raid Maps

Celestial Gates I

Click to enlarge…

Celestial Gates II

Celestial Gates III

Celestial Gates IV

Fire Gates I

Fire Gates II

Fire Gates III

Fire Gates IV

Gates of Doom I

Gates of Doom II

Gates of Doom III

Gates of Doom IV

Portal to Nightmare I

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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