Aliens: Dark Descent – All Datapad & Xenotech Locations (Collectibles Guide)

All data pads & Xenotech location.

Mission 01: Dead Hills

  • 19 Datapads
  • 2 Xenotech

First Floor = 18 datapads

Second Floor = 1 datapad, 1 xenotech

Second Xenotech is obtained when looted Xenomorph Queen as part of the quest.

Mission 02: Berkley’s Docks

  • 11 Datapads
  • 1 Xenotech

Berkley’s Docks – 1st Floor = 8 datapads

Berkley’s Docks – 2nd Floor = 3 datapads

One Xenotech obtained by looting the Xenomorph Queen.

Mission 03: Harper’s Hell (Refinery)

  • 12 Datapads
  • 0 Xenotech

Warning! The elevator to the basement in Refinery level can’t be recalled to the starting floor after your rescue by the drop ship so if you miss any data pads on that level you can’t go back.

Refinery – 1st Floor = 6 datapads

Refinery – Basement = 6 datapads

Mission 04: Otago’s Last Stand (Lethe’s Wastelands)

  • 1 Datapad
  • 0 Xenotech

Warning! I don’t think so you can replay this mission so highly recommended to not forget to pick it up! Especially if you want to collect all data pads in one playthrough

Mission 05: Nuclear Protocol (Pioneer Station)

  • 17 Datapads
  • 1 Xenotech

To acquire all datapads you have to complete secondary objective “Customs Seizure” secondary objective in this mission. This Datapad is not show on the maps below as it part of the quest.

Pioneer Station – Docking Bay = 6 datapads

Pioneer Station – Headquarters = 6 datapads

Pioneer Station – Command Level = 4 datapads

One Xenotech obtained by looting the Xenomorph Queen.

Mission 06: Atmoshperic Nightmare

  • 22 Datapads
  • 2 Xenotech

1st Floor = 17 datapads, 1 xenotech

Basement = 5 datapads

Second Xenotech obtained by looting the Xenomorph Queen.

Mission 07: The Montero

  • 10 Datapads
  • 1 Xenotech

The Montero – Deck B

Mission 08: Extraction (Tantalus Research Station)

  • 5 Datapads
  • 2 Xenotech

Tantalus Research Station – 1st Floor = 1 datapad

Tantalus Research Station – Basement -1 = 4 datapads, 2 Xenotech

Small spoiler ahead about collecting datapad 4 and 5.

To collect datapads 4 and 5 you have to proceed with main quest to the moment when base is set to selfdestruct.

Mission 09: Facing the Beast

  • 0 Datapad
  • 0 Xenotech

Mission 10: Pryce of Deception (Pharos Spire)

  • 14 Datapads
  • 1 Xenotech

Pharos Spire – 1st Floor = 7 datapads, 1 Xenotech

Pharos Spire – Office = 2 datapads

In this are of the mission there’s side quest that ask you to look for 3 terminals, those terminals are pointed on the map as part of the quest and counted as datapads.

Pharos Spire – Security = 2 datapads

Mission 11: Olduvai Dig Site

  • 8 Datapads
  • 0 Xenotech

Olduvai Dig Site – Basement 1 = 4 datapads

Olduvai Dig Site – Basement 2 = 2 datapads

Olduvai Dig Site – Main mine = 2 datapads

Mission 12: Redemption (Xeno City) – The End!

  • 4 Datapads
  • 0 Xenotech
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3753 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.


  1. In 8. Tantalus Research Station can i go back to get the xeno tech from the queen after the self destruct sequence if i missed it

  2. Unfortunately some seems indeed to be bugged. Best way to probably wait for some patches. Pharos Spire datapad “11” didn’t work for me at all. It never registered as picked up.

  3. You have the number of datapads on Pharos Spire correct, but I think the game may be bugged. I had to retrieve a datapad at the east balcony on the security level before it actually registered at 100%.

  4. Nice maps. Shame I have the lot and several are bugged and not showing picked up, or showing as picked up but not 100% completion in-game or trophy. This might come in handy in a future play through once its patched.

  5. Great guide, worth noting the Elevator to the basement in Refinery level can’t be recalled to the starting floor after your rescue by the drop ship so if you miss any data pads on that level you can’t go back and get them annoyingly.

  6. good work in progress, will refer to in next play through. / though i usually make an conscious thought / to remind myself to flash the torch over rooms in in corners, i’ve missed a few.
    Not sure if there’s a bug with using the sector map table then picking up data pads as hitting J always just brings the sector map back up.

  7. This guide is missing a datapad – Mission 9 Pharos Spire SECURITY LEVEL

    There’s a datapad at the very far east of the map on the balcony next to a dead soldier


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