Here you can find how to open commans console and full list of cheat codes.
Console Commands Guide
How to Start
- Open a command box with the tilde (~) key.
- Then quickly type nm and enter.
- Then enter one of the console commands from list below.
Console Commands List
- flycameraon: Activate the flying camera.
- fon: Activate the flying camera.
- motherlode: Add 100000 Cash.
- clearach: Clear All Achievements.
- dupa: Disable Steams Controller and Clear Achievements.
- resetcars: Fix all Player Vehicles.
- sneakyboy: Equip the Player with stealth items.
- clearhints: Clear all hints.
- flycameraoff: Deactivate the flying camera.
- foff: Deactivate the flying camera.
- next: Set the current quest as ‘Done’.
- stars1: Call the police on the Player position.
- segs: Open the Game Ending summary.
- stars0: Call Off Police.
- backpack: Equip Backpack.
- ghost: Invisible
- thieftools: Give Player All Thieft Tools.
- stopheist: Stop Current Heist.
- electro: Add Electrician Disguise.
- solazy: Set Quest as ‘Done’.
- notlazy: Set Quest as ‘NotTaken’.
- gravity: Allow Gravity.
- trailer: Hide HUD, LOD Bias to 3 and Shadow Distance to 200.
- guioff: Hide HUD.
- addheat: Add 10% to heat.
- addheatfull: Add full heat.
- guion: Unhide HUD.
- goultra: Set LOD Bias to 3 and Shadow Distance to 200.
- time1770: Set game time to 1770.
- raintime: Set game time to 4000.
- freeexp: Add 100 Experience.
- freecash: Add 1000 Cash.
- time0: Set game time to 0.
- heisttime: Set timeline to 22.
- noontime: Set timeline to 13.
- morningtime: Set timeline to 9.
- eveningtime: Set timeline to 17.
- nighttime: Set timeline to 23.
- suitup
- human
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