ANIMAL WELL – 32 Eggs Route Guide

How to Collect 32 Eggs

By Alit Tar.

Note: We can probably just get evil egg earlier and then do a down bubble clutch to get the egg down the well when we drop for kangaroos.

  • Super bounce to skip firecracker sect.
  • Go around, gorgeous egg, super bounce again (1/32).

To water filling room:

  • Normal Egg (2/32).
  • Up through whale room.
  • Seahorse room.
  • Bubble wand.
  • Progress through rooms, going up.
  • Ancient Egg (3/32).
  • Down and right to fish tunnel.
  • Dazzle Egg (4/32).
  • Mystic Egg (5/32).
  • Lilypad jumps Egg (6/32).
  • Virtual Egg (7/32).
  • Holiday Egg (8/32).


Up Left - Up - Down Right - Down - Down Left - Down - Left - Down, Get Slink
  • Go right, get egg on ledge above locked door (9/32).
  • Play song again, do chameleon.
  • Play well song, get egg right side, then bubble clutch grab egg, drop left side (11/32).
  • Get M Disc, do M Disc shrine discless, get firecracker egg left tall room (12/32) .
  • Don’t forget to grab wolf tp, and turtle egg (13/32) bubble back up.

Blow up wall, get real disc.

  • Take fish teleport.
  • Solve graph (14/32).
  • Get two eggs on way to lizard warp (16/32).
  • Get lizard warp.
  • Get yoyo.
  • Dog warp.
  • Disc across swordfish, egg, monkey egg, puzzle egg (19/32).
  • Warp back to dog.
  • Up path, two eggs (21/32).


  • Get egg (22/32).
  • Lizard warp.
  • Blow up kangaroo (⅓).
  • Drop down, do yoyo clip.
  • Get egg under yellow mouse blocks left (23/32).
* UL UL DL DL D up cat
* R UR U UL D up cat
* DR L UR DR R up cat

Ostrich skip:

* DR U DR DR L down cat
* L D DL DR U down cat
  • Green Flame.

Go left to kangaroo spot, then back right to duck spot. Hope you’re 3/3 now lol. If reversed then double back. If still not 3/3, do kangaroo loop when you go to S (check above, then warp dog after remote, then back down well for two spots, should guarantee 3/3).

  • Go up to vanilla slink path but then over to egg (24/32).
  • Go up through floor, firecracker, up into top egg (25/32).
  • Fall, get S medal.
  • Squirrel warp, clover egg, to s medal, get remote, get snake game egg (27/32).
  • Warp to dog, go get kangaroo and both eggs (29/32).
  • Warp to fish, get egg behind above bubble (30/32).
  • Get egg below gate (31/32).
  • Get egg in penguin path (32/32).
  • Seahorse Flame.
  • Get drill.
  • Warp factory.
  • Up to lynx, get wheel.
  • Endgame!
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 7932 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.


  1. Actual tip most people don’t know: you can throw a downward bubble by holding down before using the wand while falling.

  2. Now this is very limited use, but you can gain height in thin vertical tunnels by chaining frisbee rides. The timing is razor thin, and gets tighter the more narrow the tunnel, but I was able to unintentionally sequence break a few times with it (I thought it was what I was supposed to do then realized I’d skipped large chunks of areas and couldn’t keep going).

    Basic idea is to jump into the tunnel, throw the frisbee and land on it (harder than it sounds when coming up from underneath), then jump and throw it again ASAP like with bubble jumps. Try to hold down the jump for maximum height and try to do it when in the dead center of the tube or it’ll bounce right back before you get on top. It’s super risky because it still fails half the time and is essentially useless, but it’s cool to pull off.

    • To elaborate on your point, you don’t have to bounce the frisbee before jumping onto it because you can jump, toss, and land on it all in one motion. To accomplish this, launch yourself forward and toss the frisbee as soon as you get to the top of the leap. You will take off and take off again on the frisbee. You can chain this move to increase your altitude.

  3. If you hold down while using the bubble wand, you create a bubble right beneath you, which lets you bubble jump infinitely vertically, but I can’t get it to work when its only 1 block wide, the bubbles won’t appear

  4. Another one: you can use the glow of the flute notes to see in dark areas if you don’t want to spend firecrackers.

  5. This one might be a bit off topic, but you can skip the ostrich boss by dropping the slinky toy and yourself onto the buttons to open the gate to the flame. Use the yoyo to trigger the trapdoors.

  6. You can use the flute to fast travel to the warp hub by playing the song taught by the fish there (right, right, left, left, down, down, up, up)

  7. Stalagmites only hurt you if you fall onto them, so if you position yourself just right so that you reach a platform with a stalagmite on at the peak of your jump you can land on it without getting hurt. This is not very useful as you can just break stalactitets and stalagmites with your toys.

  8. You can also coyote jump off the bubbles to prevent them from popping (step off the bubble and jump in mid-air within a few frames of stepping off), though that is generally less useful than normal bubble jumping.

  9. It is possible to bubble hop in a straight column. Timing your jumps with the creation of the bubble below you. It is way harder, but you are able to climb vertical paths that don’t have an horizontal margin for the normal bubble hop.

  10. Game note: If you time it just right, you can land on your frisbee right after throwing it in midair.

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