Apocalypse Party – Best Way to Unlock The Queen

Just a way I found how to get this achievement and character.

How to Get I Choose You Charizard Achievement

  1. Play as The Hunter his ability tables will give you a better chance a getting summon related Talents.
  2. Pray to RNGesus for the run where you get all three dragon eggs.
  3. (This is only if you want to get the I Choose You Charizard achievement) Pray even harder for RNGesus to give you clone wars as this will clone your summons but they will have less damage.
  4. If you do get all 4 of these then well you win just survive the map and kill Satan to unlock the stuff my recommendation is to work on your summons more then yourself as the dragons can take a beating and deal a good amount of damage as well.

I hope this is helpful. Good luck to you!

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 7969 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.


  1. I tried quite a bit on Hunter to unlock the dragon queen with no luck. First try on King with his National Treasure got it for me, though

  2. Got king’s chap 3 through the power of “MAXIMUM GUN” aka “the american way” and on my first attempt I managed to get Viseri and Clones within the first 7 or so levels. And then despite dragging it out all the way to max I still never got any other dragons despite plenty of legendaries and summons. I suspect the game might be coded to drastically raise the rarity of the dragons as soon as it detects you have 2/3.

  3. An alternative to Hunter is King but you have to suffer through chapter 3 to get his special “choose from 3 legendaries every 7 levels” thing, and he himself seems to just get more legendaries than most to begin with. I almost won but those purple fireballs in phase 3 that DO NOT follow any predictable trajectory and are always lost in the mess of the fight do 60+ damage and I simply do not have that much HP to spare.

  4. Dragons OP, As they should be given how hard it is to get just one. I’ve already beaten the first and second chapers purely because my hunter got a dragon, on the second I got 2(and a bunch of other stuff that resulted in a frost/lightning combo that just MELTED eveerything especially once I got the perk that makes enemies take way more damage per status on them).
    Prologue was actually beaten as gladiator with purple katana and both the shadow and demon masks(triple attacks) so that plus a boatload of melee power + super strong melee + timing to get the highest possible damage + sliding through attack patterns = easy win.

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