Apocalypse Party – Easter Eggs Locations

Easter Eggs

  • Gramophone somewhere in the castle. It’s a small box on the ground; activate it for the trophy.
  • Emperor’s New Gun – There’s a gun in the throne room, either in the seat or behind it. One time it was crammed behind the statue. Pick it up.
  • While you’re here, you can eat the food on the tables just before the throne room. Eat all of them for the trophy.
  • Excalibur – There’s a sword in a stone by a giant tree in the wooded area to the southeast, and acts like a hammer. Use it enough and it will eventually break. I don’t know if there’s a trigger; I got about 900 kills using mainly level 2 charge attacks, but my brother had over 2000 before his broke.
  • Find the gallows in the southwest village. There will be three guillotines, one can be interacted with.
  • Cooked meat – Near the center, east/southeast of the castle -ish. There’s a pile of sticks with a fat chunk of meat over it. Use fire damage, it’ll have a small ignition animation, then eat the meat.
  • Yourcraft – In the northeast, there is a cave with crystals. Somewhere nearby is a melee weapon called “shovel” that’s actually a pickaxe. There are some red crystals in the cave; break them all for the trophy.
  • Somewhere is a crate with a parachute attached to the top of it. Hit it enough times and it will break to reveal a flare gun. I’m not sure if you have to fire the gun for the trophy, but I’d recommend it anyway.
  • Superstar – I have no idea how to get it, but I triggered it while using a catapult.
  • Bojack – It’s in the same place as #5. When it wrote it, it was for Beheaded Tailor or some such, but a second time I went, there was a horse.
  • Sunset Party. Head south of the castle, across the drawbridge. Take the first left (your character’s right) to walk down the northern most path across the southwest village area. There are a series of houses and gun crates on the northern wall; you can interact with one of the houses and it will give you a Halloween mask/hat.
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3756 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.


  1. About the Emperor’s New Gun, could you describe the specific location of this gun?
    I still can’t find it next to the king’s body in the throne room.

    Also, I still can’t find that dog in the far left field of the map. I suspect that certain Easter eggs don’t appear at specific times.

    Because sometimes in the village, there are three guillotines, and other times, there are only two.

    • Yes, some easter egg don’t appear some time.
      The gun is invisible, next to the king’s body, and the probability of generating is very low (around 1/3-1/4 I feel?)
      Same for the music box (I only saw that once, in a room a bit south of the banquet and in the east wall).

      I feel the excalibur, the banquet, the church candle, the Lilith statue, and maybe the minecraft picakxe are always there,

      Also waiting for detail about cooked meat and the dog, now 8/10 to unlocking the bard

  2. There is a Dog in the bottom left area (farmarea with fences) that needsw to be picked up which is another one.

    in the Church to the east are 4 tables with candles on activate them in this order: left, top, bottom, right. that will complete another achievment.

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