ASTLIBRA: Revision – Useful Tips and Tricks

Simple tricks and tips for completing the game without unnecessary difficulty.

Tips and Tricks

  • Once the first chapter is completed you unlock the arena, complete the arena every chapter as their are important items locked away in it such as the crossbow and alchemy book 2. If not acquired it will make the following chapters after 4 really difficult.
  • the crossbow can be used to cheese certain Colosseum fights and be used greatly in the second half of chapter 7.
  • Every mokyu shop and the arena has a blue crystal which allows you to respec stat points from level up. you can also purchase a respec potion as well for little cash.
  • Maxing out equipment is always a priority, try maxing out the stick in later chapters such as 4 or 5 as that unlocks a experience boost for maxing out weapons.
  • There is a hidden boss in 5 which requires saying no to siro first then when gau is with you go back to siro to make her come with you. Now beat the regular boss of the chapter and it should appear.
  • If you do not have the crossbow for chapter 5 and need to get the green orb use a staff.
  • There are 6 optional bosses that are hidden throughout the game you can most likely start to kill them by chapter 7.
    • The first is in the ch 3 and should be the first one you should tackle their is a rock that blocks the entrance their. you have a unseen time limit kill him before he does his screen clear
    • The second is in ch 5 underground save that one for around last. they have an attack that petrifies you do not block it as it will break your guard as it will follow up with an attack that will do ludicrous amount of damage but little to no guard damage
    • The third is in chapter 6 when you first get to Elysium go left their is an invisible road this should be the 3 to fourth you beat. she has an attack that causes projectiles to fall from the sky for a long time so just hide under the two platforms in her room, she also summons these mushroom patches that prevent summoning destroy them to continue summoning.
    • The 4th is in ch 7 sage tower their is a ladder go up it you will soon find a guard make him go to sleep the boss is in the next room he should be either 3 or 4 to beat. he can also summon mushroom patches that block using items so destroy them as well, he also has black hole attack that makes a gravity well below him that lasts a while so to properly attack him run to the other side to the arena he will teleport. usage of eliminate is heavily recommended.
    • The final two are in your base hub, one is in a house that is on the same screen as your home use the goblin key to open it this one should be the second you should face. she makes clones during her fight and if you damage them it will unleash a massive barrage of bullets so be sure to guard.
    • The final one in castle town is only unlocked after beating ch 6 go to the well on the screen that leads to the arena you can go into it now save that one for around last as well. be wary of the hands, eliminate is also heavily recommended hear. don’t forget the Pegasus boots.
    • Love can be acquired 3 times throughout the play through before the final dungeon post game. !0 can be acquired from friendship levels that unlock when the final dungeon unlocks. Which means you only need to farm 3 love in total this can be expedited with using the rune of rebellion to help acquire love easier.
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. Thanks for sharing this!

    Also, any chance you could tell me how to get the chest in Risperdal that is on the other side of the long body of water? The one that’s normally guarded during daytime but accessible as early as Chapter 4 during the night scene.

    • shoot it with a crossbow off screen just angle it correctly. also you acquire a sleep draught ch 7 you can use it on the gaurd. the item spawns on the other side of the gap and requires air dashes or anti gravity

  2. I’d add a point about how important the luck stat is since it determines how much growth material you get from enemies.

  3. Hey, nice guide!
    Concerning point 5: you don’t exactly need to fight the hidden boss in chapter 5, since you will be forced to (re)fight it again in the post game.

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