This is a complete screenshot gallery of all in-game items that will help achieve the “Egghead” achievement.
How to Obtain Egghead Achievement
First obtain the “Self-Made Item Book” if you haven’t already.
The Self-Made Item Book
This item will display all items you have found and will update as you find new ones, this item will serve as your main reference point in completing this achievement.
Item Page 1
Item Page 2
Item Page 3
Item Page 4
Item Page 5
Item Page 6
Item Page 7
Item Page 8
Noteworthy Items
“Battery” – Page 8 of the item book
The Battery is obtained from mastering the weapon: “Super Ultimate Laser Blade Muramasa” which is a weapon Anulis gifts you after you successfully give her the required amount of “Love” hearts ( 15 Hearts ) in the final section of the post-script playthrough. You will have to obtain enough “Love” from building up the love gauge with each companion in the final dungeon and going back to them once it’s full to obtain the “Love” item, each companion has a max of 2. You can also obtain them as a potential drop in the chests that spawn after defeating the mini-bosses at the end of each level in the final dungeon. After you’ve given Anulis enough “Love” hearts, she will eventually move to Tavern where you can talk to her, after exchanging conversation with her she will provide you with the weapon. Use the weapon until you’ve mastered it to obtain the Battery.
“Bread?” – Page 8 of the item book
This item is obtained from Anulis after you have given her a set amount of “Love” items, if you’re already in the progress of getting the Battery item then this will naturally be obtained during that process anyways.
“Sealed Scroll(s)” – Page 4 of the item book
The sealed scrolls are obtained from synthesising the “Esoterica Seal Medal” item with any of the ability scrolls you would have found during your playthrough, the Esoterical Seal Medals are purchasable from the NPC in the wedding dress store in Rispada (same NPC that sells the Item Book).
Sealing the scrolls will deactivate the respective ability of the scroll you choose to seal, you will want to dismantle it after to revert them back and retain the abilities the scrolls provide.
“Piece Gem Fragment” – Page 5 of the item book
This is a rare drop that you can obtain from mining spots in the final dungeon in the post-script portion of the game (Note: Final Dungeon is called “Abyss” for specifics sake).
“Reset Potion” – Page 1 of the item book
Can be purchased from the Mokyo pig NPC.
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