Basic auto hack script that finds and automates the farming of servers.
Guide to Auto Farm for New Players
The guide is pretty much in the code section with my attempt at documentation.
It’s plug and play once you have the 3 tiny scripts in your home directory.
Beware that it will shut off any scripts on servers it gains control of.
disableLog("disableLog"); disableLog("brutessh"); disableLog("ftpcrack"); disableLog("relaysmtp");
disableLog("httpworm"); disableLog("sqlinject"); disableLog("nuke"); disableLog("getServerMinSecurityLevel");
disableLog("getServerRequiredHackingLevel"); disableLog("getHackingLevel"); disableLog("scp");
disableLog("getServerMoneyAvailable"); disableLog("fileExists"); disableLog("getServerNumPortsRequired");
disableLog("getServerUsedRam"); disableLog("getServerSecurityLevel"); disableLog("scan"); disableLog("killall");
disableLog("getServerMaxMoney"); disableLog("getServerMaxRam"); disableLog("getScriptRam"); tail();
//Stuff above is just for visual clarity in the console, couldn't get disable ALL to work :P
// Welcome to my messy, horribly optimised, quickly slapped together script for beginners, by a beginner, good luck with this brain aneurysm which I tried to document
// This whole thing will scan for all servers you can hack, then start automatically farming them, but it's not the fastest
var files = ["weaken.script", "grow.script", "hack.script"];// The files you need to make in your home directory which will be sent with scp
//Contents: weaken(args[0]); grow(args[0]); hack(args[0]); These are as small as possible to allow for many threads
//Sets variables, I wouldn't touch them, might explode
var serverList = scan("home"); var serverCount = [serverList.length, 0];
var hk = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var possibleThreads = 0; var scanLevel = 2;
var count = 0; var inner = 0; var approvedList = []; var exeCount = 0;
var linked; var target; var depth = 0; var checked = 0; var hackType;
//Checks if you have hacks so we know for later
if (fileExists("BruteSSH.exe")) { hk[0] = 1; exeCount++ };
if (fileExists("FTPCrack.exe")) { hk[1] = 1; exeCount++ };
if (fileExists("relaySMTP.exe")) { hk[2] = 1; exeCount++ };
if (fileExists("HTTPWorm.exe")) { hk[3] = 1; exeCount++ };
if (fileExists("SQLInject.exe")) { hk[4] = 1; exeCount++ };
if (fileExists("DeepscanV1.exe")) { scanLevel += 2 }; //Comment out one or both of these lines if you don't have
if (fileExists("DeepscanV2.exe")) { scanLevel += 5 }; //high hack skill or want to avoid time consuming deep scans
//The badly formatted fun begins...
print("/---/ SEARCHING \\---\\\n-- Default --\n > "+ serverList.join("\n > ") + "\n>- Scan Limit: L" + [scanLevel + 1] + " -<") //Print is just for the visuals
while (count <= serverCount[depth] - 1 && depth < scanLevel) {//The scan will stop if we hit depth limit
linked = scan(serverList[checked]);checked++; //Scan will bring back all connected servers which we then run through checks below
for (i = 0; i <= linked.length - 1; i++) {//If the scan results in 1 or more linked servers this area will cycle through them
target = linked[i];//Targets 1 part of the scan result at a time
if (target != "home" && !serverList.includes(target)) {//Makes sure our target isn't home or a server we already know of
serverList.push(target);//Adds the target to the list
print("L"+ [depth + 2] + " > " + target); serverCount[depth + 1]++;
if (count == serverCount[depth] - 1) { count = 0; depth++; serverCount.push(0) } else { count++ };//I made this part 24 hours ago, good luck getting an explanation
print("/-------/ CHECKING \\-------\\");
for (i = 0; i <= serverList.length - 1; i++) {//Runs once for each entry in serverList
target = serverList[i];
if (getServerNumPortsRequired(target) > exeCount) { print(" >X< SOFTWARE " + target) } //Denied if you cannot open the required ports
else if (getServerMoneyAvailable(target) == 0) { print(" >X< NO MONEY " + target) }//Denied if there's no loot
else if (getServerMaxRam(target) < 2) { print(" >X< NO RAM " + target) } //Denied because potato
else if (getHackingLevel() < getServerRequiredHackingLevel(target)) { print(" >X< SKILL " + target) } //Denied because your hacking is too low
else {//Server approved, 5 lines below will open ports on target if you have the required exe
if (hk[0]) { brutessh(target) };
if (hk[1]) { ftpcrack(target) };
if (hk[2]) { relaysmtp(target) };
if (hk[3]) { httpworm(target) };
if (hk[4]) { sqlinject(target) };
nuke(target); scp(files, "home", target); killall(target);//Nuke, transfer files and kill running scripts on target
approvedList.push(target);//This server is ready to farm, puts it in the approved list for later
print(" >>> VALID " + target);
print("/------------/ HACKING \\------------\\");
count = 0;//Reset so we can use it again
while (true) {//Runs forever
if (count > approvedList.length - 1) { count = 0 }//Sets count to 0 if we reach the end of list, starts cycle again
target = approvedList[count];//Picks server from list based on count
if (getServerUsedRam(target) == 0) { //If nothing is already running on server
if (getServerSecurityLevel(target) > getServerMinSecurityLevel(target) + 5) { hackType = "weaken" }//and the security is too high, weaken /You can change the 5
else if (getServerMoneyAvailable(target) < getServerMaxMoney(target) * 0.80) { hackType = "grow" }//and the money is too low, boosto /and the 0.80
else { hackType = "hack" } //and if everything is just right...
print("|||||||||| " + hackType + " --> " + approvedList[count] + " ||||||||||");
exec(hackType + ".script", target, Math.floor(getServerMaxRam(target) / getScriptRam(hackType + ".script")), target)//Runs 1 of the 3 scripts on target server against itself
} count++;//Helps us cycle through our list Threads are based on the amount of RAM the server has, rounded down
Do note that with lots of “approved servers” this will not be optimal, at all, this is just a lazy way to do things at the start.
With very little thought you could make the scripts run against a different target too, hope you find this mess even slightly helpful, and have a good day.
I updated to Bitburner v2.1.0
Changes: Changed count variable in the “Hack” section to hackCount
Await sleep(1000) to prevent an infinite loop in “Hack” sections while loop.
Add ns.disableLog(“sleep”) to disable logging of sleep.
/** @param {NS} ns**/
export async function main(ns) {
ns.disableLog(“disableLog”); ns.disableLog(“brutessh”); ns.disableLog(“ftpcrack”); ns.disableLog(“relaysmtp”);
ns.disableLog(“httpworm”); ns.disableLog(“sqlinject”); ns.disableLog(“nuke”); ns.disableLog(“getServerMinSecurityLevel”);
ns.disableLog(“getServerRequiredHackingLevel”); ns.disableLog(“getHackingLevel”); ns.disableLog(“scp”);
ns.disableLog(“getServerMoneyAvailable”); ns.disableLog(“fileExists”); ns.disableLog(“getServerNumPortsRequired”);
ns.disableLog(“getServerUsedRam”); ns.disableLog(“getServerSecurityLevel”); ns.disableLog(“scan”); ns.disableLog(“killall”);
ns.disableLog(“getServerMaxMoney”); ns.disableLog(“getServerMaxRam”); ns.disableLog(“getScriptRam”); ns.disableLog(“sleep”);
//Stuff above is just for visual clarity in the console, couldn’t get disable ALL to work 😛
// Welcome to my messy, horribly optimised, quickly slapped together script for beginners, by a beginner, good luck with this brain aneurysm which I tried to document
// This whole thing will scan for all servers you can hack, then start automatically farming them, but it’s not the fastest
var files = [“weaken.script”, “grow.script”, “hack.script”];// The files you need to make in your home directory which will be sent with scp
//Contents: weaken(args[0]); grow(args[0]); hack(args[0]); These are as small as possible to allow for many threads
//Sets variables, I wouldn’t touch them, might explode
var serverList = ns.scan(“home”); var serverCount = [serverList.length, 0];
var hk = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var possibleThreads = 0; var scanLevel = 2;
var count = 0; var inner = 0; var approvedList = []; var exeCount = 0;
var linked; var target; var depth = 0; var checked = 0; var hackType;
//Checks if you have hacks so we know for later
if (ns.fileExists(“BruteSSH.exe”)) { hk[0] = 1; exeCount++ };
if (ns.fileExists(“FTPCrack.exe”)) { hk[1] = 1; exeCount++ };
if (ns.fileExists(“relaySMTP.exe”)) { hk[2] = 1; exeCount++ };
if (ns.fileExists(“HTTPWorm.exe”)) { hk[3] = 1; exeCount++ };
if (ns.fileExists(“SQLInject.exe”)) { hk[4] = 1; exeCount++ };
if (ns.fileExists(“DeepscanV1.exe”)) { scanLevel += 2 }; //Comment out one or both of these lines if you don’t have
if (ns.fileExists(“DeepscanV2.exe”)) { scanLevel += 5 }; //high hack skill or want to avoid time consuming deep scans
//The badly formatted fun begins…
ns.print(“/—/ SEARCHING \\—\\\n– Default –\n > “+ serverList.join(“\n > “) + “\n>- Scan Limit: L” + [scanLevel + 1] + ” -<") //Print is just for the visuals
while (count <= serverCount[depth] – 1 && depth < scanLevel) {//The scan will stop if we hit depth limit
linked = ns.scan(serverList[checked]);checked++; //Scan will bring back all connected servers which we then run through checks below
for (let i = 0; i ” + target); serverCount[depth + 1]++;
if (count == serverCount[depth] – 1) { count = 0; depth++; serverCount.push(0) } else { count++ };//I made this part 24 hours ago, good luck getting an explanation
ns.print(“/——-/ CHECKING \\——-\\”);
for (let i = 0; i exeCount) { ns.print(” >XX< NO MONEY " + target) }//Denied if there's no loot
else if (ns.getServerMaxRam(target) X< NO RAM " + target) } //Denied because potato
else if (ns.getHackingLevel() X>> VALID ” + target);
ns.print(“/————/ HACKING \\————\\”);
let hackCount = 0;//Reset so we can use it again
while (true) {//Runs forever
if (hackCount > approvedList.length – 1) { hackCount = 0 }//Sets count to 0 if we reach the end of list, starts cycle again
target = approvedList[hackCount];//Picks server from list based on count
if (ns.getServerUsedRam(target) == 0) { //If nothing is already running on server
if (ns.getServerSecurityLevel(target) > ns.getServerMinSecurityLevel(target) + 5) { hackType = “weaken” }//and the security is too high, weaken /You can change the 5
else if (ns.getServerMoneyAvailable(target) ” + approvedList[hackCount] + ” ||||||||||”);
ns.exec(hackType + “.script”, target, Math.floor(ns.getServerMaxRam(target) / ns.getScriptRam(hackType + “.script”)), target)//Runs 1 of the 3 scripts on target server against itself
await ns.sleep(1000);
} hackCount++;//Helps us cycle through our list Threads are based on the amount of RAM the server has, rounded down
you gotta put the commands for hack, grow and weaken in the files with the name
where you write “I made this part 24 hours ago, good luck getting an explanation”
this is where it increases “count” (which should be named serverIndex) if there are still servers on this level, if not it resets the index to 0 and goes one level deeper 🙂
Thanks, works nicely, total noob in this kind of thing, but I like them anyways :s
disableLog(‘ALL’), seems to work.
damn that’s a lot better than my method of making everyone hack n00dles (mainly because i had to manually put a .js on each one)
i might try making an upgraded version of this
to code in a .js instead of .script the big differences are:
-you need to type await before certain functions that take time to complete, though in this case most of those functions are being run by the victim server since they’re all hacking related
-most functions become ns.functionname(functionargs)
but hte return is that your code runs faster for maximum farming 🙂
one idea that might speed it up is to have the main hacking loop as a seperate script so it can be run in multiple instances, then run an instance on any server that has enough ram but otherwise wouldn’t be a target, you can run code on any nuked server, even if your level is too low to run the hack command.
just realised that you can make it more efficient by splitting the victim servers array according to how many hacker servers are available, and making each hacker server responsible for managing a smaller number of victims.
and for a more advanced farming we can have a small script wait for certain thresholds in skill and money, then buy a bunch of 8gb servers (the smallest that can run your script), then all the hackers and wait for the victims to finish their last instruction before we repopulate the server list based on the new values.
powertoys that code isn’t as hard to make, but you’d want to also change the criteria for approving servers, since we just need ram and ports to be available for running code, you also can’t run as many attacks though since this would turn every available server against a single target.
maybe i am stupid but where did i get those scripts for var files = [“weaken.script”, “grow.script”, “hack.script”]; ?
i just make a file on home as you said, but it seems like you have to fill it woth some code?!
did you figure it out? i cant.
there is a comment underneath that explains it really well
I tried to clean this up for you a little. I didn’t change much, if anything; but its certainly more legible.
disableLog(“disableLog”); disableLog(“brutessh”); disableLog(“ftpcrack”); disableLog(“relaysmtp”);
disableLog(“httpworm”); disableLog(“sqlinject”); disableLog(“nuke”); disableLog(“getServerMinSecurityLevel”);
disableLog(“getServerRequiredHackingLevel”); disableLog(“getHackingLevel”); disableLog(“scp”);
disableLog(“getServerMoneyAvailable”); disableLog(“fileExists”); disableLog(“getServerNumPortsRequired”);
disableLog(“getServerUsedRam”); disableLog(“getServerSecurityLevel”); disableLog(“scan”); disableLog(“killall”);
disableLog(“getServerMaxMoney”); disableLog(“getServerMaxRam”); disableLog(“getScriptRam”); tail();
//Stuff above is just for visual clarity in the console, couldn’t get disable ALL to work 😛
// Welcome to my messy, horribly optimised, quickly slapped together script for beginners, by a beginner, good luck with this brain aneurysm which I tried to document
// This whole thing will scan for all servers you can hack, then start automatically farming them, but it’s not the fastest
var files = [“weaken.script”, “grow.script”, “hack.script”];
// The files you need to make in your home directory which will be sent with scp
//Contents: weaken(args[0]); grow(args[0]); hack(args[0]); These are as small as possible to allow for many threads
//Sets variables, I wouldn’t touch them, might explode
var serverList = scan(“home”); var serverCount = [serverList.length, 0];
var hk = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var possibleThreads = 0; var scanLevel = 2;
var count = 0; var inner = 0; var approvedList = []; var exeCount = 0;
var linked; var target; var depth = 0; var checked = 0; var hackType;
//Checks if you have hacks so we know for later
if (fileExists(“BruteSSH.exe”)) { hk[0] = 1; exeCount++ };
if (fileExists(“FTPCrack.exe”)) { hk[1] = 1; exeCount++ };
if (fileExists(“relaySMTP.exe”)) { hk[2] = 1; exeCount++ };
if (fileExists(“HTTPWorm.exe”)) { hk[3] = 1; exeCount++ };
if (fileExists(“SQLInject.exe”)) { hk[4] = 1; exeCount++ };
if (fileExists(“DeepscanV1.exe”)) { scanLevel += 2 };
//Comment out one or both of these lines if you don’t have
if (fileExists(“DeepscanV2.exe”)) { scanLevel += 5 };
//high hack skill or want to avoid time consuming deep scans
//The badly formatted fun begins…
print(“/—/ SEARCHING \—\|/n– Default –n\ > ” + serverList.join(“\n > “) + “\n>- Scan Limit: L” + [scanLevel + 1] + ” -<")
//Print is just for the visuals
while (count <= serverCount[depth] – 1 && depth < scanLevel) {
//The scan will stop if we hit depth limit
linked = scan(serverList[checked]); checked++;
//Scan will bring back all connected servers which we then run through checks below
for (i = 0; i ” + target); serverCount[depth + 1]++;
if (count == serverCount[depth] – 1) { count = 0; depth++; serverCount.push(0) } else { count++ };
//I made this part 24 hours ago, good luck getting an explanation
print(“/——-/ CHECKING \——-\”);
for (i = 0; i exeCount) { print(” >XX< NO MONEY " + target) }
//Denied if there's no loot
else if (getServerMaxRam(target) X< NO RAM " + target) }
//Denied because potato
else if (getHackingLevel() X>> VALID ” + target);
print(“/————/ HACKING \————\”);
count = 0;
//Reset so we can use it again
while (true) {
//Sets count to 0 if we reach the end of list, starts cycle again
if (count > approvedList.length – 1) { count = 0 }
//Picks server from list based on count
target = approvedList[count];
if (getServerUsedRam(target) == 0) {
//If nothing is already running on server
if (getServerSecurityLevel(target) > getServerMinSecurityLevel(target) + 5) { hackType = “weaken” }
//and the security is too high, weaken
//You can change the 5
else if (getServerMoneyAvailable(target) ” + approvedList[count] + ” ||||||||||”);
exec(hackType + “.script”, target, Math.floor(getServerMaxRam(target) / getScriptRam(hackType + “.script”)), target)
//Runs 1 of the 3 scripts on target server against itself
} count++;
//Helps us cycle through our list
//Threads are based on the amount of RAM the server has, rounded down
this script is full of bugs