Black Book – 100% Full Achievement Guide and Tips

Not spoiler free! This guide will help you achieve 100% completion in Black Book, as well as some mechanical tips.

How to Obtain All Achievements

Mechanical Tips

  • In walking sections, you can walk using WASD/arrow keys and interact using spacebar.
  • To skip the text fast, use the scrollwheel.
  • You can skip battles with no penalty whatsoever. If you grow too frustrated with a fight, skip it by failing a number of times.
  • You have a limited number of manual saves – 20. The game also has 2 autosaves, one at the beginning of a main task (at the izba/resting place) and one in your current location.

Achievement Guide


  • Answer 10 Knowledge questions

See Keeper of Knowledge section.

Black Mage

  • Answer 25 Knowledge questions

See Keeper of Knowledge section.

Keeper of Knowledge

  • Answer 40 Knowledge questions

Answer 40 knowledge questions correctly. Using hints is likely allowed for the achievement.

Old Spirits

  • Release seven dead men

During the main task Get to the Cave in chapter 2, visit the location Drowner Circle. Interact with pillars to the left side of the screen and they will make sounds in a sequence. Repeat the sequence in the order middle, right, left, right, middle and the drowners will be freed.

New Spirits

  • Take seven demons into your service

Demons will be added to your pester as you level up, and you can also find them during main and optional tasks and agree to take them into your service.


  • Acquire 100 sins

Get sins by doing bad deeds during dialogues and choices such as stealing offerings and refusing to help people in need, as well as sending your chorts to curse people.


  • Guess the road in the cursed forest

On chapter 3 in the main task Protect the Bridal Procession in the location near the crooked forest, go left, right, right.


  • Unlock all the words

Unlock all cards. Note that chapter 7’s cards require you to visit the market and do battles in order to not miss them.


  • Break all the seals

Story achievement, cannot be missed.

Black Sorceress

  • Unlock all the black pages

As the achievement says, unlock all black cards. Note that chapter 7’s cards require you to visit the market and do battles in order to not miss them.

Word Master

  • Collect 4 copies of each page

Buy cards from book keepers at every opportunity, fight battles, and craft cards – getting the skills which reduce the cost of buying from shops and of crafting cards as well as getting more money from gifts is very helpful here, but it will still cost a lot of money to craft all the needed cards, around 4000.

Old Friend

  • Complete Old Egor loyalty quest

Keep talking to Egor and asking him about his past. After the full story has been told, when his optional quest comes up, agree to go. Fight the battle puzzle successfully (or skip it) and in the knowledge choice choose break the spine or hammer an aspen stake.


  • Complete Proshka loyalty quest

Keep talking to Proshka and asking him about his past. After the full story has been told, when his optional quest comes up, agree to go. There is a battle puzzle on the way which you can avoid by hiding, but the quest is otherwise combat free.


  • Complete Karnysh loyalty quest

Keep talking to Karnysh and asking him about his past. After the full story has been told, when his optional quest comes up, agree to go. Fight the battle puzzles successfully (or skip them).


  • Complete Nikolay loyalty quest

Keep talking to Nikolay and asking him about his past. After the full story has been told, when his optional quest comes up, agree to go. Fight the battle puzzles successfully (or skip them).

White Head

  • Complete Levonty loyalty quest

Keep talking to Levonty and asking him about his past. After the full story has been told, when his optional quest comes up, agree to go. Fight the battle puzzles successfully (or skip them).


  • Visit 333 locations

Simply visit every location available until the achievement unlocks.


  • Collect 10 bailichkas

See Folklorist section.


  • Collect 30 bailichkas

See Folklorist section.


  • Collect 50 bailichkas

Bailichkas are usually collected in certain locations on the map and will be indicated by a symbol. Simply visit every location and you will unlock the achievement in time.


  • Collect 10 entries in the encyclopedia

See Encyclopedist section.


  • Collect 30 entries in the encyclopedia

See Encyclopedist section.


  • Collect 70 entries in the encyclopedia

Encyclopedia entries are usually collected in certain locations on the map and will be indicated by a symbol. Simply visit every location and you will unlock the achievement in time.


  • Collect all the songs

Songs are collected in certain locations on the map and will be indicated by a symbol. Simply visit every location and you will unlock the achievement in chapter 5, at the location Vilgort Gathering.


  • Read 77 entries in the Onomasticon

In the Onomasticon tab of your menu, gain 77 entries (bailichkas, songs and encyclopedia entries) and click them all to get rid of the exclamation point.


  • Complete the prologue

Story achievement, cannot be missed.

Aspen Tree

  • Complete chapter 1

Story achievement, cannot be missed.


  • Complete chapter 2

Story achievement, cannot be missed.


  • Complete chapter 3

Story achievement, cannot be missed.

Pine Tree

  • Complete chapter 4

Story achievement, cannot be missed.


  • Complete chapter 5

Story achievement, cannot be missed.

Dead Man

  • Complete chapter 6

Story achievement, cannot be missed.

Black Sorcerer

  • Complete chapter 7

Story achievement, cannot be missed.

Black Book

  • Retrieve the book

Story achievement, cannot be missed.


  • Guess all the obderiha riddles with the first attempt

During chapter 2 on main task Rescue the changeling at the Old Banyas, Choose the girl on the right, then the chest in the middle.

Dead Friend

  • Release the mermaid

When talking to Vakul at the Water Mill, you have two options that will lead to this achievement:

  • Ask for both the seal and the mermaid. You will have to pay 100 coins.
  • Ask only for the mermaid. She will open the seal herself.

Own Way

  • Don’t release the Mermaid

When talking to Vakul at the Water Mill, only ask him for the seal.


  • Find all the clues in Nemzya

This achievement is done on chapter 4 in main task Find the Leshiy.

Card Player

  • Win 5 times in a card game

You can get this achievement against the same opponents, so you can get it the moment the card game unlocks.


  • Win 3 times in a card game while cheating

Investing skill points in Durak I and Durak II will unlock the option to cheat in card games. Win three times while using those abilities.

The following items will also unlock the abilities: Ace of a Sinner, Golden Card, Glass Eye, Eyes in a Jar.


  • Negotiate with Susedko on Zemskaia station

During chapter 2 main task, you will arrive in Post Station. There is a susedko tormenting a white horse. Choose to reach agreement with the susedko. Talk to station master Samson and say that he needs to buy a grey horse, then return to the susedko.

100 friends

  • Talk with 100 characters

Keep talking to characters and this achievement will unlock in time.


  • Get 13 herbs

See Witch section.


  • Get 33 herbs

See Witch section.


  • Get 66 herbs

In the sections where Vasilisa can walk around freely, herbs can be found and picked up. These are the only herbs that count for this achievement, unlike ones that are picked up during dialogues or bought from merchants.

Cow Level

  • Cow level

During chapter 2 in the main task Go to the Vodyanoi’s chambers, visit the Gatehouse.

Great Sorceress

  • Compose a spell out of 13 words

Learn the Orders I, Orders II, Keys I, and Keys II skills under Book Handling. Build a deck with 4 Nava cards, 4 Babushka-Yaga cards, 4 Babushka-Atamanushka cards, 4 Key-Tongue cards and 4 Circle cards.

On the first turn, play your available Babushka-Yaga and Babushka-Atamanushka cards. On the second turn, only play the Nava cards in your deck. On the third turn, play every remaining card in your deck – it will put you just over 13 words.


  • Meet your beloved one

Defeat the final boss at the end of the 7th chapter. If you’ve accumulated less than 130 sins, proceed to destroy the black book.


  • Succumb to Dark forces

Defeat the final boss at the end of the 7th chapter. No matter how many sins you’ve accumulated, proceed to escape the hell.

Mistress of Hell

  • Become a mistress of Hell

Defeat the final boss at the end of the 7th chapter. If you’ve accumulated over 130 sins, proceed to take the throne.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2158 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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