Have you too ever wondered whether it is possible to max out all branches of the tree of wisdom in a single run? Have you stared at it in agony for hours thinking that surely there is something you are missing that would allow you to reach perfection? Wonder no longer, because it was staring you in the face that whole time and holy hell it was so obvious how did I miss it for so long.
Guide to Maxing Out All Branches
It’s Literally Right There

There are literally lines showing you how to skip parts of the tree. How did I miss this, I literally looked right at them and went “huh wonder what those mean”.
As you can probably tell, this guide is mainly to vent, but I hope it saves some similarly obsessive people some mental pain. I’m sure there are plenty of people who noticed this immediately, but I didn’t until I started going for all the tree maxxing achievements.
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