Business Tour – Online Multiplayer Board Game – In Depth Strategy Guide (No Gadgets)

This guide will teach you everything you need to know to be a proficient business tour player without gadgets.

Guide to Strategy

Understand Probability

The chance of rolling a certain number with 2 dice:

  • 2 1/36 (2.778%)
  • 3 2/36 (5.556%)
  • 4 3/36 (8.333%)
  • 5 4/36 (11.111%)
  • 6 5/36 (13.889%)
  • 7 6/36 (16.667%)
  • 8 5/36 (13.889%)
  • 9 4/36 (11.111%)
  • 10 3/36 (8.333%)
  • 11 2/36 (5.556%)
  • 12 1/36 (2.778%)

With this being said there is a 44% chance of rolling a 6, 7 or 8 *These are the most common outcomes.

You want to keep this in mind when playing, when you are on world tour (the square that lets you move anywhere) you want to put yourself in a position to win, so put yourself on a square with a good outcome 7 squares later, for example, London (the purple one next to world championship) is 7 squares behind world tour, 6 squares behind New York and 8 squares behind the railroad “nice” if these are unclaimed it could be a great place to chose.

Be Smart with Your Money

We’ve all been there, we landed on a square we really needed but we couldnt afford it, this section will help prevent that

  1. Do not keep useless railroads

If you’re not going for a railroad win you should only have 1 unless they have festivals which increase rent the reason you should have 1 is to prevent the opponent from getting railroad monopoly, 400k for a 50k tax on 2 squares just isnt worth it. with that being said 600k for 100k on 3 squares is worth it.

  1. When to upgrades your property

If you’re buying something so your opponent cannot buy it upgrade it to 1 house this would mean your opponent is either forced to pay twice what you paid after they paid the original rent or block hem from buying it outright, the reason we buy 1 house is because there is a chance card that degrades 1 of your enemies buildings and if you only have a landclaim when this card is used on you then your property would go back to being unclaimed.

If there is a festival on the square you should buy the highest version you’re able to at all times, the ROI (return on investment) of these squares are far higher than they normally would be.

Play to Win

Keep win conditions in mind at all times!

Types of wins

  • Line monopoly, if you have every property on any side of the board you win.
  • Triple monopoly, if you have 3 monoplies anywhere on the board, you win.
  • Resort monopoly. If you have all 4 resorts on the board, you win.
  • Bankruptcy. All your opponents have no money, you win.
  • Bots, if a bot wins a game it goes to the person with the second most amount of money as bots cannot take wins.

With this being said, the more properties you have the more options you have, you have to keep your opponent in mind too when thinking about win conditions so you can make sure they do not reach them.

Hypothetical situations and the right way to approach them.

Lets assume you are first and you move 6,7 or 9 squares.

A good player would fully upgrade the property because its likely your opponent would land there.

Lets assume you’re second to go and your opponent rolls a 10. its your turn now and you roll a 3.

A good would player would buy 1 house or just land ownership as itll take another few turns for your opponent to even have the chance of landing on it. This saves money for the more expensive property you have to keep your opponents position in mind when deciding a purchase this is also a good idea because on the second lap around the board it will still only take 1 more time to land on it to upgrade it to level 3, as the first time around the board you can only upgrade to level 2 anyway.

Lets assume its the start of the game and you roll an 8 sending you straight to jail.

A good player pay out of jail, usually being in jail is a good thing as you cant step on your opponents properties while they can step on yours. This does not apply when you dont have any properties. you also need to pass go as soon as you can so you can upgrade to level 3 buildings.


Usually buying your opponents properties isnt a good idea as you’re giving them double what they paid for it, although this could be a good idea if its either, making you a monopoly, or if it has the festival on it. always if you can afford it. rebuy festival squares off other people, they are worth the price you’ll pay.

Keep in mind the possible squares you can land on when rolling out of jail, you can only land 2,4,6,8,10 or 12 as you must roll doubles, so keep that in mind when making a strategy.

Its true this game is heavily dictated on random numbers but you can take calculated risks to give you the advantage, dont fall asleep while looking for a match, when you’re doing 100-500k games you usually have to wait 10-30 minutes per game. ive fell asleep at my desk while waiting and woke up to having 500k less chips.

When there is a bot in your game do not play against the bot, play with the bot since if it wins itll go to the next best person.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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