How to Solve the Weights / Metals Puzzle
The number system that the scientists use is the same as ours – a decimal system. They use numbers from 0 to 9999 in one “glyph”. For example, the password you used to enter Lab 3 is a 4-digit number. Upper left – Upper right – Down left – Down right is the order of the numbers.
The formulae has 3 elements and each one has a corresponding number. The transformation machine has an abundant supply of elements. The formula is probably about how much each element is needed to make the key.
Look at the weights on the transformation machine. There are numbers written on the weights. The smallest one has 1 written on it, while the largest one has 500 written on it. How about adding the numbers on the weights to match the number written beneath each element glyph?
What helped me with this puzzle was even when I was confused about the order of the numbers (i.e. which part of the quadrant is tens, hundreds, etc) certain combinations are impossible with the limited weights that you’re given, so if all else fails you can still use the weights to work out which order the numbers *must* be in.