Chill Corner – 100% Full Achievement Guide

A guide to the quickest way to complete all of Chill Corner’s achievements!

How to Obtain All Achievements

Time Achievements

Simply leave the game open for 24 hours and all achievements will be automatically unlocked (Five Minutes, Thirty Minutes, One Hour and Hard Working).

Three Hour

  • You will receive this achievement if you select “Working” or “Studying” as your activity and spend three hours in-game with that activity selected. This can be done by selecting this when the game first opens and re-selecting it when the timer on your activity expires, or by pressing the curved arrow button on the left of the screen next to the timer and selecting this activity- by default, there will be two boxes with the word activity, select the left one and a drop down section of options will appear. To earn this accomplishment, set a timer and reset it once it expires for a total of 3 hours.

Decorator Achievements

Decorators are unlocked by spending relax time, the game’s currency, thus it’s best to do them after you’ve completed all of the time milestones. These achievements are “Decorator”, “Green Room”, “Christmas”, “My Own Room”, “Decorating” and “Perfect Collector”.

To get all of these achievements, unlock all decorators, and go to an empty room and place a Christmas tree decorator.

Interaction Achievements

These achievements are given by completing different in-game interactions. These can all be done at any point.


  • Select a pet from the pet menu.


  • Feed your pet. An option will pop up on-screen to do so after some time has passed. If the option does not pop up, switch to a different pet.


  • Select a weather option on the right. This will be unlocked automatically for other achievements.

Rainy Day

  • Choose the rainy weather option on the right.

Snowy Day

  • Choose the snowy weather option on the right.

Sunny Day

  • Choose the sunny weather option on the right.


  • Click the pin in the bottom left and enter a task.

Favorite Track

  • Loop the song playing.


  • Shuffle the album playing.


  • Skip the song playing.

My Album

  • Click on music album in the menu, and create album (button in the bottom left of the music menu.

New Room

  • Switch to a different room.

Breaking Time

  • Click the pause button on the left.
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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