This guide shows you how to unlock the secret game mode in chuzzle deluxe.
Guide to Unlock the Secret Bechuzzed Game Mode
To unlock the secret game mode you need a few trophies first.
You need:
- Brainiac
- Puzzler
- Seven at once!
- Ten Grand!
- Triple Combo!
How to Unlock
If you have all of the required trophies you can begin unlocking the secret game mode by pressing them in a specific order:
- Triple Combo!
- Brainiac
- Puzzler
- Ten Grand!
- Seven at Once!
As you press the trophies to view them in this order you’ll get stars on the top left of your screen indicating your progress, one for each step of the process.
If you make a mistake the stars will vanish and you’ll have to start over again.
If you’ve done everything correctly the stars will vanish and you’ll get a popup informing you that the BeChuzzed game mode has been unlocked.
When you return to the main menu you’ll notice a new swirly button between the Speed Chuzzle and Zen Chuzzle buttons. Press it to play BeChuzzed!
About BeChuzzed
BeChuzzed plays like Classic Chuzzle with a few differences.
The main difference is that there is no bottle to fill. There are no locks, fat, rainbow or super chuzzles. Hints are free and progress is not saved when you exit to the main menu. If you somehow run out of moves it’s game over because there are no scrambles.
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