Cockville – All Correct Dialogue Responses


Do you remember how young I am?22
What do I do in my free time?You like solitary walks in nature.
Remember my exact height?6′.
Let’s talk about a touchy subject – my weight. Remember how light I am?149 lbs.
Compliment me!Alex, you have gorgeous eyes!
I know size doesn’t matter, but do you remember mine?6.6 inches.
Where will you usually find me during sex?Bottoming.
I told you about my kink, can you remember it?You are a slave to the fist.
Here’s a tough one! What’s my favorite sex toy?I think you like anal beads.
What have I got under these red hot pants?Just a little jockstrap.
What is my favorite sexual activity?You like to have your mouth full.
Do you remember my stance on threesomes?You will join if invited, but you’re looking for something steadier.
What is your favorite pastime on the farm?Rolling in the hay.
I like country music. Sue me!Me too. Best music for a road trip!
What’s something everyone should try at least once in their lifetime?Traveling the world. Seeing new places gives us important experiences.
What did you dream of last night?I was flying.
What keeps you going when you’re feeling down?Hope that everything will work out in the end.
What essential farming gear can’t you live without?My boots, I can’t imagine how I would walk around in the mud without them.
My birthday is coming soon, and it’s a big one. What should I do?You and me?
Do you believe in second chances?Everyone deserves a second chance.
Why am I always late? What is your theory?Something’s bothering you and I would like to know what.
If your penis was a vegetable, what would it be?A nice long cucumber.
Ideal vacation?A jungle trek.
Reading a book, playing video games, or a night out? Choose!A good book any day.
What is most important to you?Love.
Do you binge watch any good shows?I like to relax with some easy-going comedies.
Where can I find you at parties?Dancing – either the stage or the pole, baby!
Is the glass half empty or half full?The glass is. Nothing more, nothing less.
Do you enjoy your life here on the farm?Yes, especially when you are around. Time simply flies!
Do you believe in love at first sight?I’m not naive, but who am I to say it can’t happen.
What’s the worst date you’ve ever had?I fell asleep during a blowjob.
How do you relax after a hard day of work?I like to call my assistant and see what he’s up to.
Do you have close friends?I consider you a very close friend.
Do you like working out?Not at all. I get enough exercise around the farm.
When is your favorite time of day to have sex?Anytime!
If you could change something about me, what would it be?I would adjust your inner clock so that you’re never late again.
Are you more of a dominant or a submissive type?Definitely dominant. I like to be in charge.
What are your kinks?The master and slave play works for me.
Would you obey me if I commanded you?Nah, that’s not really my thing.
Do you like to be slapped around?No. But I like slapping around.
Do you prefer to initiate sex or do you like to be jumped on?I feel it should be me… Doing the jumping on.
Are you aroused by seeing sex bruises, cuts, rope marks, bite marks, etc?Honestly? I’m not so sure.
If you were denied one of your senses while we were doing it, which particular sense would drive you wild?How about hearing? So that I could only see you scream as I pump you up.
Do you like to have sex outdoors?Wherever’s fine with me.
What do you like to be called during sex?Big boss.
If your ♥♥♥ had special powers, what would you want them to be?I wish my ♥♥♥ turns into white chocolate.
What about fetishes?I fetishize intimate piercings.
I had the weirdest dream last night. I dreamt that I had two ♥♥♥♥♥ and that I ♥♥♥♥♥♥ you with both!Remind me to tell you about my dream later! You were there.
Do you like to be watched during sex?No. Either have sex with us or go away.
Do you like to talk dirty?This ♥♥♥♥ is dirty and it won’t clean itself. Take that pretty mouth and put it to good use, won’t you?
Do you find delaying orgasms appealing?♥♥♥♥ that. I ♥♥♥ when I ♥♥♥.
Which fairytale would you like us to recreate while having sex?Sleeping beauty. You are the beauty.
What would be your porn star name?Sex God 9000.
Are you the kissing type?If the connection is right.
If we were to have a threesome, who would the third person be?Another twink, preferably.
Do you prefer clean or musky ♥♥♥♥♥?I don’t care. A good ♥♥♥♥ is a good ♥♥♥♥.


I’ve achieved a lot for someone my age. Do you remember how old I am?25
What do I do with my free time, when I have any?You run your video channel.
I’m quite tall. Remember how tall, exactly?6’1″.
Do you remember my weight?209 lbs.
I’m feeling down. Can you give me a nice compliment?You are capable and intelligent. There’s nothing you can’t do.
Let’s talk privates. Do you remember how big mine is?7.8 inches.
This should be easy. What’s my favorite sex position?You like to be on top!
We know each other well enough and you should now my kink by now. What is it?You like to watch others.
When there’s no one around, what do I use to please myself?I think I’ve seen a ♥♥♥♥ machine in the back of your office.
This should be easy. What type of underwear do I wear?None, you go full commando.
Do you remember what my favorite thing in sex is?Long deep penetration. To really feel your partner.
What is my stance on threesomes?You like the idea of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Alex and me together.
What do you think of carbs?We need them in our diet just like we need proteins and other stuff.
How will you expand your business?Through hard work.
What are your fitness goals?I want to be able to eat whatever I want and not worry about it.
The early morning is my favorite part of the day. What is yours?Evening. That’s when the fun starts.
Fitness online! What do you search for?Inspirational pictures and stories of people who kept pushing when it got tough!
A work dinner or a workout? Choose.Both! I’ll eat you up as we workout.
How do you pick your protein?I research the license and manufacturer. You can never be too sure.
What is it about Cumpump that keeps you coming back?I like to hang out with you and the guys.
Do you think Cumpump fees are expensive?Yes, but it’s still cheaper than trips to the doctor.
Do you like to, you know… watch others?Yes, I like to pry if a moment presents itself.
How do you deal with stress?I work out to blow off some steam.
Do you like cleaning your house?I’m a tidy person. I clean regularly.
What do you use social media for?I love videos and vlogs – both educational and funny!
How do you make difficult decisions?I try to think things through.
Do you procrastinate?No, I’m very goal-oriented.
If you were in a reality show, what would it be about?Pff, I’d pay to see a reality show about my own fabulous farm life!
What’s your morning routine? Tea or coffee?Coffee – I love a strong pick me up in the morning.
What music do you listen to?Something fast and energetic. To keep me pumping.
Your poison of choice?I’m a sex addict. Can’t get enough of steamy action!
What is the most attractive part of a man’s body to you?A person’s soul. Looks change with time.
I’m thinking of getting a tattoo. What do you think?You don’t need any ink. You look perfect the way you are.
What’s the sexual fantasy that you have yet to experience?I need my very own sex tape.
Tell me something about yourself that not many people know?I still sleep with my childhood blankie.
Is there something you’re self-conscious about?I gain weight pretty fast.
On which end of oral do you prefer to be?Giver all the way. I just love to rub ♥♥♥♥ all over my face.
What is your favorite position?I don’t care just ♥♥♥♥ me!
What is the oddest place where you had sex?Bathroom stall of a moving train.
Imagine that you’re ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ me… Where are your fingers?Around your firm waist.
Lube or no lube?The bottom should decide.
What is your go-to jerk off material?My porn collection.
Tell me of your wildest fantasy.I prefer doing instead of fantasizing. How much time do you have?
Is there something you never dared to try sexually but you jerk off to?Those masquerade swinger parties.
Look at me. What turns you on?Your drive!
Do you like tame guys or do you enjoy taming them?I just like guys!
Where would you ♥♥♥ after you ♥♥♥♥ me?I’d fill you up inside to the very last drop.
If you were to watch me ♥♥♥♥ another person, who would you picture me with?A pale, blond, fragile twink.
What would you have me wear during sex?Nothing. I want to see all of you, to touch all of you…
How would you shut me up while I’m screaming with your ♥♥♥♥ throbbing inside me?Are we talking about you bottoming?!
Do you enjoy being humiliated by your partner during sex?What do you have in mind?
How high is your pain threshold?I don’t mind to mildly hurt, I guess.
Do you prefer forcing your partners into submission rather than letting them submit on their own?It is me who prefers submission.
Are you willing to try everything once even if you think you might not like it?No. I know myself well enough to put up certain boundaries.
Is vanilla ice cream your favorite?Sometimes, but I like a good scoop of chocolate more than often.
How would you take me right now?I wouldn’t. I would let you take me.


Age is just a number, but do you remember mine?57
What instrument do I play in my free time?Saxophone.
Do you remember my height?5’8″.
I told you my weight, can you remember?176 lbs.
If I was in a bad mood, what kind of compliment would you give me to make me feel better?I would compliment CockVille’s beauty.
I told you the exact size of my penis. What was it?6.6 inches.
What role do I usually take during sex?You are pretty versatile
I’ve enjoyed life to the fullest and there’s one thing I cherish above all else. What is it?You like sexy younger men.
I told you about my favorite sex toy, can you remember?A ♥♥♥♥ ring!
Wanna guess what I’m wearing under these pants?Silk skinny briefs.
Can you guess what my favorite part of anal sex is?Long, hard prostate stimulation.
Can you remember the biggest number of people I’ve slept with at once?Yes, you handled 7 people at once.
How would you run things around CockVille if you were its mayor?I would try to accommodate as much as possible into the city’s budget.
What is an important thing that money cannot buy?Hope.
Is age important to you?I don’t care, age is just a number.
If you had to build one building for this town, what would it be?A hospital.
What is sexy to you?Altruism, nothing beats a kind loving spirit.
What is the best way to reach success?Smart planning, knowing in advance what to expect.
What do you think of gold diggers?Red flags go up fast around gold diggers.
What’s your stance on secret societies?I wonder if all those stories about the kinky sex are true.
Can you keep a secret?You can tell me anything Andrea, I will keep all your secrets.
What is your favorite instrument?Saxophone.
What do you think of CockVille?CockVille is unlike any place I’ve ever lived ever! It’s magical!
What does your inbox look like, is it messy or organized?I label and organize every mail I get.
What inspires you?Art.
Ideal vacation?A trip around the world!
Are you a party person?I attend them but I get bored easily.
Is it what others think of you important to you?Yes, public appearance is important.
If you had the cash to blow, what would you blow it on?An expensive car, a yacht, and a private plane.
Which shoes do you like best?The classic leather brogue – nothing beats style.
If you were a mythological creature, what would you be?An ancient Greek god – have you seen their bodies?!
What is your favorite drink?Red wine.
Do you like reading?Yes, I love my e-reader and have more books than I’ll ever manage to read!
What is your stance on group sex?Why not? The more the merrier.
Where do you see yourself in five years?I hope I’ll be running a business from my yacht.
What would you say if I told you I had sex less than an hour ago and I’m ready for more?Why are you telling me this now when you could’ve called me to join you?
What’s the dumbest thing you ever did and got away with it?I broke a museum exhibit, but no one noticed.
What kind of porn do you prefer?Thirsty twinks getting what they deserve.
How many sexual partners have you had so far?I seem to have lost count.
What’s your biggest turn-off?Body hair.
Describe your ♥♥♥♥!It’s hard all the time and ready for action!
Do you moan during sex?Depends on the partner.
What famous monster would be your top pick ♥♥♥♥ on Halloween?Dracula. Yep.
What would be your safeword if we were to get super kinky?My first teacher’s name?
Would you rather ♥♥♥♥ with the lights on or off?Lights on. I wanna see the faces you make.
Do you like it rough?When the mood hits, so do I.
If you were a girl for a day, what would you be doing?Nothing too different than now.
Where would my tongue tickle you?Taint tickles at first. But don’t let that stop you!
What’s the best erotic compliment you ever received?♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, your stamina!
Could you let me do all the work and not move a single muscle?Would love to. Dunno if I’d manage. Tie me up?
I’m very skilled with my hands, you know? What would you have me do?Touch yourself. Get to the edge. Let me catch you when the moment is right.
Do you mind if your partner isn’t skilled enough?No. I like being a teacher.
Are romantic moments in your relationships more important than kinky ones?It’s rare finding a partner who has the same kinks as you. Romance is easier to find.
Are you into sexual roleplay?Sure, if that rocks your boat.
What’s your favorite background noise during sex?Us moaning, grunting, screaming!
What about ageplay?I like being infantile with my partners.
Would you tell your friends about our encounters?Hell yeah! I want them to know what you do to me!


So, am I old enough to give consent?Yes, you are 21. I can’t go to jail for seducing you.
What is my favorite pastime?You love a good sci-fi movie.
Can you remember how tall I am?5’7″.
Can you estimate my weight?You are featherlight, 148 lbs if I recall.
Say something nice to me!Your lips are made for blowing.
My penis size is average, do you know how average?7 inches sharp!
This is an easy one. During sex, I’m mostly?Bottom.
What do I like, but haven’t had a chance to really try?You want to deep throat.
I told you about my sex toy. Can you remember what it was?Dildo.
Can you guess what I’m wearing under my pants?Mini slips.
What is my favorite sexual activity?You like to suck ♥♥♥♥.
What if I told you I want to include a third person into our mix?I would say you are full of it. You need to handle the basics first.
How did you find out that you were gay?Things started to make sense to me after puberty.
If you could teleport yourself anywhere, where would you go?The furthest planet I could possibly go.
If you were serving on a spaceship, what type of officer would you be?Engineer.
Do things get easier with time?No, but they get easier to deal with.
Is higher education worth the pursuit or do you think the school of life is enough?I see no reason to exclude one from the other.
What is the source of your confidence?The sum of my life experiences.
What is one app you can’t live without?Dating apps. They help me meet interesting new people.
How do you keep your gag reflex under check with a mouthful of ♥♥♥♥?Practice makes perfect. I used to practice with a cooked hot dog.
What is your favorite position when you’re bottoming?Missionary, so that I can watch my partner.
Do you like your partner’s ♥♥♥?Absolutely, it’s the cherry on top. Yummy!
Do you find it hard to talk to other people?No, I like to talk. It’s a good tongue exercise.
How do you plan for a trip?I’m a spontaneous traveler.
If you could live in a fictional world, where would you go?I love me some sci-fi!
Which type of pet would you like to have?Something fluffy and furry.
Describe your ideal date?Long enough to get to know the person before we hit the bed.
If you weren’t an agricultural scientist what would you be?A rocket scientist, trying to reach the stars.
How many sexual partners have you had so far?Numbers aren’t important. The quality of a relationship is.
What was your favorite game as a kid?Hide and seek, but never in the closet!
What was a high school like for you?The school was okay, but I was a terrible teenager. I would pull pranks all the time.
What is the best and worst about getting older?Wisdom is great and back pain is the worst.
What takes up too much of your free time?Sexy, skinny boys with full lips like yours. I can’t get anything done when I’m around them.
Is there something you don’t think you’ll ever get to experience?World peace and goodwill among all people.
What risks are worth taking?Any risk that involves helping others.
Do you have a favorite gadget?I can’t imagine my life without a rumba.
On which end of oral do you prefer to be?There’s nothing hotter than seeing a guy trap my ♥♥♥♥ with his lips, looking up to meet my gaze.
What is your favorite position?I actually prefer a missionary. I like to hold my lover in my arms, like a precious thing he is. Silly, isn’t it?
What is the oddest place where you had sex?Hmm, kitchen?
Imagine that you’re ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ me… Where are your fingers?In your mouth, on your tongue.
Lube or no lube?Always lube.
What is your go-to jerk off material?You.
Tell me of your wildest fantasy.♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ space marines and sexy blue aliens.
Is there something you never dared to try sexually but you jerk off to?Like getting kidnapped?
Look at me. What turns you on?The way your tongue touches your upper lip when you’re feeling insecure. Like now.
Do you like tame guys or do you enjoy taming them?I like them tame. I mean, they want me and I want them. Why complicate things?
Where would you ♥♥♥ after you ♥♥♥♥ me?Down your warm throat.
If you were to watch me ♥♥♥♥ another person, who would you picture me with?I wouldn’t. Your ass is mine.
What would you have me wear during sex?Is a Gaylor Moon cosplay off-putting for you?
How would you shut me up while I’m screaming with your ♥♥♥♥ throbbing inside me?My ♥♥♥♥ deserves your screams. So go ahead and shout.
Do you enjoy being humiliated by your partner during sex?No. I don’t like having my feelings hurt.
How high is your pain threshold?Painkillers are invented for a reason.
Do you prefer forcing your partners into submission rather than letting them submit on their own?Everything I see is mine. I don’t have to use force.
Are you willing to try everything once even if you think you might not like it?Like what?
Is vanilla ice cream your favorite?How did you know?!
How would you take me right now?On your hands and knees, your hips tilted bit forward, your ass in the air, thirsty for my ♥♥♥♥.


I told you about my age. Can you recall?32
When I’m not meditating, where can you find me?You like to watch birds.
If you were to measure my height right now, what would the measuring tape say?5’7″.
If I were to step on the scale, what would it show?217 lbs.
People like to compliment my flexibility, but that’s not really what I like to hear.Yes, you don’t like to impress others, you like to inspire them.
What is my size when I’m fully erect?7.8 inches.
What would you say, am I a top or a bottom?You are versatile.
I’m always up for sex, but it’s best when my kink is included. What is it, can you remember?You really enjoy exhibitionism.
We discussed sex toys. What is my favorite?You have turned your body into a sex toy.
What type of underwear do I feel most comfortable in?A langot wrap is your thing.
Sex is enjoyment from start to finish, but what is my favorite part of it?You don’t care as long as the poses are intense and extreme.
How many people is my optimal number for group sex?You have the energy to please two people during intercourse.
How do you let go of stress?I masturbate.
Which part of the body is most important to you?A well-toned body and strong arms.
What would you do to impress someone you like?Adopt a rescued bird and give him my sweetheart’s name.
If you were a song what beat would you keep?A moderate tempo that surprises you with faster and slower moments.
How do you handle pain?I take a pill.
What is the weirdest place you ever had sex?At my aunt’s place during a family reunion.
What type of bird would you reincarnate as in your next life?Eagle.
I’m spread out and ready to be eaten. Your tongue gets me off. People sometimes lick my nuts. What am I?Peanut butter.
Tell me your weirdest masturbation story!I accidentally used glue instead of lube.
What is important to you: your pleasure or your partner’s?To satisfy my needs and the needs of my partner.
What is most important to you?Inner growth.
How would you resolve a fight?I try to deal with my anger before I say something out loud.
What is your ideal date like?A picnic at the park followed by a roller coaster ride, and then we have a beach bonfire and roast some marshmallows.
What is your take on one night stands?They are a nice way to break up the monotony of dating.
Tell me a dirty little secret?Call me an egoist, but I often fantasize about ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ myself. I wish I had a kinky stepbrother. That’s the next best thing.
What do you think about marriage?I’m glad we have that option now, but I don’t see myself married.
Tell me something weird about yourself?I can edge for hours so I walk around with a hard-on all day long.
If you could be a certain age permanently, what would it be?The age I am now. I’m not naive anymore and I’m full of energy.
How do you relax after a hard day of work?I go home and relax in solitude. I even put on some classical music.
What is your favorite season of the year?Spring, especially when everything’s in full bloom.
What makes you laugh?I can’t stay serious when my friends or partners do or say something funny.
Did anything surprising happen to you recently?My assistant showed up to work on time today, that never happened before.
What’s the best advice you ever got?Do what is right, not what is easy.
What is your opinion on open relationships?I’m all for it. Monogamy is impossible for most people.
Are you more of a dominant or a submissive type?Switches have the most fun.
What are your kinks?Being free to do what I want.
Would you obey me if I commanded you?Yeah, but you’d have to obey me later.
Do you like to be slapped around?Why would you do that?
Do you prefer to initiate sex or do you like to be jumped on?Doesn’t matter, really. If you want me, grab my ♥♥♥♥. And I’ll do the same.
Are you aroused by seeing sex bruises, cuts, rope marks, bite marks, etc?No. I’m not some monster!
If you were denied one of your senses while we were doing it, which particular sense would drive you wild?Touch. Imagine that.
Do you like to have sex outdoors?I like being one with nature.
What do you like to be called during sex?(player name)
If your ♥♥♥ had special powers, what would you want them to be?To make everyone happy!
What about fetishes?I really like feet.
I had the weirdest dream last night. I dreamt that I had two ♥♥♥♥♥ and that I ♥♥♥♥♥♥ you with both!In the same hole?!
Do you like to be watched during sex?Let them look, maybe they’ll learn something new.
Do you like to talk dirty?Like it or not, I just don’t know how to dirty-talk.
Do you find delaying orgasms appealing?You mean spiritually?
Which fairytale would you like us to recreate while having sex?Beauty and the beast. Furries have feelings too!
What would be your porn star name?Long John.
Are you the kissing type?Sure am. Can’t get enough of those.
If we were to have a threesome, who would the third person be?Anyone who wants to join.
Do you prefer clean or musky ♥♥♥♥♥?Clean. We have to be considerate of each other.


I feel like I’m in my prime. Do you remember how old I am?35
When I’m not sweating by the stove, where can you find me?At the desk, writing your cookbook.
I seem taller than my actual height. Do you remember the exact digits?6’1″.
I compensate for my shorter stature with some weight. How much do I pack?229 lbs.
I’m very proud of one of my facial features. Which one?Your tooth gap.
<player_name>, how big is my man ham?8 inches.
What role do I prefer during sex?You like to be on top.
What is my secret sexual fantasy?You want to be turned into a human plate.
There are a lot of interesting sex toys out there. What is my favorite?Prostate stimulator.
What type of underwear is my first choice?Trunks.
I love everything about sex, but there’s one thing I like in particular. Remember what?Rimming.
What would happen if we added another partner to the mix?I think you’d be thrilled since you’ve never had one before.
Do you cut or tear your salad when you prepare it?Tear.
What kind of restaurants do you prefer when you eat out?Family-owned restaurants.
What food do you eat when you need a little pick me up?Sugar is my comfort.
Do you enjoy foreign cuisines?Yes! I like to experiment with new tastes.
Which food is the most phallic?A sausage.
How do you like to be seduced?You can’t go wrong with good food.
What do you do when you get horny during a delivery?I try to think of something that will turn me off.
Who gave you your first orgasm?My coach, too bad it was a wet dream.
What’s your go-to porn?I like to watch threesomes and group sex.
Have you ever had a wet dream about something taboo?I have, but I won’t tell you about it.
How do you deal with stress?I work in the fields.
Where can I find you at parties?Drinking – I love bar stories and bonding with people over drinks.
Do you like chocolate?Dark chocolate only! It can be spiced with chili peppers or oranges!
What’s your favorite condiment?Mustard is always my first choice.
Is the glass half empty or half full?The glass is full of course!
Do you like reading?I like to read non-fiction, textbooks, and manuals. Boring I know.
Sex or making love?Love making, I need to connect.
What is your stance on group sex?I would like to try it once.
Do you see yourself ever having kids?I see myself having one or two when I settle down. But that is still in the distant future.
Tell me about the best present you ever received?My dog Sprite. I got him when I was five.
Can you cook?I can cook most dishes, but nothing too complicated.
What’s the weirdest job you ever had?I worked as a professional iceberg mover. The weather conditions were chilling.
When is your favorite time of day to have sex?Anytime is the best time when you’re around.
What is something that you can’t get enough of?I can’t get enough of your delicious food. It’s better than most sex!
What kind of porn do you prefer?Muscle, macho, big guys work best for me.
How many sexual partners have you had so far?Some good ones.
What’s your biggest turn-off?Angry people.
Describe your ♥♥♥♥!Okay. Here’s an image, a magnificent piece of meat!
Do you moan during sex?I kick, scream, moan and buck!
What famous monster would be your top pick ♥♥♥♥ on Halloween?Frankenstein’s monster’s a big guy.
What would be your safeword if we were to get super kinky?Stop.
Would you rather ♥♥♥♥ with the lights on or off?I don’t care about the lights.
Do you like it rough?Everybody needs it from time to time.
If you were a girl for a day, what would you be doing?Straight ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.
Where would my tongue tickle you?My feet. But be careful I kick.
What’s the best erotic compliment you ever received?“That’s the best-looking ♥♥♥♥ I’ve ever seen!”
Could you let me do all the work and not move a single muscle?Sure. Go wild. I’m into total bottoming.
I’m very skilled with my hands, you know? What would you have me do?How about a hand job under the table?
Do you mind if your partner isn’t skilled enough?It’s sex. Things go in and out. We’d find a rhythm that works eventually.
Are romantic moments in your relationships more important than kinky ones?They are equally important.
Are you into sexual roleplay?No. It feels awkward being someone I’m not.
What’s your favorite background noise during sex?Don’t care. TV?
What about ageplay?Not for me.
Would you tell your friends about our encounters?Would that turn you on?


It’s my birthday today, so let’s talk bondage. If every knot was a year, how many would I put you in tonight?32 knots this way! You were 31.
What do I like to do when I’m not doing you?You like your Greek guys– I mean, mythology!
Remember how tall I am? Every foot is a lash of the whip on your back.You weren’t specific. You said more than 6. Not cool.
How much do these muscles weigh?200 lbs. May I touch them now?
What do I like hearing the most?Begging for your ♥♥♥♥. So, please?
Tell me how big my cyclops is.8.2 and I know every inch.
Do you see me as a versatile type?No. You’re the dominant one.
What do I fantasize about?Finding your perfect submissive.
What do I like to play with?Ropes and whips. I still wear their marks.
What do I have under these leather pants?A fragrant black leather jockstrap.
Who am I sexually?You are a rigger and I’m your bondage bunny.
Do you think I’d refuse a threesome?Not if you’re in control.
If I made a bike for you, how would you call it?Then I’d name it either Scylla or Charybdis.
What was your impression of me?Both intimidating and inviting. Confusing?
Who’s your favorite mythological god?Zeus is a powerhouse.
How do you feel about being tied up?All giddy, like a schoolboy.
Am I being too rough with you?Yeah. But I wouldn’t want it any other way.
What’s your favorite scent?I love the smell of leather.
Do you like being whipped?Yes. I didn’t even know.
What’s your favorite thing about bondage?Watching you rig.
Do you work out?Yes. Everyone should take care of their bodies.
What’s your favorite gift?Your ♥♥♥♥.
What is your weapon of choice?My body.
Where would you take me on a romantic holiday?To some well-furnished sex dungeon.
What’s an annoying habit that others have?Minding other people’s business.
What’s something everyone should try at least once in their lifetime?Bondage. Or whatever kinks they have.
How different was your life one year ago?For instance, I didn’t know I could be such a sub.
What do you think about kink shaming?♥♥♥♥ those people.
What’s the worst experience you ever had?I was kink-shamed in the middle of having sex.
What advice would you give to the younger version of you?Just be who you are and ♥♥♥♥ what anybody else thinks.
What are you looking forward to?Our next bondage session.
Do you like dancing?I like watching others, the way their bodies move.
What is the one thing you’ll remember me by?How you made me a complete Paul-slut.
What have you learned from your past relationships?That I shouldn’t be afraid of who I am.
What do you like about me?You live your life as you please.
What is the first thing you do in the morning?I think about what you might do to me that night.
Are you more of a dominant or a submissive type?A sub. What would you have me do?
What are your kinks?How about some kinbaku? I’ll teach you Japanese with my bondage skills!
Would you obey me if I commanded you?Yes, boss!
Do you like to be slapped around?Oh, yes! Please!
Do you prefer to initiate sex or do you like to be jumped on?You can jump on me anytime.
Are you aroused by seeing sex bruises, cuts, rope marks, bite marks, etc?Just thinking about it makes me hard!
If you were denied one of your senses while we were doing it, which particular sense would drive you wild?Sight. Not being able to see what you’ll do to me next.
Do you like to have sex outdoors?No. It’s uncomfortable.
What do you like to be called during sex?A little ♥♥♥♥♥.
If your ♥♥♥ had special powers, what would you want them to be?Soothing whiplashes.
What about fetishes?My dreams are laced with leather and latex.
I had the weirdest dream last night. I dreamt that I had two ♥♥♥♥♥ and that I ♥♥♥♥♥♥ you with both!I’ll get you a strap on. ♥♥♥♥ away.
Do you like to be watched during sex?I’m all about making eye contact with the viewer while I’m with someone else.
Do you like to talk dirty?I like to be dirty-talked at.
Do you find delaying orgasms appealing?Oh hell, yeah! Drives me crazy. Gets me hard all the time.
Which fairytale would you like us to recreate while having sex?Snow White. But where do we find seven really short guys?
What would be your porn star name?Nancy Boy.
Are you the kissing type?Sloppier and nastier the better!
If we were to have a threesome, who would the third person be?Someone with a high pain threshold.
Do you prefer clean or musky ♥♥♥♥♥?I’m a nasty thing.


You asked me how old I am. Do you remember the number?The winning number is 29.
Could you help me with my hobby?Are we testing lipsticks?
Could you reach up and grab that bottle? I’m not wearing any heels.Sure. Must be difficult being 5.6.
What’s the number that goes with our plus size queen?188 lbs of curves and swerves.
Do you have to compliment me?You like your skin, don’t you?
What would you find in my boxers? If you were to look, I mean.A stiff 6.6.
What do you think is my role during sexual intercourse?Bottom all the way.
Oh, darling! What do I dream of?You dream of making love.
I am thinking about sex toys! What kind?Oils and lubricants and something to administer them deep inside.
Do you remember what kind of underwear I wear?Boxers and tucking panties.
I told you once what I appreciate most during sex. Do you remember?The intimacy.
Would you invite me to a threesome?Not you, Taylor.
Did you ever use makeup?Yep. Halloween.
Do you have a favorite body type?Honestly? As long as they’re healthy, everything’s fine.
Would you date a drag queen?Why not? They’re like every other person. Maybe even more fun.
Do you use facial creams and skin moisturizers?Not yet, but I’m beginning to understand their importance.
Would you rather have dinner with me or with Miss Tea?If we’re talking dinner, then you, Taylor.
Where do you get your confidence, darling?I take in all the little things I do good and gradually build it up.
Do you have many friends?Many acquaintances, very few friends.
Is romance truly dead, darling?Not when there are people to remind us.
What do you think about my makeup skills?It seems like you’re improving every time I see you!
What do you think I could improve on Miss Tea?Have you tried wigs in different colors?
What’s on your bucket list?Finding my soulmate.
What is the scariest thing that ever happened to you?My family turned their back on me.
Coffee or tea?Give me tea!
Do you have any regrets from the past?I wish I came out sooner than I did.
I had a wet dream, and it was about you!Were we making sweet love?
What do you think about sending unsolicited nudes?I don’t think I could do that.
How do you usually end your day?Nothing beats a hot shower after a long day.
What would you like to get for your birthday?Your company.
Where do you see yourself in ten years?Still here, but my farm is this organic mansion.
How hard was coming out for you?It was the most difficult time of my life.
Is decision-making easy for you?Never. Even when it comes to choosing condiments for my sandwich.
Are you prone to anxiety?I can’t seem to stop worrying.
What brings happiness to your life?Bringing joy to other people.
Do you like yourself?It’s a touchy subject.
What kind of porn do you prefer?I actually prefer softcore. Is that odd?
How many sexual partners have you had so far?Very few, I’m afraid.
What’s your biggest turn-off?People who like to humiliate others.
Describe your ♥♥♥♥!It’s long, but not too long, with rich veins running down the thick shaft.
Do you moan during sex?I prefer listening to my partner’s moans.
What famous monster would be your top pick ♥♥♥♥ on Halloween?Do we count Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde among them?
What would be your safeword if we were to get super kinky?Red. So I don’t have to scramble remembering.
Would you rather ♥♥♥♥ with the lights on or off?It’s more intimate in the dark.
Do you like it rough?Not really. It takes a man to be gentle.
If you were a girl for a day, what would you be doing?Exploring my body on my own.
Where would my tongue tickle you?Stay away from the armpits.
What’s the best erotic compliment you ever received?“I can be myself with you.”
Could you let me do all the work and not move a single muscle?No idea. Wanna try?
I’m very skilled with my hands, you know? What would you have me do?Make my prostate happy!
Do you mind if your partner isn’t skilled enough?Somewhat. It means I have to be careful not to freak them out, I mean, too soon.
Are romantic moments in your relationships more important than kinky ones?Yeah. They don’t happen as often, making them all the more special.
Are you into sexual roleplay?I like roleplaying. It teaches you about yourself.
What’s your favorite background noise during sex?Good music.
What about ageplay?I like to treat my partners like little boys.
Would you tell your friends about our encounters?I never kiss and tell.
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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