Colony City 27λ – Basic Guide

Here is the general guide with tips and tricks.

Guide to Basics

General Tips/Quick Start

Beat the game once to unlock the gallery. It is actually pretty comprehensive.

NG+? You get a clear bonus (as well as additional skill unlocks) from beating the game once, which you can turn on and off when starting a new game. However, your skills will not carry over to keep things challenging.

Read, make sure you read all the red tooltips under your enemy and your own HP bar. They give very, very important hints on what you should or should not do.

All fights are 1v1, but every mob have their own unique and some time very nasty debuffs. As we do not have the luxury of adjusting the deck after the battle start, you will need to adjust your play style for certain mobs.

Corruption Value (CV) only affects the ending, and is gated at 33/66. Once you hit the cap, you will need to lose to see some defeat scenes to get to the next tier. Keep losing until your CV rise. There is no real penalty for losing.

It is okay for Youzi to have sex with everything she come across. Because CV is gated, there is no concern about CV getting too high unless you lose. In fact, there are a number of achievements from having sex with everyone. Just go around and collect every semen sample on your first run.

Skills Overview

The skills you get are random. You need to clear the game twice to unlock all the skills.

Winning a battle will award you a choice of 3 skills, one from each category of Passive, Activatable and Consumable skill (see below for details)

When picking a skill, you should consider both its effects and resource cost. By default, your deck does not come with any yellow or purple cards. If you picked up a skill that requires them, you will not be able to trigger it.

You must have 1 of each skill type equipped, and can make use of up to 10 skills at a time.

  • These are the cards for your deck.
  • There are 8 types in total. By default you start with Red (Attack), Blue (Shield) and Skin (Heal) color.
  • Each skill you equip would award some cards to your deck (see #5).
  • You draw only 5 cards at the start of each turn, so make sure you have a balanced resource base.
  • Until you are use to the game mechanics, it might be a good idea to have a spare card of each color… in case your card got locked out by grapple.
  • For example, if you need 2 yellow cards to trigger your skills, try to have a 3rd one as a spare.

Passive Skills

These cards require no card to activate. They will give you the corresponding buff, card or various bonus when their trigger condition is met.

Activatable Skills

  • Line up the cards in your queue to match the pattern to activate it.
  • You can activate the same skill more than once. For example, have 2 blue and red pattern to trigger the Meditation skill twice and increase its effectiveness.
  • You can choose skills with similar pattern and get them all activated at the same time.
  • Avoid having too many (e.g, don’t let it take up more than half your queue) so you have room to build your consumable skills combo.

Consumable Skills

  • For Consumable Skills, you need to match the pattern similar to Activatable Skills. However, it also takes the cards of matching pattern out of your queue when triggered (hence consume).
  • You can either charge or activate the skill same turn.
  • Charging and releasing it in the next turn or later gives an 1pt energy bonus when you trigger the skill. This is a key strategy to allow you to play more cards each turn.
  • Additionally, leaving a skill in the charge state will lock out the corresponding cards from your pool, and can be an effective way to help you draw the cards you need.
  • Keep an eye on Youzi’s excitement gauge. She would climax if it is max, and this will lock out all your Consumable Skills.

Cards added to your deck if you equip the skill

  • Most skills are not self sufficient, so you need to be creative if choosing your skill combination.
  • Resource availability is very important.
  • You also want to avoid over bloating on a single card type, unless you have sufficient consumable skills to remove it from play.

Advanced Strategies

Balance skills that give energy and Draw cards. You need both to let you play more cards per turn.

Watch out for kills that let you gain cards… these cards can disrupt the balance of your queue, especially in long fights. Gaining energy is good. Have to be careful against gain cards.

  • Against hard hitting enemies, the Evasion buff is a better counter than Shield and Heal tactics.
  • Evasion negates damage from direct attack, grapple, and sex (shield would still be consume).
  • However, it does not negate damage from debuffs/enemy passives.
  • Feint and Ascension in Pleasure are two example of skills that gives this buff.
  • Pick skills that compliment each other.
  • For example, Feint pairs well with Energy Retrieval.
  • They turn the useless Faulty Card (grey) into source of Energy + Evasion stack.

Always have 1 break free skill equipped

Cardiotonic prevents your HP from dropping below 1 and is a life safer if you are trying for the perfect journey achievement. #OMGbutton

Against enemies that like to clog your hand, make use of break free to prevent them from ******* in you and build up the stacks. It is still manageable if you only got 2 faulty or explicit card a turn.

Against the last boss, if your goal is to *** together… You will need the purple explicit card to help control your excitement gauge. If done correctly, his status would change from Frenzy to Quell.

If you want to beat last boss quickly, stacking the electric field buff works wonder.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

1 Comment

  1. I have complited entire game by attack-shield-heal build. No break free skils, no golden or purple cards.

    Just basic active skill (red-red-orange — deals 125% dmg), and some from 2nd chapter (red-red — gives 3 heal (orange) cards; orange-orange-blue — gives 9 shield and passive for shield power)

    The rest slots has been filled by passives:
    – 1 energy per step
    – 1 energy per 5 cards
    – 1 energy per active skill charge
    – 1 passive per 5-8 cards
    – passives on extra card or heal power

    Strategy is a little bit cheesy:

    – just try to build any active skill to get energy by card usage and charghing skills
    – spend 90-100% of your hand cards in each step
    – by combining red-red + orange-orange-blue — you will survive most of attacks, would be healed and will deal and stack attack power

    Tip about checking red enemy buffs and own red debuffs is very important.

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