Coral Island – Starter Tips

What have I learned, that might help you.

Newbies Tips

I have had a lot of fun playing this game. One of the things I enjoy the most is that there are no deadlines that only come once. It may take time for a season (or date) to come back around in a year, but as long as you aren’t stressing yourself to “win” by getting everything done as fast as possible.

You can’t choose to save the game. Instead it auto-saves when you go to sleep at night. Remember not to exit the game in the middle of the day or you will lose the progress that you made so far that day.

In the Main Menu, you can choose “Settings”. If you adjust “Game Time Speed” to 50%, you can accomplish twice as much in a day. You can decide what your style is, but you should know the option.

Right now, you can only advance your skills to level 5. This is frustrating, especially to those of us were able to achieve level 10 before the major upgrade this month. You can’t change this, but it is good for you to know that you aren’t doing anything wrong.

Planting is one of the easiest ways to get money and advance a skill that you have access from the beginning. Remember to water them. (You’ll be able to craft sprinklers later, but not for a while.)

You will be invited to dive or to mine and those has a lot of areas to collect items. I find it to be relaxing to remove the trash from the ocean. Mining will give you plenty of stones.

Anytime that you receive a new object, look at it in inventory before you sell it. If it says “donated”, it is something that you can get points by donating it to the museum. If that block is green, it means you have already donated it; if that block is grey that means that you haven’t donated yet. Donated items to the museum don’t give you money, but it advances your character level. If it says “offered” that means that you are going to offer them to a goddess. Save those items until you offer them later. This advances your character level and completing a section will give you a reward. Some rewards are lame but some are very nice. The software doesn’t make the “offered” block to change from gray to green when you offer it, so you will need to keep track yourself.

Later you will be able to convert trash to scrap. Don’t sell trash or scrap; instead save them. Scrap is needed for a lot of items to craft and can’t be purchased directly.

Wood will be needed later on and there aren’t a lot of trees outside of your farm. What I did was clear my own farm. (Again, I found it relaxing to clean up the area as long as I didn’t stress about how many days it takes.) Once the farm was clear, I planted the tree seeds (with 2 empty blocks between the trees in all directions) and used the lower half of the farm space for the planted trees. Later on, if you need wood, it will all be waiting for you. Later you will have gained the skills to occasionally get hardwood when you chop normal trees. Later I needed 5 hardwoods and it took me to chop down the entire forest (half of your farm) just to get 5 hardwoods.

Clearing the ocean will give you plenty of bronze and later silver kelp. You won’t be able to get silver kelp until you have access to the second level of the ocean. You won’t be able to access that second level until you bribe three turtles. The third one requires milk and you can only get milk by having a barn and a cow, so it will be expensive. Just be patient, you won’t be able to do it right away.

When you start off, you won’t know who all the villagers are. When you look at the Map (pushing “m”), you will see question marks for any person that you have never met. There are two people won’t be in the town in Spring but will appeal in Summer. I believe one stays in the Fall, but the other disappears until next summer.

Best Way to Make Money in the Winter

Pretty much – everything

  • Work on completing your museum, and sell all your extra fossils, gems, and artifacts (save the 100 points ones for enchanting).
  • Forage every day, that’s free money on the ground.
  • Fish and bug hunt. Get your bug hunting up so you unlock the traps, that’s passive income.
  • Make ponds and bug houses and put high value fish in and bugs in them, that’s also passive income.
  • You can sell ore and kelp you don’t need, you can always get more.
  • Don’t worry about processing ore and kelp, bars and essence don’t sell for more than ores and kelp.
  • Work on raising your friendship, they’ll sometimes send you gifts in the mail you can sell or use.

How Long to Unlock Ocean?

It doesn’t take long! you don’t need to worry about waiting long to dive it.

You only need to clear the bronze and silver areas to get to the merfolk kingdom, so at least you don’t have to do ALL of it. Remember you have to have at least 1 goddess offering bundle completed, and the level 2 dive suit to get into the kingdom (assuming nothing changes in 1.1).

Ocean unlocks day 8

The first 2 weeks goes like this:

  • Day 1 – Tools
  • Day 3 – Net and pole
  • Day 4 – Pufferfish
  • Day 5 – Mine
  • Day 6 – Town rank (if no rain though this might have changed. If it rains, push back everything a day)
  • Day 7 – Dream
  • Day 8 – Unlock goddess and diving (diving is not impacted by the rain issue from earlier)
  • Day 10 – Cherry festival
  • Day 11 – Merrit points

I am sure I am forgetting many things, but hopefully this is helpful.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2274 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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