Coral Island – Best Seeds for Greenhouse

What Are the Best Seeds for Greenhouse?

Strawberries and chili, they have a harvest every week, the strawberries are sold at a very good price, and the chili are used to make explosive II, (only those without stars).

You should also plant other crops that continue to re-grow new fruit endlessly, with a view to using them all year round in your Artisan machines. Also, one of each type of fruit bush (tree), is a good thing to plant along the back.

Focus on the crops that give the highest value when sold.

Melons and Pineapple are high value as Jam, but have to be grown outdoors and they don’t give multiple crop harvests. Strawberries are a good fallback for making Jam all year round, and re-grow every four days. Stock up on Melons and Pineapple when they are in season.

I like to have some Pumpkins in the Greenhouse, as they represent decent value as Juice, and re-grow every seven days. Stock up on Cauliflower and Barley, to use in the Keg, when they are in season.

You should have a few Coffee Beans growing in the Greenhouse as it can be put into a Keg to make cups of Coffee to give as gifts. Coffee is “liked” by the majority of islanders, so it’s good to always carry some in your inventory, especially when you attend a festival, as everyone turns up to take part.

If you use Fertiliser in the Greenhouse, it will permanently improve those crops, and is an excellent investment over time. You need to fertilise all four squares beneath each fruit bush (tree).

Final tip for Greenhouses. Don’t plant out large areas of the same crop. Instead have them arranged like squares on a chessboard, so they only touch at a corner. Avoid having a continuous 4×4 area of the same crop. There is a rare event that sometimes produces a giant version of the existing crop, but it needs a 4×4 area to spawn into. If this happens in your greenhouse, you will have to spend money on new seeds and fertiliser, which is too much like hard work IMO.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3755 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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