Cult of the Lamb – How to Defeat Bosses Easy

This will help you to cheese the achievements for killing bosses without taking any damage. You can avoid the boss’ phases but you will need to clear dungeon rooms flawlessly to stack damage with the Golden Fleece.

Guide to Defeat Bosses Easy


  • Get the golden fleece.
  • Stack as much additional % damage as you can.
  • Destroy the boss with high damaging weapons or curses.

Obtain a Talisman

First you must obtain 4 Talisman pieces to form a complete Talisman. These can be earned by completing unique quests outside crusades, such as fishing for The Fisherman or bringing Eyes of Witness to Plimbo

Unlock the Golden Fleece

In the temple you can use the Talisman you have obtained to unlocked Fleeces which provide buffs/debuffs to change your playstyle during a Crusade.

The best of all imo is the Golden Fleece, which lets you deal an additional 10% damage per enemy killed without taking damage, the downside of which is that you take double damage.

Find High Damaging Weapons/Curses

With the Golden Fleece, +% damage will scale the damage of weapons with higher base damage far more than faster weapons with low base damage.

Find any hammer or axe, as well as the highest damaging curse in the game, the Cleansing Fire, as it does absurd damage when you land all 3 projectiles

Stack Your Damage and Slay the Boss

Play slowly and methodically to be able to keep stacking your damage before fighting the boss. Learn the movesets of enemies in the dungeons and very quickly you will be one-shotting most of them as you stack damage.

A good target would be to have at least 500% additional damage stacked up. When you start the boss fight you should be able to deal enough damage to the boss to kill them before their first phase begins.

What if I have already beaten the boss for the first time? I can’t find them!

If you have already beaten the boss of a dungeon, you can challenge them again when you encounter their totem during a run in that dungeon

Simply destroy the totem to spawn a portal which you can enter to take you to the boss of that area


Thank you so much for reading through this guide! I hope it helped you in some way.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 6889 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. Summoning demons can help a lot with this as well. I was hesitant to do it at first because I thought it sacrificed followers, but they just come back from the trip exhausted and need a nap. Some are more of a support thing but the ones that deal damage can become even stronger then you

  2. Yeah I also got the achievement with homing projectiles. Just get the fervor bonuses so you can cast multiple times at the start of the fight. The boss lasts like 6 seconds and you can kill it from far away.

  3. I used glass cannon got hounds of fate then was able to spell spam kill all bosses except for 4, had to dodge a little and spell him him more carefully cause he likes to dodge too.

  4. i just pretty much deleted a boss with glass cannon, just used a high level fervor demon and i can spam my curses non-stop.

  5. The other broken spell I found is the homing projectile one, it can melt bosses while you’re across the room and deals 5 projectiles worth of damage as far as I can tell

  6. Got to 1000% damage w/ godly axe and wrecked 3rd boss. Good to see I’m not alone in using the fleece

  7. just turning the difficulty down purely for these no hit achievements, obviously this makes it way easier to get, but that’s the purpose of this guide too, I played through on Hard and just lowered it to Easy for these “no hit” ones

  8. thats pretty boring though, this method takes skill

    if you do just wanna get the game’s story over with, then yeah you can do that route, it isn’t nearly as fun as learning and mastering the game’s enemies to nae nae on the bosses with ease

  9. Biggest tip I can give is to also turn the difficulty setting down to “Easy”, the bosses will take way more damage and be very easy to kill. I turned my difficulty down and did all of them first try with maxed weapons / curses and no real set-up involved.

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