Dominions 6 – Starting Tips That Aren’t Immediately Intuitive

Tips for Starters

Get mages hunting for magic sites early. Ideally following around your expansion armies. 2 in their path will find 90%ish of all magic sites of that type.

Spells with an area of 1 means 1 full square. A size 3 unit (humans are size 3) can fit 3 into a square and there are smaller units and formation experts that can fit more. So these spells typically hit multiple units. With the relatively smaller armies of the early game a few mages spamming out 1 area buff or attack spells can be a significant help in a fight.

A default human has 10 in most stats (protection being an exception which is based on equipment). Use this as a good measure to determine how good a unit is. It has 14 attack, thats high. It has 7 defense. Thats low. You can get a rather accurate assessment of units with this a a general rule.

The general combat situation is both sides have a 50/50 chance to hit and they die in 2 hits on average (with occasional 1 shots). Obviously this changes when you add X factors like giants with big health or Ulm Black Knights with the best armor in the game. However knowing that battle is generally deadly in relatively few hits puts a lot of things into perspective. My favorite example of this is cheat fate. It negates a single hit on the unit. Knowing hes in a 2 hit fight with the occasional 1 shot makes that looks a lot better yah?

Weapon reach matters a lot. If a unit’s weapon is longer than their opponent then their opponent has to succeed in 2 rolls to hit. The added roll is longer weapon’s attack vs defense of the attacker. A notable example of how useful this is is the low defense barbarian with a 2 handed weapon and high attack. These barbs bust heads pretty effectively. His high attack and low defense with a weapon of only reach 1 means he has a lot of trouble fighting a spear wielder. Keep this in mind when you scout out provinces full of barbarians.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 4311 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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