Dungeon Clawler – Items List

Here’s a sheet of all the current items, perks, and terms and what they mean / do.

All Items, Perks and Terms

Basic Terms

WaterMakes wood and cloth items float
LavaTurns Fluff into Burning fluff dealing 2 damage to the nearest enemy
PoisonDeals X damage per stack every turn. -1 stack each turn.
StrengthIncreases your base damage by 1 for every x stack
BlockNegates Damage for each stack of block
HealthTotal HP
DodgeThe next attack doesn’t do damage. Reduces enemy dodge change by 1.
FluffUsed to craft new clothes
MetalMaterial Designation – Daggers, Bombs, Gaunlent, Battleaxe, Warhammer etc
Shrink WrapAt the start of your turn one ITEM is shrunk
SpikesDeals X damage for each stack of Spike when attacked by an enemy
BombExplodes at the start of your turn and deals 30 damages to all enemies
CoinsUsed to pay for services or gamble in game
WoodMaterial Designation – Wands, Shields
ClothMaterial Designation
PlasticMaterial Designation
GlassMaterial Designation

Claw Items

DaggerAttacks the nearest enemy for 5 damage
small swordDeals 10 damage. x2 if picked up alone
Small ShieldIncreases Block by 5
PiggybankRewards 2-5 coins. Once per fight
Big ShieldIncreases Block by 10. Doubles when picked up alone
Lucky StickAttacks the nearest enemy for 1-20 damahe
Magic WandAttacks the last enemy for 5 damage heals you for 2
Holy ShieldReduces all damage taken to 1, removes all your block. once per turn
Poison BathbombTurns Water into Poison Water
Lava BathbombTurns Water into Lava
Battle AxeAttacks the nearest enemy for 15 damage and removes their block
WarhammerAttacks the nearest enemy for 10 damage and increase your block by 5
Poison GrenadeApplies 3 Poison to all enemies
Poison FlaskDoubles the nearest enemies poison. Once per fight
Water BottleFills the machine with Water
Brass KnuckleAttacks the first enemy for 2 damage and gives you 1 dodge. once per fight
Energy DrinkComverts all block into strength at a 1:2 rate
Vitamin PillConverts all strength into block at a 1:2 rate
Dark SwordDeals 40 damage. -5 HP for each item picked up with it.
MorningStarAttacks the nearest enemy doing damage equal to 50% of your block Block
Body ArmorFor each bodyarmor collected give 5 Block at the start of each turn
MagnetAttracts Metal Items and charges them increasing their damage by 2
Heat GunAttacks the last enemy for 2 damage and gives you 1 Shrink Wrap
Golden DaggerAttacks the nearest enemy for 3 damage. +1 damage for every 10 coins you have
Double Bladed SwordDeals 30 damage but you lose 10 health
AntidoteRemoves all stacks of Poison from you
HelmetDoubles your block. Once per fight.
ShurikenApplies 5 poison to the last enemy
Ring of StrengthIncreases your strength by 2
Ticking BombGives you the Bomb Buff. Explodes after 3 turns dealing 30 damage to all enemies
Great SwordAttacks all enemies for 10 damage
Strength PotionDoubles your strength once per fight
GauntletGives 2 block each time you pick up an item
Hand MirrorReflect the next attack or debuff back at the attacker. Once per fight.
SyringeAttacks the nearest enemy for 5 damage. Does +5 damage each time it is picked up again in the fight. Resets after each fight.
Metal ShieldIncreases block by 7
SpikeYou take 5 damage when collecting this item
ThermometerDeals .5 damage to the nearest enemy for every missing HP you have.
PaperclipDeals 2 damage. This damage is multiplied by your strength
Hand of MidasConverts all fluff in a small radius into gold coins (Attracted by magnets)

Claw Perks

Contagious VenomIf you kill a poisoned enemy, add its poison stack to all other enemies
Natural StrengthStart each combat with 3 Strength
BulwarkStart each combat with 10 block
PickyIf you pick up a single item in a turn. it gets used twice.
ResilientHeal 5 Health after each fight
HoarderIncreases the amount of items that can get dropped into the machine by 10
Poisonous WeaponsEach attack applies 1 Poison
GiantismIncrease your maximum Health by 20
Magic MirrorThe first item each turn is used twice
BlockMasterRetain up to 10 Block inbetween turns
FluffyIncrease the amount of fluff in the machine by 10
BerserkerGain 1 Strength everytime you receieve Damage
VaccineYou remove 3 poison at the end of each turn
Golden ArmorIncrease Max HP by 1 for every 10 gold
Savings AccountGet 2% of your coins at the end of a fight
SwampThere is always 20% Water in the machine
WeaklingsDecrease the health of all enemies by 25%
Vampire FangsRegen 1 health when you deal damage
SpikesStart each fight with 3 spikes
Pin CushionWhenver you take damage 1 item from your deck is added to the machine (If possible)
MagnetismIncreases the range of magnets by 205

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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