Explanation of Cards
The full list of maps can be found here. We also recommend reading the glossary for a better understanding of the terms used in the game.
Use Ctrl+F to search for the card you want.
Half a Spade (0 of Spades)
- On play: Set value to 0.
- On stand: Rounds up.
Half a Club (0 of Clubs)
- On play: Set value to 0.
- On stand: Rounds up.
Half a Diamond (0 of Diamonds)
- On play: Set value to 0.
- On stand: Rounds up.
Half a Heart (0 of Hearts)
- On play: Set value to 0.
- On stand: Rounds up.
Pi of Spades (3 of Spades)
- On play: Set value to 3.
- On stand: Rounds up.
Pi of Clubs (3 of Clubs)
- On play: Set value to 3.
- On stand: Rounds up.
Pi of Diamonds (3 of Diamonds)
- On play: Set value to 3.
- On stand: Rounds up.
Pi of Hearts (3 of Hearts)
- On play: Set value to 3.
- On stand: Rounds up.
I The Magician (0)
- On play: Add 2x Magic Trick Card and 1x Ace up Your Sleeve to your draw pile.
- On discard: Burn.
II The High Priestess (0)
- On play: Foresight 9.
III The Empress (0)
- On play: Play and lock an Ace of Hearts.
- On discard: Burn.
IV The Emperor (0)
- On play: Lock.
- On bust limit exceeded: Deal damage equal to the amount bust limit exceeded by.
V The Hierophant (0)
- On play: Lock.
- On bust limit exceeded: Heal equal to the amount bust limit exceeded by.
VI The Lovers (6 of Hearts)
- On play: Add a Valentines Card, Ace of Hearts or VI The Lovers to your draw pile. Cards added this way burn
- on discard.
VII The Chariot (0)
- On play: Lock.
- At the start of the next round: Burn this card, and force foe to Stand.
VIII Justice (0)
- On play: Replace all of your Jacks with Jackpot, then add a Jackpot to your draw pile.
- On discard: Burn.
IX The Hermit (0)
- On play: Gain 1 chip, heal 1 HP, gain 1 Shield, deal 1 Damage and gain 1 Advantage.
X Wheel of Fortune (0)
- On play: Spin the Wheel of Fortune and receive a gift!
XI Strength (0)
- Exploit while busted: Hit button becomes re-enabled for one hit.
XII The Hanged Man (0)
- On play: Foresight 2, then Quick Discard one.
XIII Death (13)
- On play: Shred 1 of 3 cards currently have.
- On discard: Burn.
XIV Temperance (0)
- On play: Gain 2 Chips per card you currently have.
- On discard: Burn.
XV The Devil (0)
- On winning with max score: Deal 6x Damage. Otherwise, at end of round take 6 Damage.
XVI The Tower (0)
- On play: Lock your other played cards, if any are already locked, unlock them.
XVII The Star (0)
- On heal: Deal Quick Damage equal to the amount healed.
XVIII The Moon (0)
- On play: Lock
- While in play: Foe plays cards face down. You deal 3x damage.
- Exploit: Unlock. All foe cards are face up this round.
XIX The Sun (0)
- On play: Move a card to the top of your draw pile.
XX Judgment (0)
- On play: Add a fresh copy of one of your burned cards to your draw pile.
XXI The World (0)
- On play: Lock
- On stand: Put a random Tarot card to your draw pile.
0 The Fool (0)
- On play: Swap played and discarded cards with your foe.
5 of Cups (5 of Spades)
- On play: Foe gains 5 Shield.
5 of Wands (5 of Clubs)
- On play: Take 5 Damage.
5 of Pentacles (5 of Diamonds)
- On play: Lose 5 Chips.
5 of Swords (5 of Hearts)
- On play: Set value equal to the amount of cards in your draw pile.
The Magician I (0)
- On play: Add 2x Killer Queen and 1x Misprinted Card to your draw pile.
- On discard: Burn.
The High Priestess II (0)
- On play: Shuffle your discarded cards into your draw pile.
The Empress III (0)
- On play: Play and Lock a Negative Ace of Hearts.
- On discard: Burn.
The Emperor IV (0)
- On play: Lock.
- On bust limit exceeded: Gain shields equal to the amount bust limit exceeded by.
The Hierophant V (0)
- On play: Lock.
- On bust limit exceeded: Gain chips equal to the amount bust limit exceeded by.
The Lovers VI (6 of Hearts)
- On play: Set card values to their base value, then Burn all cards created this encounter.
The Chariot VIII (0)
- On play: Instant Tie, gain 21 Shield, then Lock.
- At the start of the next round: Burn this card, then Stand.
Justice VIII (0)
- On play: Replace all of your Jacks random Kings.
- On discard: Burn.
The Hermit IX (9)
- On play: Burn all other currently played cards, then Stand.
Wheel of Fortune X (0)
- On play: Burn another random played card, then play any card from your draw pile.
Strength XI (0)
- On play: Deal 11 Damage, then Stand.
The Hanged Man XII (0)
- On play: Burn a discarded card, then move a discarded card to your draw pile.
Death XIII (13)
- On play: Add fresh copies of every card in your draw pile, into your draw pile.
- On discard: Burn.
Temperance XIV (0)
- On play: Deal 14 damage if you have fewer than 140 Chips.
The Devil XV (0)
- On play: Lock.
- On tie: Deal 6 Damage.
The Tower XVI (0)
- Lock the next card played this turn.
The Star XVII (0)
- On taking damage: Heal 3 HP.
The Moon XVIII (0)
- On play: Lock
- While in play: You play cards face down and deal 3x damage.
- Exploit: Unlock. All your cards are face up this round.
The Sun XIX (0)
- On play: Move a card from your foe’s draw pile to the top of your draw pile.
Judgment XX (0)
- On play: Play a random card that has “On discard: Burn”.
The World XXI (0)
- On play: Lock
- On stand: Add a random Reversed Tarot card to your draw pile.
0 The Fool (0)
- On play: Add a fresh copy of another random played card to your hand.
Rules Card (0)
- On play: Choose to set your or your opponent’s bust limit to either 20 or 22 for the rest of this encounter.
Double Back Card (0)
- On play: Has no effect.
- Exploit: Has no effect.
Blank Card (0)
- On 1st play: Choose a value from 1 to 11 for the Blank Card to take for the rest of this encounter.
Joker (0)
- On play: Choose a card from your discard pile and copy its value and suit.
Ace Up Your Sleeve (0)
- On play: Create an Ace of a random suit then put it into your hand.
Ace in the hole (1 of Diamonds)
- Handy.
- Flexible: -1 or 1.
- Can only be played while exactly 1 above or below max score.
- On stand: If this card is in your hand, take 1 Damage.
Jack of All Trades (10 of all suits)
- Has the Blackjack effect of all four suits at once.
Jack in a Box (10)
- Exploit: Set this card’s value to 0. if the value is 0, set value to 10 and a random suit.
Jackhammer of Clubs (10 of Clubs)
- Exploit: Deal 5 Damage, then burn.
Jumping Jack (10)
- On hit or Exploit: Move to foe’s side.
Jack and the Beanstalk (10 of Spades)
- On stand: Rounds up 4 times.
- On bust: Take 5 Damage and halve the value of this card.
Monterey Jack (10 of Hearts)
- Exploit: Heal 2 HP and Burn.
- On stand: Heals for 3 more HP this encounter.
Jackpot (10)
- On stand: Add 3 random Jacks to your draw pile.
- On discard: Burn.
Magic Trick Card (0)
- On play: Choose to set this card to either a Queen of Diamonds or a 7 of Spades.
Queen of Music (10 of Hearts)
- The next card you play this round becomes a Queen of Music for the rest of the encounter.
Queen of Chess (10 of Spades)
- Exploit: Move to foe’s side, then Lock.
- At the start of next round: Unlock.
Queen of Wonderland (10 of Hearts)
- On play: Halve the value of any played card for this encounter.
Killer Queen (10 of Clubs)
- On play: Burn any other player card, then +2 value to this card.
Queen of the Stone Age (10 of Spades)
- Whenever you play a card worth 3 or 7: Deal 3 Damage.
Dancing Queen (10 of Diamonds)
- On hit or Exploit: Changes card value in the order: 10, 11, 10, 9, 10.
Queen of Drag (10 of Hearts)
- On play: Add a random Queen to your hand and set her value to 11.
King of Gold (10 of Diamonds)
- The next card played becomes a random Diamonds card for the rest of the encounter.
King of the Hill (10 of Spades)
- On play: Instant Blackjack if this is the only Face card currently in your deck.
King of Kings (10 of All Suits)
- On play: Burn all currently played Kings, then take 1 Damage and gain 10 Chips for every King burned.
King Cobra (10 of Clubs)
- On play: Take 3 Damage, then deal 2 Damage for every King currently in your deck.
King of Space and Time (10 of Hearts)
- Handy.
- On play: Move all your other played cards to your opponent’s side, then Stand. Can only be played if you have a Jack in play.
Kingmaker (10)
- Handy.
- On play: Choose another one of your played cards to turn into a random King.
King of the World (10)
- On play: Burn all other Face cards.
Master of One (10)
- On hit: Create and play a One of a random suit.
Heart of Threes (3 of Hearts)
- On hit: If you already have a score of at least 18, heal 3 HP.
Spade of Fives (5 of Spades)
- On hit: If you already have a score of at least 16, gain 5 Shield.
Club of Fours (4 of Clubs)
- On hit: If you already have a score of at least 17, deal 4 Damage.
Diamond of Sixes (6 of Diamonds)
- On hit: If you already have a score of at least 15, gain 6 Chips.
Misprinted Card (6 of Spades)
- On play: Set value to 6, then Create a Seven of Spades and put it in your hand.
- On stand: Rounds up.
AI Generated Card (11)
- On play: Randomly selects value and suit.
- Exploit: Add a fresh copy of this card to your foe’s side.
Get Out of Jail Free Card (0)
- Handy.
- On play: Instant Tie.
- On discard: Burn.
+2 Card (0)
- On play: Play foe’s top two cards.
- On discard: Discard to foe’s discard pile.
Reverse Card (0)
- On play: Swap who hits first.
Card Sleeve (0)
- On play: Lock any of your played cards, then Burn this card.
Baseball Card (10 of Clubs)
- On discard: Permanent -1 value.
- When value is 0: Shred this card, then permanently add a Card Sleeve and an Old Baseball Card, to your deck and discard pile.
Old Baseball Card (0)
- On play: Gain 10 Advantage.
- On discard: Burn.
Trap card (6)
- On taking damage: Deal matching Quick Damage.
Dark Mage (0)
- Handy.
- On play: Burn one of your played cards that has a value of 7 or higher.
Charred Lizard (10)
- On play: Choose to keep in play or sell to foe’s discard pile for 10 Chips.
Dark Flower (0)
- Exploit: Play three Halves of a chosen suit, then discard this card. These Halves Burn on discard.
Booster Pack (5)
- On play: Add five random cards to your hand. One will be a foil.
- On discard: Burn.
Four Mana Seven Seven (2)
- Start of turn: If you are not bust, play a Four of Clubs, then play a Seven of Clubs to your foe’s side.
Gerald from Riviera (3)
- On play: Burn one of your foe’s played cards.
- On discard: Burn.
Terminate the Tower (4)
- On play: Play one of four unique cards.
Break Limits (1)
- On play: Double the value of a played card for this encounter.
Sweep the Leg (3)
- On play: Set your foe’s max score to 20 and set yours to 22 for this encounter.
- On discard: Burn.
Scratch (2)
- On play: Deal 3 damage. Increase the damage of all of your Scratch cards by 2 this encounter.
Expulsion (0)
- While in play: Deal and take 2x more damage.
Jimbo (4)
- You can play a max of 5 cards.
- On stand: Gain 4 chips for each of your played cards.
Whale Card (10)
- On play: Lose 21 Chips, then deal 5 Damage.
Lightning of the 4th Kingdom (11 of Spades)
- On play: Foresight 1. Deal 3 Damage if the revealed card has a value less than 6.
Rain Man (11)
- On hit: Deal Damage equal to your number of played cards, then discard.
- On stand: Gain Shields equal to your number of played cards.
Birthday Card (0)
- On play: Permanently rounds up.
- On stand: Add 5x Booster Pack to your hand if value is at least 21.
- On discard: Burn if value is at least 21.
Get Well Soon Card (0)
- On play: Lock.
- On taking damage 3 times: Heal the user by 10 and Burn.
Valentines Card (14 of Hearts)
- On play: Heals both players 14 HP.
- On discard: Burn.
Credit Card (10)
- Handy
- On discard: Create then play a Negative Eleven of Diamonds.
Credit Card knife (10 of Diamonds)
- On click: Lose 5 Chips. Deal 5 Damage. Increase the chip cost by 5 for this encounter.
Lockpicking Card (10 of Diamonds)
- On click: Unlock every card in play, then Quick Discard them.
Key Card (0)
- On play: Choose a card from opponent’s play pile to unlock if it is locked and lock if it is unlocked.
Kanban Card (0)
- On play: Choose one card from the bottom 3 cards in your draw pile to move into your hand.
Loyalty Card (0)
- On play: Instant Blackjack every tenth time this card is played. Loyalty stamps are persistent between encounters
Trump Card (0)
- Handy.
- On play: Instant Blackjack.
- On discard: Burn.
- On burn: Shred this card.
Official Trump Card (0)
- Handy.
- On play: Choose this card’s value from 1 to 11. Lose 2x that many Chips.
Memory Card (8)
- On 1st play: Choose another card from your deck.
- On stand: Create a copy of the chosen card into your draw pile.
Scratchcard (0)
- On play: Choose to reveal 1, 2, or 3 numbers each randomly ranging from 1 to 9. Add the total of the revealed numbers to this card’s value and give the player that many chips.
Time Card (0)
- Exploit while you have a card worth 9 or 5 in play: Gain 10 Chips.
Hall Pass (0)
- On play: Foresight 3.
Business Card (0)
- On play: Choose a card in your opponent’s play pile to swap this card with.
Cue Card (0)
- On play: Choose a card from your play or discard pile to put at the bottom of your draw pile.
Blood Donor Card (0)
- On play: Lock.
- Whenever you play a card worth at least 1 Heart: remove 1 from its value and heal 1 HP.
SD Card (0)
- On play: Take the top card from your draw pile and add it to your hand, then Lock this card. Unlocks when the drawn card is played from hand.
Social Security Card (0)
- Handy. On play: Create copies of each card from your opponents play pile, put them into your draw pile, then burn this card.
Green Card (13)
- On play: Choose a card from your play or discard pile to put on the top of your opponent’s draw pile.
Yellow Card (1)
- On play: Choose a card in your opponent’s play pile to mark with a Yellow Card, then Create a Red Card in your draw pile.
Red Card (2)
- On play: Burn any cards in your opponents play pile that are marked with a Yellow Card.
- On discard: Burn.
Insurance Card (0)
- On click: Lose 21 Chips, Burn your most recently played card and this card.
Library Card (0)
- On play: Lock. Choose a card from the opponent’s draw pile and put it in your draw pile. Every time that card is discarded you lose 5 chips.
Flash Card (0)
- On play: Randomly selects a number from 1 to 10.
- Exploit: Change the value of this card to the selected number.
Transit Card (3)
- Exploit: Choose a card from your draw pile to put into your opponent’s draw pile.
Leaving Card (9)
- Handy
- On play: Quick Discard all cards currently in your hand, then draw up to the same number of cards to your hand.
- On discard: Burn.
Priceco Membership Card (0)
- On play: Set value to 12, then create a 12 of a random suit, then put it into your hand.
- Exploit: -3 value.
Communist Party Card (0)
- On play: Instant Draw.
- On discard: Discards to opponent’s discard pile.
Report Card (4 of Spades)
- On play: Gain 5 Shield. If you have at least 11 Shield, create an Ace of Spades, then put it into your hand. If you have at least 21 Shield, make it a Foil.
Throwing Card (11 of Spades)
- Flexible: 11 or 1.
- On play: Deal Damage equal to your Shield, then move this card to your opponent’s play pile.
Fingerprint Card (0)
- On play and stand: Exploit a random one of your played cards that has Exploit (does not cost Advantage).
Rorschach Card (0)
- On stand: Your opponent stands.
Radiation Detector (13)
- On play: Turn a random card from foe’s cards into a Radiation Detector.
Vaccination Card (3 of Hearts)
- On taking damage: Gain 5 Shields. Burn after taking damage 3 more times.
RSUP Card (8)
- On stand: Deal 8 Damage if your foe has not stood.
Bounce Card (0)
- Handy.
- On play: Move a random card from your played cards into your hand.
- On discard: Burn
Calamari Game Card (0)
- On play: Deal 3 damage to both players.
- On opponent defeated: Gain 100 chips.
Bat Credit Card (10)
- On play: Steal 10 Chips from your foe. If they have fewer than 10 Chips, deal 10 Damage instead.
Glitched Card (0)
- On play: Copy the suit, value, and effect of a random card.
- On stand: Unlocks
Wild Card (0)
- Handy.
- On play: Change the value of this card to match the top card in your discard pile.
The Victim Card (0)
- On taking damage: +1 value to all foe’s played cards.
Four of a Kind (0)
- On play: Play a card from each suit, each with the same random value between -1 and 5.
- On discard: Burn
Dis-Card (0)
- On play: Choose a card currently in play and Quick discard it.
Gravecard (0 of Spades)
- On play: Set value to a random value from 6 to 10.
- Exploit: Set value to a random value from 1 to 5.
Cardiovascular Exercise (0 of Hearts)
- On play: Take 2 Damage, gain 5 Shield.
Cardecu (25 of Diamonds)
- On play: Gain 25 Chips.
Carduus Acanthoides (2)
- On Stand: Rounds up.
- On taking damage: Deal Quick damage equal to the value of this card.
Big 2 (12)
- Flexible: 12 or 2.
- On stand: If you have at least three cards with a value of 7 in play, gain 77 Chips.
Lucky seven (7)
- On stand: If you have at least three cards with a value of 7 in play, gain 77 Chips.
Non-Fungible Card (12 of Diamonds)
- On hit: Set value to a random value between 1 and current value – 1.
Plate of Escardgot (1 of Spades)
- Handy
- On stand: Rounds up, then grants Shield equal to value.
- Exploit: Lock.
- At the start of next round: Unlock.
Suit Yourself (1 of All Suits)
- Exploit: Choose a card in your draw pile, then choose a suit to change it into for the rest of this encounter.
Diamond in the Rough (0 of Diamonds)
- On play: Remove up to 10 Shield from both players, then grant 2 Chips per Shield removed.
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