This guide outlines how to get all the achievements for Enjoy the Diner.
How to Obtain All Achievements
This guide will outline how to get all of the achievements for the game Enjoy the Diner, as well as providing a translation of the achievement titles and descriptions as at the moment they are all only in Japanese. Be warned that most of these achievements are spoilers and you will most likely get them just by progressing the story anyway, so I would recommend only reading this after beating the main game to clean up the ones left over.
If you are playing this game without a guide, however, there is a specific point where you will want to save right after the first time you talk to Klein using the golden straw. Just know that when the game asks if you if you want to do something it is generally not reversible so proceed with caution.

- Enter the Moon Palace
You get this achievement upon waking up in the Moon Palace- you will naturally get this achievement as part of the main story.
Which Do You Like?

- Drink all of the drinks at the soda fountain
Pretty self-explanatory. You will most likely get this at some point during the main story, and it can be done at any point in the game.

- Open the box by brute forcing it
Awarded when you unlock the 16-digit passcode box using brute-force. Part of the main story so you can’t miss it.
Come Again Soon

- Leave the Moon Palace
Awarded for escaping from the Moon Palace. You will get this achievement no matter which ending you choose so you can’t miss it- just beat the game.
Dedication to No.92

- Complete the spot the difference book
Probably the hardest achievement in the game to get. If you tell Chenes that you are bored, she will give you a spot the difference book for you to work on. Completing all the puzzles in this book will give you the achievement. The book is extremely hard (single pixel differences are fairly common) to the point that you will eventually just devolve to spam-clicking if you aren’t using a guide.

- The two reunite
Warning: This achievement and the next one (Promise) require you to get two different endings. After your first conversation with Klein it is recommended that you save the game so you can easily reload without having to redo the entire game to get there again.
Awarded for having Spike and Klein reunite in the ending of the game. This requires you to get the true ending (ending 2): after you obtain the gold straw, go to the soda fountain and drink the Moon Tears as the box instructs you.
After your conversation with Klein, test the different drinks until you get the pill and the token (creamer), then get the Primordial Soup and go to where Chelonica is before drinking it- this will allow you to view his backstory.
After this, talk to him about it and then give him the pill, which will make him remember everything. Note that this is irreversible- you can always get ending 1 by giving the creamer to Chenes but Chelonica’s portion of the ending will be locked in.
After Chelonica regains his memories, do as he tells you and then tell him you are done to get the true ending. The only thing to mention is that you cannot give the king the pill, or if you do, you have to give her a second one to undo the effects.
Also you cannot give Chenes the creamer as this will immediately trigger ending 1. After you tell Chelonica you are done, watch the ending and you should get this achievement.

- Klein fulfills her promise
Awarded for giving Spike the pill to erase her memories so she can live as a modern day human. To do this you will need to get the normal ending (ending 1): after your conversation with Klein after drinking the Moon Tears with the golden straw, test different drinks until you get the pill and the creamer. Go to the king and give her the pill, which will erase her memories. WARNING: If you confront Spike about her relationship with Klein, you tell her about the pill and after that she will no longer take it, so be careful. After that finish up whatever business you have and then give the creamer to Chenes, which will trigger ending 1. Watch the ending and you will get this achievement.

- Open the box without brute forcing it
This one isn’t hard, but it does require some outside the box (badum-tsh) thinking. First, make sure to save and then open the box like normal using brute force. Once it is open, take a screenshot of the final combination. The passcode of the box is not just for show- either when you start a new game or when you install the game, it generates a static code.
We will make use of this to reload the save from before we opened the box and input the code we screenshotted earlier. When you do, the box will open, you will get special dialogue, and you will get the achievement. Unfortunately doing it this way will not give you the “it’s been a long time” conversation topic.
This will not interfere with the Chatty achievement since it only counts topics unlocked, not the dialogue you get for using the topic on NPCs. You have to brute force the box once to do this anyway so you don’t have to worry. However, I recommend talking to everyone with that topic before reloading and getting the Coincidence? achievement.

- Obtain all conversation topics
This one is a little vague, but from my testing it seems to only count “conversation topics” as the little squares that show up when you talk to characters and not actually all of the dialogue. Notably you do not have to unlock all conversation topics in one run- you technically can but the route is very precise and you will be reloading for other achievements anyway so there’s no point in doing so.
There are certain things that do not count towards this achievement such as the minor variants to endings 1 and 2 (or actually doing the endings at all, really), and the dialogue when you give Spike the pill twice (you do need to give it to her once, however).
The only thing to note here is that you can miss the chance to unlock topics once you do the Chenes fridge event, as well as the box brute force event as they wipe a lot of conversation options out, so make sure to save and double check to see you have everything before doing it.
There are also some missable dialogue options during the last part of the game, so make a save after you talk to Klein for the first time (you’re going to want to do this for other achievements anyway). When you unlock the last topic the achievement should pop at the same time.
Regarding Chatty, I think you actually have to unlock all of them in one run? I’m quite sure I only missed Dreamy Chit-Chat on my first playthrough, on my second playthrough it only unlocked once I got final dialogue option with Chelonica.