In Stars And Time – Minimum Loop Run Guide

This guide will show you how to finish the game in the fewest loops. Just know that it’s better to play the game normally first – you’ll miss important story parts if you rush through it too quickly.

Guide for Minimum Loop Run

Rules of Thumb

Save often. If you die accidentally, reload a save. In acts 3 & 4, make sure to have Memory of Self equipped whenever you loop back. Don’t eat pineapples.

Act 1

  • Loop 0: Nothing specific. Just get killed by the falling rock.

Act 2

  • Loop 1: Go through the House. You’ll get frozen by a tear.
  • Loop 2: On the first floor, inspect the storage room door. When you get softlocked on the second floor, loop back to Dormont.
  • Loop 3: Ask the shop about the storage room openphrase (Optional: you can now enter the blind one’s house and start the bomb sidequest.). On floor 2, inspect the diary in the library. When you get softlocked on the third floor, loop back to the 2nd floor or lower.
  • Loop 4: Go fight the King. He’ll insta kill you.
  • Loop 5: You’ll actually fight the King this time, so be prepared. Ask the librarian about shield magic. (Optional: on floor 1, pick up the sharpening stone to start the knifekey sidequest.) Beat the King. The head housemaiden chat loops you back.

Act 3

  • Loop 6: Ask your party members what they need help with. Ask the librarian about familytales. On floor 2, get the familytale info in the secret library. On floor 3, inspect Mirabelle’s papers in her room. Question the king, then beat him and talk to the head housemaiden.
  • Loop 7: Ask the librarian about time craft. Do everyone’s hangouts. On floor 1, read the time craft book in the room on the far left. On floor 2, read the King notes in the head housemaiden’s office. Question the king, then beat him and talk to the head housemaiden.
  • Loop 8: Do Loop’s hangout. On floor 1, look at the King poster in the room with the broken egg key. On floor 3, use the star crest on the observatory room and get the king info in there. Loop to wherever.
  • Loop 9: Question the king then either die to him or talk to the head housemaiden.
  • Loop 10: On floor 2, inspect the diary in the library again. Question the King. Try to say your country’s name. You’ll get looped back.
  • Loop 11: Talk to the king and try to convince him to not fight. He kills Bonnie, sending you back.

Act 4

  • Loop 12: On floor 2, read the book about colors in the secret library. On floor 3, unlock the open phrase door and read the wish craft book in there. Use the star crest on the observatory and read everything in there. Loop back to Dormont.
  • Loop 13: On floor 1, read the wish craft book in the storage room. On floor 2, read the wish craft book in the secret library. Loop back to Dormont.
  • Loop 14: Go around town and ask everyone what they wished for. On floor 2, read the list of wishes in the head housemaiden’s office. Loop back to Dormont.
  • Loop 15: Talk to Loop. Beat the King and talk to the head housemaiden.

Acts 5 & 6

  • Loop 16: Finish the game.


The Memory of Self item stops Siffrin from missing important parts when you go back in time. I played it this way and it worked. Make sure to equip it when you time travel in acts 3 and 4.

For leveling up Siffrin fast, fight the Sadness enemies on floor 3 before you beat the King – they give good XP then. But don’t worry too much about leveling since Siffrin gets really strong just by playing through the game normally.

You can skip collecting items and doing side quests. The game is still beatable without them, they just make it easier.

For speedruns, players might do extra time travel loops to finish the game faster.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

1 Comment

  1. For Loop 10, you need to warp to Floor 3 with doors closed and interact with the mirror before you get any new options with the King.

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