Fableverse – How to Get Perfect Fables (Playtest)

How to effectively get perfect Fables (all 100’s).

Guide to Get Perfect Fables

All credit goes to kd38!


Getting perfect Fables is not as hard as it might seem. By leveraging the different strengths and weaknesses of Augmenting, Breeding, and Combining it’s possible to reliably get perfect 100’s for all stats fairly quickly.

  • Augmenting
    • Adds an augment to a single Fable. Each stat has a 50% change to be kept.
    • This is the most effective way to randomize many stats at once.
  • Breeding
    • Breeds two Fables together. All but one stat is inherited from a parent.
    • This is the best way to get good stats together on a single Fable.
  • Combining
    • Combine 5 level 1 fables (can be different Fable types too). Each stat is randomly picked from the 5 fables being combined.
    • This is the best way to “finish” a Fable to get perfect 100’s.


To start you will need reasonable amounts of topaz for augmenting and coins for breeding. Expect to be breeding and augmenting a few hundred times in total to get perfect 100’s for a single Fable.

Note: If you also want perfect vibrancy fully upgrade the “Vibrancy Healer” upgrade. This isn’t feasible until late game though.

Step 1: Get a 100 for each stat

The first step is to get a 100 for each possible stat on the Fable you want to perfect. The best way to roll stats is to use augmenting. Take your base Fable and spam the topaz augment on it. Once you have at least 1 Fable with each stat (Health, Attack, Defense, Speed, Stamina) at 100 you are done and can move on.

Step 2: Get back to normal augment

Now we want to get the perfect stats onto a “Normal” Fable so that we can augment them later for things like trades (you can’t augment an already augmented Fable). Breed each Topaz augmented Fable that has a 100 stat with your Normal fable. Do this until you get a Normal Fable with the corresponding stat at 100. Repeat for every stat.

Note: You can update the “base” fable to be ones with some 100 stats to save time later, but don’t waste time trying to get more than four 100 stats on the same Fable. Trying to get perfect Fables with breeding is very time consuming.

Step 3: Get almost perfect fables

Now take all the normal Fables and breed them together until you have two good Fables with 3-4 perfect stats. Make sure that every stat has at least one 100 between the two Fables. For example, if they both have bad speed then you can’t ever get perfect speed during the next step.

Step 4: Combine to perfection

Take the two “almost perfect” Fables and breed them together over and over. This will get a lot of Fables we can combine together to make our final, perfect Fable. Once your inventory is full go to the “Combine” tab and combine the Fables that have 3+ stats at a perfect 100 (make sure your breeding pair is locked so you don’t combine them).

Repeat this process until you get Fables with 4 and then eventually 5 perfect stats. Update your breeding pair with the best Fables you get out of each combining round. At the end of all the combinations you will be left with your perfect Fables! I recommend going until you have 2 perfect fables you can use to breed with.

Step 5: Getting new perfect fables

Once you have 2 perfect Fables of any kind it’s easier to get perfect Fables of a different kind. First breed together the 2 perfect Fables to generate many Fables with 4 stats that are perfect. Then combine 2 of the new type of Fable (with any stats) with 3 of the almost perfect Fables you just made. There will now be a chance that the result has the new Fable type with some of the perfect 100 stats from your almost perfect Fables. You will probably have to repeat this a few times.

This should leave you with 3-4 perfect stat Fables of the new type. Repeat “Step 4” with the new Fable to make it completely perfect. At the end you will have as many of the strongest, perfect Fables you want!

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 7739 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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