FAITH – All Collectible Notes (Chapter 1)

Guide for Chapter 1 which tells you how to collect the notes by their numbered order in the Notes menu, without giving away details of their contents.

How to Get All Collectable Notes

Notes in the Woods [1-9]

Warning – Note 9 can be missed if you progress too far in the game! Do not continue too far into the house if you want to collect every note (do not enter the attic). You are too far if the gun has appeared.

NOTE 1 – Starting Screen

“have you forgotten already?”

Placed on the ground immediately to the north of where you first exit your car.

NOTE 2 – Well

Birthday Invitation

Acquired by exorcising the well in the middle of the forest. You can get to the well by walking straight up from your car, or straight down from the house.

NOTE 3 – Dead Tree

Mrs. Martin’s Letter, Dying Tree

Acquired by exorcising the dead tree in the south of the forest. You can get to the tree by going to the car, then going one screen up, and then one screen left.

NOTE 4 – Puddle

Mrs. Martin’s Letter, Suspicious Hikers

Acquired by exorcising the puddle on the ground. You can get to the puddle by going to the shed marked on the map, and then going two screens down.

NOTE 5 – Pile of Bones

Mrs. Martin’s Letter, Dead Deer

Acquired by exorcising the pile of bones. You can get to the bones by travelling one screen left of the shed.

NOTE 6 – Graveyard

Letter from Deryl Henderson

Acquired by exorcising the gravestone in the northeast of the graveyard screen.
To reach the graveyard, start from the well in the center of the map, then go two screens north and one to the west.

NOTE 7 – Stone Circle

Osbourne’s Public Lecture card

Acquired by exorcising the stone circle in the forest. To reach this area, go two screens left starting from the well in the center of the map.

NOTE 8 – Shed

John’s Letter, Description of Martin House

Acquired by picking the page up just near the shed, where you pick up the key to get into the house. Because going to the shed is mandatory to progress through the game, you should have this one basically automatically.

NOTE 9 – Warding off the “chupacabra” (anywhere)


Letter to Father Garcia

Acquired by warding off the “chupacabra” enough times. Eventually, it will drop a note on the ground in the spot it was at when you warded it off. The monster can, quite unfairly, spawn on the same side of the screen you are on, which can often lead to instant death. Make sure to stick to the center of the screen as much as you can.

Do not enter the attic until you have this note, because you will be stuck in the attic until you complete the sequence there, and when you return the gun will appear which permanently changes the outside. Note 19 requires you to have all other notes on the same save file.

Notes In The House [10-20]

NOTE 10 – Main Foyer

John’s Letter, “greeted by the Martins”

Acquired by picking it up off the floor in the northwest of the main foyer when you first enter the house.

NOTE 11 – Main Foyer, Portrait

Family Portrait

Acquired by exorcising the family portrait in the main foyer of the house. It is distinctly indicated with the purple colour of the girl.

NOTE 12 – Kitchen

Nate’s Drawing

Acquired by exorcising the drawing on the fridge in the kitchen. The kitchen is one room north of the main entrance.

NOTE 13 – Second Floor, Bathroom

Mrs. Martin’s Letter, “unsafe in my own home”

Acquired by exorcising the rubber duck in the bathroom, the northwest most room of the second floor.

NOTE 14 – Second Floor, Amy’s Bedroom

John’s Letter, “checking the attic”

Picked up off the floor by the desk in Amy’s bedroom, which is to the southwest of the second floor.

NOTE 15 – Second Floor, Amy’s Bedroom, Pink Doll

Mrs. Martin’s Letter, “weird looking doll”

Acquired by exorcising the pink baby doll in Amy’s bedroom on the second floor.

NOTE 16 – Basement

Letter from Layton, “San La Muerte”

Acquired by exorcising the bedframe near the sheet and doll in the basement, one screen north of the stairs.

NOTE 17 – Basement, Ritual Circle

John’s Letter, “enduring the ritual”

Picked up off the ground in the basement on the screen with the ritual circle of blood, in the left corner.

NOTE 18 – Attic Passageway

John’s Letter, to Molly

Picked up off the ground in the passageway to the attic, which does not open until a fixed point in the story.

NOTE 19 – Second Floor, after defeating the boss and returning from the attic

Ceremony for Opening

Can be picked up off of the ground on the first screen of the second floor after you have defeated the possessed, but only if all of the previous notes [1 – 18] have been collected. As far as I understand, the other 18 notes must be collected on the save file you are playing.


Arcticsnow has written that Note 19 is not in fact missable and you can go back to the second floor once you have collected the other notes to get it (previously this guide stated this was permanently missable). With this in mind, you don’t have to worry about locking yourself out of any notes in a playthrough.

The following note is only available after the gun appears:

NOTE 20 – First Floor, Mirror

John’s Letter, Request of Release

Use the gun to break the mirror in the house (one screen to the left of where the gun is picked up). When the gun is used in this manner it will respawn, so you will have to shoot the mirror 3 times.

Congratulations, you have acquired all 20 notes in FAITH – Chapter 1!

Notes from Different Endings [Spoiler Warning]

Story spoilers ahead. The following notes are not viewable in the notes menu and are not counted in the total of 20 notes. [The “Lore Master” achievement only seems to count Notes 1 – 20]

EXTRA NOTE 1 – Report of an Arrest

Automatically opened after the ending when you use the gun to shoot the possessed while she lies on the ground. [Ending 1 of 5, “Murderer”].

EXTRA NOTE 2 – Letter to Cardinal Gifford

Automatically opened after the ending where you use the gun to shoot the man by the shed [Ending 2 of 5, “Father and Son”].

EXTRA NOTE 3 – Invitation to a Get-Together

Automatically opened after the ending where you use the gun to shoot the dying fox [Ending 3 of 5, “The Offering”]. If you wait a short while on this screen, a unique song will play.

EXTRA NOTE 4 – Report of an Accident

Automatically opened after the ending when you use the gun to shoot a deer [Ending 4 of 5, “The Hunter”].

EXTRA NOTE 5 – Report of a Chupacabra

Automatically opened after the ending where, while approaching your car, you shoot the monster accosting you. [Ending 5 of 5, “When Faith Endures”].

Useful Info

Some miscellaneous information that is relevant to collecting these notes.

Going back to missed notes

When the gun appears you can still exorcise the different pages out if you have missed any. If you weren’t already familiar if you waste the gun bullet it will respawn in the main foyer. This means you can just waste the bullet and get a page you missed if you come across one. You can ‘catch up’ for Note 19, although Note 9 is unavailable by this point.

Faster replays with Turbo Mode

If you missed Note 9 or just want to start fresh to grab everything, consider replaying the game on Turbo Mode to do it quickly. This does make the game a bit more difficult but still beatable.
Turbo Mode simply makes the game run faster. You can set it to x2 or x4 speed. I wouldn’t recommend setting it to x4 speed because Michael is very hard to respond to. x2 speed, on the other hand, makes the game significantly faster but still very possible.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2273 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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