Fallout 76 – Invaders from Beyond Event (2024) Rewards

A new Fallout 76 event called Invaders from Beyond is threatening Appalachia with extraterrestrial threats. The most recent version of the well-liked event coincides with Fallout 76’s growing popularity on PCs and consoles, mostly due to Amazon’s Fallout TV series.

Guide to Invaders from Beyond Event Rewards

Note: The Invaders from Beyond event will run in Fallout 76 until May 14.

  • XP – 500
  • Caps – 100
  • Random Legendary (Same item list as Murmrgh’s Mystery Pick) – 1*
  • Treasury Notes – 2
  • Legendary Core – 3
Default Rewards%
Plan: Alien Souvenir Beer Stein100%

Will stop dropping after learning. Not player tradeable.

Rare Rewards – * Are New for 2024%
Plan: Alien Blaster (weapon)4.00%
Plan: Alien Blaster Cryo Mag (mod)4.00%
Plan: Alien Blaster Poison Mag (mod)4.00%
Plan: Alien Corpse Operating Bed4.00%
Plan: Alien Disintegrator (weapon)4.00%
Plan: Alien Disintegrator Automatic Receiver (mod)4.00%
Plan: Alien Disintegrator Cryo Receiver (mod)4.00%
Plan: Alien Disintegrator High Powered Receiver (mod)4.00%
Plan: Alien Disintegrator Poison Receiver (mod)4.00%
Plan: Alien Head Lamp *4.00%
Plan: Alien Stash Box4.00%
Plan: Alien Table *4.00%
Plan: Alien Target Practice Poster *4.00%
Plan: Alien Tube4.00%
Plan: Asteroid4.00%
Plan: Electro Enforcer (weapon)4.00%
Plan: Freezing Electro Enforcer (mod)4.00%
Plan: Glowing Flatwoods Monster Lamp *4.00%
Plan: Hazmat Suit – Teal *4.00%
Plan: Human Tube 1 (Male)4.00%
Plan: Human Tube 2 (Female)4.00%
Plan: Overcharged Electro Enforcer (mod)4.00%
Plan: Poisoned Electro Enforcer (mod)4.00%
Plan: Spiked Electro Enforcer (mod)4.00%
Plan: Zenith Alien Blaster Paint *4.00%
  • You can craft and scrap Alien Blasters to learn 3 additional mods: Sharpshooter’s Grip, Short Scope, and Long Barrel at a 20% chance each.
  • All plans are tradable and will keep droping after learning, unless marked otherwise.
  • The Alien Disintegrator and Electro Enforcer weapons themselves are tradable now. However, any attached, non-legendary mods will have to be removed to trade them. Like the automatic receiver, for example.
Goody Bag%
Stimpak x 2-6100.00%
Radaway x 2-6100.00%
Purified Water x 2-6100.00%
Grenade and Mine Plans5%
– Energy1.00%
Plan: Cryo Grenade0.20%
Plan: Pulse Grenade0.20%
Plan: Cryo Mine0.20%
Plan: Nuke Mine0.20%
Plan: Pulse Mine0.20%
– Nuka0.80%
Plan: Nuka-Cola Grenade0.40%
Plan: Nuka Quantum Grenade0.40%
Plan: MIRV Frag Grenade0.64%
Fragmentation Mine x 1-34.75%
Pulse Mine x 1-34.75%
Cryo Mine x 1-34.75%
Plasma Mine x 1-34.75%
Molotov Cocktail x 1-35.43%
Baseball Grenade x 1-35.43%
Fragmentation Grenade x 1-316.29%
Pulse Grenade x 1-310.86%
Cryo Grenade x 1-310.86%
Plasma Grenade x 1-310.86%
Floater Freezer Grenade x 1-35.43%
Floater Gnasher Grenade x 1-35.43%
Floater Flamer Grenade x 1-35.43%

The Invaders from Beyond Event Locations

  • Wavy Willard’s Water Park (Toxic Valley)
  • Charleston Capitol Building (The Forest)
  • Garrahan Mining Headquarters (Ash Heap)
  • Monongah (Savage Divide)
  • Dyer Chemical (The Mire)
  • Sparse Sundew Grove (Cranberry Bog)

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Challenges List


  • Complete the Event: “Invaders from Beyond”.
  • Take a Camera Picture of an Alien Drone.
  • Take a Camera Picture of an Alien Invader.
  • Take a Camera Picture of a Zetan.
  • Complete an Event while Well Fed.
  • Kill Creatures while Well Fed.


  • Take a Camera Picture of General Zeta.
  • Take a Camera Picture of Captain Omega.
  • Take a Camera Picture of Lieutenant Kappa.
  • Take a Camera Picture of Captain Alpha.
  • Complete the “Invaders From Beyond” Daily Challenge.
  • Complete the Event: “Invaders from Beyond”.
  • Kill A Creatures while Well Fed.
  • Complete an Event while Well Fed.
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 7932 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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