Idle Hero TD – Gameplay FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is the game Cross-platform?

Yes! You can start on steam, continue on Android or iOS or the other way around. Carefull to not have the game open on 2 devices at the same time. Make sure you always update the game to prevent loss of data.

Do skills stack, if I for example put 2 archers on the map?

Skills like EXP Boost from Archer do NOT stack on the same target. However, you can set 1 archer to focus boss and use EXP Boost on Boss Only, and 1 archer can target regular mobs.

What’s the AD Rotation?

  • Gems
  • 2x Gold
  • 2x Damage
  • Energy
  • Rank EXP

At what level can I use Boss Rush and how does it work?

Boss Rush is unlocked at Wave 800. When enabled, you will skip to every 10th wave (boss waves). This setting can be used until you reach 75% of the wave that you last prestiged. Example: If you prestiged at wave 1000, you can boss rush up to wave 750 on your next run.

Which are the repeatable runes?


  • Damage
  • Kill Gold


  • Prestige Power


  • Damage
  • Kill Gold


  • Prestige Power


  • Damage
  • Kill Gold


  • Damage
  • Kill Gold

Do multiple levels from Milestones & Synergies from the same Hero stack?

Yes! You can have 3x an Archer on the field, level it up to 75 and get 3x +2 Rank EXP as a Global Effect (so a total of +6 Rank EXP). Personal effects only affect THAT tower, not ALL Archers.

Does a global effect also apply if the human isn’t on the field?

No, it has to be on the field in order for the effect to work.

What’s the max value of XXX?

Check it out here (Google Sheets).

If I increase the Rank EXP with Attribute Points does it only counts for this hero or does it increase Global Rank EXP?

Upgrades with Attribute Points only count towards THAT specific Hero. So it’s a Personal Effect.

Is Attack Speed capped?

Yes, at 10.00/s, you cannot get higher. There is no bonus for overcapping.

25 Synergy Challenge

Hunter is the only one required at Rank 50.

List with the life points of the opponents for the different waves

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3757 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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