Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted 2 – 100% Full Achievement Guide

Here is a 100% achievement guide to FNaF: Help Wanted 2.

How to Obtain All Achievements

Liability Risk

To get Liability Risk You just have to get jumpscared.

Your Time To Shine

To get Your Time To Shine go to the main lobby and on your left should be the “Mystic Hippo” teleport over there and it the red button on the machine.

Bonus Revenue

To get Bonus Revenue Beat a night of Fizzy Faz without wasting any ingredient’s. Best to do this one on night one.

Food Fight

To get Food Fight use the sauce gun (available on night one) and pray some sauce onto one your valuable customers.


This one I believe you get from getting a good score on a game. I got this one on Foxy’s log ride but I’m pretty sure you can also get this one on Bonk-a-Bon.


  • Hit 20 Ball Targets

You get balls to hit targets on fazerblast 2 and onwards.

Splash Zone

During the Foxy Log ride mini game there will be Helpy’s around the course.

Hit one of them with your blaster and your path will change to an alternate log ride flume.

Open Your Eyes

After enough playtime you’ll get a Faz wrench from the vending machine.

When you get the faz wrench it will be in the lobby on the left hand table.

Take it over to the shut door and put it into the machine.

Once you open the door head into the room, on your right there will be some kind of tube like machine.

Turn it off.

Tiny Dancer

Head into Ballora Gallery. After a few times Ballora passes you there will be Minireenas on the floor twirling towards you.

Pick one up and launch that pesky little fella away from you.

Lights Out

Head into Bonk-a-Bon. Once your in you will want to smash some of the lights in the Center of the machine.

Nobody Likes a Loser

  • Go to Roxy Repair and finish the mini game.

I was having a bit of trouble with this one, what I was doing wrong was I was wasting the radios battery AND go to Roxy Repair and finish the mini game.

I was having a bit of trouble with this one, what I was doing wrong was I was wasting the radios battery AND I wasn’t holding down the button long enough for the message to calm roxy down.

Five Second Rule

Go to one of the food prep mini games, when your done making some of that fine, delicious, absolutely scrumptious food, drop it. Well somebody’s gotta eat it, so serve it to one of your customers.

Taking Candy from a Baby

After you finish one of your health and safety sessions eat the candy before feeding it to helpy.

Picture Day

I think you’ll want to do is get multiple (Maybe 2 or 3??) endos in one flash during Endo Warehouse.

They had It Coming

During Fazerblast shoot a Plush Baby.

Cupcake Keep Away

During Funtime Gang (Night 3 of sister location) don’t let Chica get the cupcake.

Watch Chica on the cameras and whenever she gets close to the hallway move the cupcake to the opposite side of your office.

Batteries Not Included

Collect every one of the Transformer like toys in the game. You’ll get this one overtime while you play.

This is also one of the endings in the game.

Health & Safety

To do this you have to Complete all possible First Aid tasks. This does NOT mean completing all 3 minigames, so keep playing the health and safety games until you’ve done every task. (I had to go back to the first one to finish this so don’t just stick to the third one).

Gobble Gobble

  • Get a turkey during bonnie bowl.

A turkey is 3 strikes in a row.

Ok so I got this one but I cheesed it a Little. I have a long basement so I moved my play space across the basement. I was able to walk up to the arrows on the floor. So I used that to line up my shots. I think a lot of it was still just playing the game over and over again getting used to the bowling mechanic.

You Are What You Eat

  • Go to the Daycare arts and craft’s level and eat the glue on your left hand side of the table.

There’s also a coin underneath it!


During Bonk-a-Bon only hit Helpy. Only Helpy. Hit Helpy and lose the game.

Harvest Moon

During the Carousel minigame throw a Pumpkin (on your right hand side) at moon. My strategy was to do the hard mode one and wait until he got close enough to me.


  • During the breaker room mini game Boop Funtime Freddy’s nose.

Just let him get into his walking animation when he’s up and close with you.

Seeing Red

  • Complete a Bonk-a-Bon minigame with only using one hand.

It’s Not Easy

Paint a staff bot, Roxy, and Shattered Roxy with all green makeup. Make sure you get every nick and cranny.

You Never Know Until You Try

Throw parts of Helpy at an animatronic threat. I cut off Helpys leg and threw it at Scrap baby.

Monty Understudy

  • Make a monty Costume.

Go to the staff bot salon and put on the orange star glasses and the red Mohawk, then paint all 5 parts of his face dark green.

All You Can Eat

  • Eat 200 edible objects.

Heckle the Heckler

  • Heckle the Heckler.

Shoot lasers, throw balls, shoot dart gun for about a minute straight, maybe two.


  • Collect every item from the claw machine.

My strategy is to repair Glamrock freddy as that’s the fastest mini game I can complete.

Remember Jeremy?

  • You have to collect one of the “memory plushies” (See Consequences or Graveyard Shift).

Graveyard Shift

During Fizzy Faz night 3 poor the soda can into your cup and fill up the cup with one of every other ingredient excluding salt. Make sure you Deliver the Drink! (Doing this also gives you the Remember Jeremy? Achievement)

Consequences Pt. 1

You will need to collect 6 “Memory Puppets”.

  1. During one of the Sister location night’s (I believe it’s either night 2 or 3) the drawer on your desk will be unlocked, enter the code “1983”. This will give you the and Puppet Plush.
  2. During Bonk-a-Bon hard mode hit The Glitchtrap puppet that pops up. During tilt enter your code backwards. So for example If your code is 1234 (That’s what my code was funnily enough) then you connect the wires as 4321. This will give you the Bonnie Plush.
  3. Go to Food theatre, Drop every Chica related item into the garbage can. There are 4. Once you do this you will get the Chica Plush.
  4. During Foxy’s Log Ride there will be 4 blue markers that you’ll need to hit. There are 3 in the Helpy sections, and The final one is location on the cake at the end of the log ride. Find Helpy -> Find blue Marker, Repeat. This will give you the Foxy Plush.
  5. Make a Graveyard during Fizzy Faz Night 3, make sure you deliver it. This will give you the Golden Freddy Plush.
  6. Shoot the Rocket in the first 3 Fazerblast minigames. After you do this go to the FNaF 2 themed Fazerblast. You will need to defend yourself from every animatronic during this. If one is in the vent turn to whatever side it is on, turn on the light and blast it with your dart gun. If you see Withered foxy on the camera wait a second, then use the balls. If you see Toy Freddy on the camera wait a second, then put on the mask. Make sure you wind the music box. If you get jump scared during it restart. When you complete it you’ll unlock another minigame…

Completing that minigame will give you your final Plush, the Freddy Plush.

Consequences Pt. 2

After you have every Memory Plush you’ll unlock a coin at the Mystic Hippo, this will let you play Princess quest.

  • Complete Princess quest and you’ll get the Achievement.

You’re Hired

Complete every mini game, If you do the previous Achievement you’ll get this one.

Lost Luggage

During the Princess quest minigame you’ll come across a gravesite where you have to light up the gravestones candles to proceed.

If you light the Candles in this order:

  • Chica
  • Foxy
  • Freddy
  • Bonnie
  • Golden Freddy
  • Puppet

A set of stairs will appear. Go down the stairs and open the chest within.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. I think you got Splash Zone wrong. You’re supposed to hit the blue splat signs on the alternate paths and at the end (on Chica’s cake) unless it worked for other people to just go on the alternate paths without hitting them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  2. With the Open Your Eyes achievement, the ‘tube like machine’ is a Inhibitor. And you turn it off, not on (because it’s already on).

  3. I have finished the game (just unlock the “Consequence” achievement) but I don’t get the “You’re Hire”. And I have complete every mini game, Did I miss something ?

    • the achievement for completing all minigames can sometimes not work but for me just play some of them again till it decides that you’ve done enough

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