Frost & Flame: King of Avalon – Ultimate Guide to Elder Dragons

Elder Dragons Unleashed Guide

By Alson of the Forest.

Update introduced four new dragons called “Elder Dragons”. Each dragon is based on an element; Fire, Storm, Earth, and Water. The Elder Dragons are located in the Elder Dragon Hall, above the Dragon Lair.

Note: The Elder Dragon Hall is available from Stronghold 30.

Important note upon release: preset marches will not include a dragon, players will need to reset marches in the Training Grounds.

Unlocking and Upgrading

All of the Elder Dragons are located in the Elder Dragon Hall. 

The left shows dragons available to unlock or upgrade (Fire, Storm, Earth, and Water).

Elder Dragons must be unlocked using 100 fragments of each type. You will start off with a Fire Dragon, already available to summon. You can obtain fragments with bundles or run your daily 3 barbarians attacks.

Each Elder dragon will acquire your regular dragon’s abilities and statistics, including draconic and emblems.

You then need to upgrade your Elder Dragon level to unlock and upgrade skills, in a similar way to your classic Dragon.


Firstly, select ‘Rear’, you will then see this screen:

You can rear your dragon by upgrading its body parts.

You can go on each body part (except heart) using Elder Dragon Blood. You can obtain this doing daily tasks as well as in events.

When all the body parts (except heart) reach level 10, the body part will be available to evolve rank using Dragon Essence: for example, you will need Dragon Claw Essence to evolve Dragon Claw to rank 1 once it is at level 10. This system continues each 10 levels. You can obtain these essences with events or bundles.

Dragon Heart will unlock when all the other body parts reach rank 1. To increase heart, you will need Essence of Fire/Storm/Earth/Water depending on the type of Elder Dragon you choose to rear.

In the example illustration above, Essence of Fire will be required once all of the body parts are raised to level 10: e.g. Dragon Heart level 2 needs all body parts at level 20.

Elder Dragon Statistics

Once your dragon heart is raised, your other Elder Dragons will gain Dragon Heart shared stats. Note: a dragon needs a heart to share heart statistics.

Shared stats increase based on the combined star level of your Elder Dragons: e.g. upgrading the Dragon Heart on fire, and storm.

The element* damage received will also update depending on the element* Dragon level.

E.g. if you upgrade the dragon heart level on the storm Elder Dragon, this will add Storm element damage received, and can only be increased by upgrading the dragon heart level on the storm Dragon.

(*)Depending on the type of Dragon

Note: each dragon is independent of each other, any rearing/skills done on one won’t affect the others. Only the heart statistics can be shared among all the available elder dragons.

Once you are happy with your selection on the rearing, click on the X on the top right to return to the previous screen.


Here you can upgrade the dragon skills using Ancestor’s memory (sort of exp points). Some of the skills will be locked depending on the rank of the corresponding rearing. You can get Ancestor’s memory from events or bundles.

Example from the image above: going from basic fire skill (fury of the inferno) downwards, you first encounter “blessing of the inferno” which is linked to claw body part. In order to unlock this skill, you will need to go up rank 1 on claw in the rearing section of the dragon.

Note: ‘ranking’ does not refer to the level of the skill but to the rearing instead!

You need the essence of each corresponding skill to progress once a rearing level reaches level 10 and further multiples of 10 levels thereafter as shown below; after evolving the rear (rank up), you can then go back to leveling up the skill.

Send a March

When you want to send a march, as illustrated below, you have the option to include your dragon [✓] or switch dragon just above the checkbox.

If you click on this you are brought to a screen listing all your available dragons. With the name of the dragon, skills, and the power.

Dragon Defense

You can assign a given dragon to your wall like you do with heroes. You can do this by clicking on the wall, then wall defense, then clicking on the Dragon Warden tab.

Here you will see your currently assigned dragon, with the option to change it, as well as a checkbox to prioritize defense.

Note: you can still send that dragon out on a March, and if you do, the system will then select the next strongest Dragon to apply to your defense until no more dragons are present inside your city.

Notes and Tips

  • Fire Dragon benefits Bowman and Wind (storm) Elder Dragon.
  • Storm Dragon benefits cavalry and Earth Elder Dragon.
  • Earth Dragon benefits Infantry and Wind Elder Dragon.
  • Water Dragon benefits troops and Fire Elder Dragon.

Also, with the above, keep in mind the “Element Control” of each of your dragons, and how they can counter-attack each other:

  • Fire Dragon: boosts Damage vs Wind + reduces Damage vs Water.
  • Storm Dragon: boosts Damage vs Earth + reduces Damage vs Fire.
  • Earth Dragon: boosts Damage vs Water + reduces Damage vs Wind.
  • Water Dragon: boosts Damage vs Fire + reduced Damage vs Earth.

You may want to select your dragon also depending on which heroes you use in your march. If possible, verify what your opponent is using before selecting which dragon you send.

New Elder Dragons: Holy and Shadow

Update (lunar kingdoms) introduced two new Elder dragons, harnessing The Light and Dark Elements. The Element Countering System then changed as follows.

You will need 500 fragments to summon these dragons, and upon summoning, the basic body parts will be boosted directly to level 50 and their heart to level 3.

Dragonvein Awakening

New version saw the addition of “Awaken” dragon parts to the Upgrade of all dragons. Below is the image showing the two Dragon upgrades based on body parts; Rear and Awaken. 

And it has its own upgrade material.

This image shows the type of upgrade material for Dragon Claw Matrix.

Ascend Materials


Each star level of the dragon reached,activates corresponding effects. It would be effective when your troops are accompanied by the corresponding elder dragon.

Thanks for reading the guide, I hope it was helpful to you!

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3755 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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