Alliance Glory event As the name may suggest, it’s an event with an alliance ranking, but Ironically as the name may not tell its core is quests that are done solely by you and only you!
Guide to Alliance Glory Event
By kaity

- The screen of the event shows a total of 8 quests at a time
- It’s possible to choose only one quest at a time aka it’s not possible to do multiple quests at the same time
Ex: it’s not possible to do the “train troops” and “increase power” quests simultaneously
- When an event is accepted there is a time limit (24 hours) to do the picked quest

- When it’s not possible to do the quest, the quest can be abandoned
- There is a limit to how many quests can be done daily, abandoning a quest wastes an attempt, and more quests can be done daily by spending empire coins
- Also you can refresh one of the 8 quests, free first time, but then need to spend empire coins there is a daily limit to it

- Each quest done gives “points” the points vary from one quest to another
The “points” determine your rewards from the event in 3 different ways
- Personal rewards
- Rewards based on personal ranking
- Rewards based on alliance ranking (thus the name alliance glory!)

The quests expected from this event are:
- Train (x) troops
- Purchase (x) packs
- Gather x (food, wood, stone or gold)
- Complete (x) citadel construction
- Complete (x) tech research
- Spend (x) minutes of speed-ups
- Spend (x) empire coins
- Help alliance member (x) times
- Increase power by (x)
These quests can come with different rarities the higher the rarity is the harder to do it and the more points are given
For example:

There are 5 rarities (determined by color) from the lowest to the highest:
- Green 10 points
- Blue 20 points
- Purple 50 points
- Legendary 100 points
- Legendary+ 200 points (yeah we ran out of colors, I like to call it legendary+)
The green is efficient even for the points it gives, but remember there is a limit to how many quests you can do, otherwise, you are need to spend empire coins, so pick the highest rarity possible
Now some tips to do some of these quests
Train (x) troops
note that any troop tier can be trained, this means you can train tier 1 troops to do this quest, also you can hold off picking your troops from the barracks and pick them after the quest is accepted
Gather x (food, wood, stone or gold)
Gather resources based on what the quest asks, then don’t recall the troops until you have accepted the quest, gathering guide coming, maybe, one day, I think
Purchase (x) packs
- Complete (x) citadel construction
- Complete (x) tech research
Please note in these two quests it’s not specified what time these upgrades need to be, you need to do it (x) times, the best tip here is to prepare for this event by not upgrading your not-needed buildings and technology
For example, the guard tower, the market, the rally hall, and resource buildings, these buildings don’t need to be immediately upgraded so I advise you to have them at lvl 1 and then upgrade them during the event
Spend (x) minutes of speed-ups
Ahh remember to use titles to get the most value from your speed-ups,
Spend (x) empire coins
Spin the wheel or buy Hero rally tickets, make sure you do it after you accept the quest
Help alliance member (x) times
Ask your alliance to spam (healing, buildings) and cancel it, so you can help them, thus the name alliance glory event!
Increase power by (x)
For some reason, this works by healing your troops, so make sure you have troops in the hospital and pick this quest!
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