Your First Army Guide
By SolidDoc (BH7).
So you’re in this position: The generate army button is green, and you’re wondering whether pressing it is worth it or not. This guide is for you then!
What are the implications?
You are going to spend your prisoners to get an army, so it is going to reduce your citizen generation. And you don’t know what you’re going to get in return.
What do we get by doing it?
First army will open a new tab and start new resource generation, called “Garbage”. Garbage gets generated every 2 hours, and is reduced to 30 sec when you have 750 armies, so making more than one army early on won’t do all that much for you.
What does the garbage do?
You will get 2 new multiplier upgrades for dmg and hp that require garbage. Armies persist over Light Year travels, as well as the upgrades and the garbage resource. They are only reset at Black Hole travel. So you will get a new way to make yourself stronger over the Black Hole duration. You will unlock even more upgrades for doing more BH’s.
When do I get the first one?
As soon as possible, so long as it does not cripple your citizen generation. Go for a number of prisoners that you won’t mind losing, like, say, a half
Now we’ll take a look at army permanent upgrades, these need to be unlocked and will stay unlocked and keep their levels even through BH travels. Your first one requires 10 armies produced (can be done over multiple BH’s, the progress is kept). Once unlocked, you can spend armies in that upgrade.
Don’t spend all your armies, or you will be locked out of the screen and will not be generating garbage until you convert another army. Keep at least 1 at all times.
The upgrade on the top left side of the army screen allows you to transfer armies to your next BH, at a 3:1 ratio, so having 3 armies by the end of your current BH is quite beneficial, allowing you to start garbage production right away at the start of new BH.
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