Garden Life: A Cozy Simulator – 100% Full Achievement Guide + Useful Tips

The guide that helps you find all achievements for the Garden Life: A Cozy Simulator game.

How to Obtain All Achievements


And A New Day Begins

  • Complete day 1.

For this achievement, simply follow the tutorial and complete the task “Go home for the day.”

You can end the day by going across the street to the bus stop, looking at it and pressing E on your keyboard.

Snip Snip

  • Prune a plant for the first time.

For this achievement, you will need Pruning Shears and a grown plant.

You can buy Pruning Shears from Leslie’s shop, located in the village. Directions to Leslie’s shop:

  • Step out of the garden
  • Turn left
  • Walk straight until message “Go to village square” appears
  • Press E
  • Leslie’s shop is straight ahead, to the right of the fountain
    • or
  • Step out of the garden
  • Use the bicycle
  • Leslie’s shop is straight ahead, to the right of the fountain
    • or
  • Step out of the garden
  • Click the wooden way-point sign “Village Square”
  • Leslie’s shop is straight ahead, to the right of the fountain

To prune a plant, equip Pruning Shears and left-click on a flower in your garden.

Help Wanted

  • Complete a request.

This achievement can be completed during the tutorial part teaching the pruning mechanic.

  • Open your post box, located to the left of the entrance to the garden
  • Accept Jasmine’s request
  • Obtain 8x Daffodil Cuttings
  • Open drop box, located to the right of the entrance to the garden
  • Hold left-click to deliver the request

Green Thumb

  • Complete the tutorial.

Unlock this achievement by completing the tutorial task “Check out the ToDo list in the shed.”


Timeless Seating

  • Sit on a bench.

To craft a bench you will need:

  • 3x Normal Boulders
  • 3x Normal Rocks
  • 5x Normal Stones

You can find and gather them in your garden.


  • Sell your first bouquet.

This achievement can be completed only after you receive a stall in the market.

Leslie can ask the carpenter to build a market stall for you after you complete her request and deliver:

  • 5x Red Rose Bouquets (requires a total of 250x cuttings)
  • 5x Yellow Daffodil Bouquets (requires a total of 30x cuttings)
  • 5x Yellow Sunflower Bouquets (requires a total of 25x cuttings)
  • 5x Red Poppy Bouquets (requires a total of 45x cuttings)

For a quicker achievement-oriented crafting, I have calculated the total amount of cuttings needed to craft 5x bouquets of each flower type. Hope this helps.

The bouquets can be crafted in the shed using the crafting table on the right side.

After delivering all required bouquets through the drop box, the quest will be completed.

A market stall will become available for you in the village.

Place a bouquet in the stall’s inventory and as soon as the next in-game day begins, you will receive the achievement.

Helping Hand

  • Complete 50 requests.

Unlock this achievement by accepting and completing a total of 50 requests through the drop box.

Master Crafter

  • Craft 100 items

Unlock this achievement by crafting a total of 100 items.

Sky Is The Limit

  • Reach the highest point in the garden.

Unlock this achievement by walking to the highest point you are able to reach.

To do this, stack low decorative objects upwards in a staircase-like manner, then walk to the top.

Tip: You can use 14x Simple Wooden Pallets, purchasable at Leslie’s (100,- per pallet).

I’m Rich!

  • Earn 50,000 florins in total.

Unlock this achievement by earning a total of 50,000 florins.

The sum is cumulative, meaning that you can gather it over time and expenses do not affect the achievement.

Garden Architect

  • Customize your garden 30 times.


  • Have 50 decoration items in your garden simultaneously.


Seasonal Shift

  • Experience your first seasonal change.

Unlock this achievement by playing the game for 30 in-game days.

The achievement unlocks on the following in-game day.

Seasoned Gardener

  • Complete a year in a garden.

Unlock this achievement by playing the game for 120 in-game days.

The achievement unlocks on the following in-game day.


6 out of 37 achievements in this category.

There’s More?

  • Harvest a new seed variant for the first time.

When you hear a sparkly sound and see a glow coming out of a plant, press E on it to harvest a seed.

Continue harvesting seeds whenever a plant glows and with a bit of luck you will get a new seed variant (indicated by a purple glow), which will unlock this achievement for you.

Harvest Time

  • Harvest 1000 seeds.

Unlock this achievement by harvesting a total of 1000 seeds.

Tip: Once you have a bigger garden, I highly recommend using a harvesting bag. It can be purchased at Leslie’s shop.

Budding Gardener

  • Plant 50 flowers.

Unlock this achievement by planting 50 seeds in the community garden.

Moisturize Me!

  • Use watering tools 1000 times.

Unlock this achievement by using watering tools (e.g. watering can) a total of 1000 times.

Pest Control

  • Remove 100 pests.

Unlock this achievement by treating 100 infected plants with pest removal spray.

Garden Variety

  • Have a flower of each species in your garden simultaneously.

There is a total of 20x flower species required to unlock this achievement:

  • Red Rose
  • Yellow Sunflower
  • White Hellebore
  • Red Tulip
  • Red Poppy
  • Yellow Daffodil
  • White Hydrangea
  • Dark Red Peony
  • Dark Green Ivy
  • Red Cyclamen
  • Pink Bleeding Heart
  • Red Lily
  • Red Amaryllis
  • Purple Iris
  • Lilac Hosta
  • Pale Blue Lilac
  • Pale Pink Clematis
  • Purple Morning Glory
  • Yellow Jasmine
  • Dark Green Fatsia

All seeds are available for purchase at Leslie’s shop in the market.


3 out of 37 achievements in this category.

Cats. Pet. Yes.

  • Pet the cat 50 times.

Unlock this achievement by petting the cat 50 times.

Koi-lect Them All!

  • Make the fish appear in the pond.

Collecting all ponds did not work for me.

It’s not about collecting the ponds.

The crafting recipe for the Koi Serenity Statue is tied to Ema. After completing her fish statue, she gets the idea for a koi statue and plans to talk to her boss about creating it. The crafting recipe became available for me a few days later (1st day of next season). I placed the crafted statue and one simple pond in the community garden and unlocked the achievement the next day. Not sure if the pond is necessary. Hope this helps.

Snailed It!

  • Stack a snail on top of another snail.

Unlock this achievement by stacking three decorative snails.

They can be purchased in Leslie’s shop.

Story Completion

6 out of 37 achievements in this category.

A Promise Fulfilled

  • Complete Robin’s ToDo list.

Unlock this achievement by completing all of the following tasks:

  • Place a bench (for more information, see achievement ‘Timeless Seating’)
  • Set up a Garden Stall (for more information, see achievement ‘Beaukay’s’)
  • Sort out a garden hose (buy a garden hose from Leslie’s)
  • Have the bridge rebuilt (for more information, see achievement ‘Restoration Maestro’)
  • Have the rubble cleared away (for more information, see achievement ‘Clean-up Maestro’)
  • Open up the greenhouse (for more information, see achievement ‘Greenhouse Guru’)
  • Complete the plant book (for more information, see achievement ‘I Want It All!’)
  • Help Jasmine with the pavilion (for more information, see achievements ‘Sculptor Rookie’ and ‘Sculptor Extraordinaire’)

Sculptor Rookie

  • Complete your first pavilion statue.

You can choose 1 out of 3 small pavilion statues to complete, the medium ones are locked until all small statues are completed. Here are the requirements for each of the three small statues:

Mask Statue (Jasmine)

  • 35x Yellow Jasmine Cuttings (original)
  • 15x Red Daffodil Cuttings (special)

Rose Statue (Laurie)

  • 30x Pink Rose Cuttings (special)
  • 30x White Lily Cuttings (special)

Wreath Statue (Laurie)

  • 30x Red Poppy Cuttings (original)
  • 15x Pink Hellebore Cuttings (special)

In the lists above, I have indicated each cutting on whether it is original (seeds can be bought at Leslie’s) or special (seeds have to be found from glowing originals).

Sculptor Extraordinaire

  • Complete all statues in the pavilion.

To view the requirements for three small statues, see achievement ‘Sculptor Rookie’.

Here are the requirements for all six medium statues:

Throne Statue (Marcus)

  • 50x Dark Green Ivy Cuttings (original)
  • 25x Dark Pink Morning Glory Cuttings (special)
  • 35x White Hosta Cuttings (special)
  • 30x White Rose Cuttings (special)

Trophy Statue (Frank)

  • 30x Pink Clematis Cuttings (special)
  • 40x White Hellebore Cuttings (original)
  • 30x Purple Iris Cuttings (original)

Pumpkin Statue (Leslie)

  • 40x Orange Rose Cuttings (special)
  • 10x Orange Lily Cuttings (special)
  • 40x Orange Tulip Cuttings (special)
  • 40x Orange Sunflower Cuttings (special)
  • 30x Dark Green Ivy Cuttings (original)

Ruby Arch Statue (Ema)

  • 50x White Hydrangea Cuttings (original)
  • 35x Red Bleeding Heart Cuttings (special)
  • 35x Yellow Peony Cuttings (special)
  • 30x Dark Green Ivy Cuttings (original)

Swan Statue (Frank)

  • 30x White Peony Cuttings (special)
  • 20x White Lilac Cuttings (special)
  • 50x White Amaryllis Cuttings (special)
  • 50x Blue Iris Cuttings (special)

Fish Statue (Ema)

  • 40x Orange Rose Cuttings (special)
  • 40x Dark Red Hydrangea Cuttings (special)
  • 40x White Poppy Cuttings (special)
  • 40x Yellow Sunflower Cuttings (original)

In the lists above, I have indicated each cutting on whether it is original (seeds can be bought at Leslie’s) or special (seeds have to be found from glowing originals).

Restoration Maestro

  • Rebuild the bridge.

Unlock this achievement by hiring a bridge repair service for 5000,- at the customization board.

The achievement will unlock on the following in-game day.

The customization board becomes available after you complete Marcus’ request (jasmine for Jasmine).

Clean-up Maestro

  • Clear the rubble.

Unlock this achievement by hiring a rubble removal service for 7000,- at the customization board.

The achievement will unlock on the following in-game day.

The customization board becomes available after you complete Marcus’ request (jasmine for Jasmine).

Greenhouse Guru

  • Unlock the greenhouse.

This achievement can be completed only after clearing the path towards the greenhouse by hiring a rubble removal service (for more information, see achievement ‘Clean-up Maestro’).

Unlock this achievement by completing Frank’s request to deliver:

  • 10x Pink Tulip Bouquets
  • 8x Purple Iris Bouquets
  • 6x Purple Hydrangea Bouquets
  • 3x Large Garlands
  • 5x Flower Ladders

Tip: To have a bigger chance of finding the required seed variations, I highly recommend using a Quick Seed Fertilizer daily. It can be purchased at Leslie’s shop.

After delivering all items through the drop box, Frank will ask his locksmith friend to unlock the greenhouse, which will also unlock the achievement for you.


8 out of 37 achievements in this category.

Tool Time

  • Collect all of the tools.

Unlock this achievement by owning all gardening tools and the decor brush.

All tools are available for purchase at Leslie’s shop in the market.

Tools But Better

  • Collect all tool variants.
  • Valentine’s-themed Watering Can (reward for completing the ‘Mask Statue’)
  • Christmas-themed Shovel (reward for completing the ‘Rose Statue’)
  • Christmas-themed Sickle (reward for completing the ‘Wreath Statue’)
  • Christmas-themed Pruning Shears (reward for completing Laurie’s request)
  • Rainbow-themed Shovel (reward for completing the ‘Trophy Statue’)
  • Rainbow-themed Pruning Shears (reward for completing the ‘Throne Statue’)
  • Halloween-themed Sickle (reward for completing the ‘Pumpkin Statue’)
  • Easter-themed Sickle (reward for completing the ‘Ruby Arch Statue’)
  • Easter-themed Watering Can (reward for completing the ‘Fish Statue’)

Street Shenanigans

  • Get 50 soda cans.

Unlock this achievement by purchasing a total of 50 soda cans from the vending machine at the bus stop.

Gnome Sweet Gnome

  • Have all the gnomes in your garden.

Unlock this achievement by placing the following decorative items in the community garden:

  • Harold Gnoomer (purchasable at Leslie’s)
  • Gina Gnoomer (purchasable at Leslie’s)
  • Steve Gnoomer (purchasable at Leslie’s)
  • Rory Gnoomer (purchasable at Leslie’s in spring)
  • Daisy Gnoomer (purchasable at Leslie’s in summer)
  • Freddie Gnoomer (purchasable at Leslie’s in autumn)
  • Demi Gnoomer (purchasable at Leslie’s in winter)

Toadally Awesome

  • Have all the frogs in your garden.

Unlock this achievement by placing the following decorative items in the community garden:

  • Frog (purchasable at Leslie’s)
  • Flower Crown Frog (purchasable at Leslie’s in spring)
  • Straw Hat Frog (purchasable at Leslie’s in summer)
  • Pumpkin Frog (purchasable at Leslie’s in autumn)
  • Bear Frog (purchasable at Leslie’s in winter)
  • Magic Frog (craftable)

To craft the Magic Frog, you will need 1x Frog, 3x Red Rose Cuttings and 5x Wrapping Paper.

Gourd-geous Pumpkin

  • Have all the pumpkins in the garden.

Unlock this achievement by placing the following decorative items in the community garden:

  • Pumpkin
  • Fancy Pumpkin
  • Royal Pumpkin
  • Tea Pot Pumpkin
  • Festival Pumpkin

All decorative pumpkins are available for purchase at Leslie’s shop during the autumn season.

The achievement unlocks on the following in-game day.

Literary Odyssey

  • Find all the books.
  • Unlock this achievement by finding and inspecting 5 books found in the following locations:
  • Village square – 2x books are beside each other, on one of the café tables
  • Village square – 1x book is placed on a chair of one of the café tables
  • Pavilion – 2x books are in the area with massive seats and a table made out of rock

I Want It All!

  • Complete the plant book.

Useful Tips

How to destroy or remove a tool (two bug sprayers)

You could store one away for now. You might need the spare some day. Or you can sold it in your little shop stall in the village.

Where to get rocks (squirrel bench quest)

You can buy rocks at Leslie’s store. but it costs you and if I’m remembering correctly, you don’t get to sell until after that quest.

How many flowers do you need to plant in order to get a variant color type?

Every flower has a certain chance to produce a color variation. The more flowers of one type you have the bigger the chance. You then just have to wait a bit / a few game days until you get a color variant.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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