GTTOD: Get To The Orange Door – Console Commands (Cheat Codes)

This Guide Lists all Available console commands for you, the average user and gigachad for actually playing GTTOD, can access and use to play around with.


So, You wanna cheat at a Roguelite eh? Trust me, we’ve all been there. The Back-breaking difficulty, the swarms of enemies that want less peace-talking and more rootin-shooting.

So, heres how you harness the Dev Console for your own nefarious gain, like custom starter cards or just general stupidity with this game.

But you’re probably asking me, “Noname, How do I, a manly man, access this dev console!””

And I reply with, “Dude how the ♥♥♥ did you type on this guide?” But I would still tell you. Anyway.

Please Note: Alot of these things will change update to update so just post in the comments if you have something changed, but trust me. Im a die-hard fan of this game, I’m probably already working on it.

So, How do I Access the Dev Console?

Its Fairly simple actually. No messing around with a config file, no warning screen telling you you are doing something wrong. Nothing.

Press the Esc Key on your keyboard to bring up that flashy menu, and then go into keybinds. It has a keyboard icon. Hard to miss.

After that, you scroll all the way down until you find Developer Console. Good! Then you bind that sucker.

I recommend the Tilde Or Back Quote Key. Its in-between both your tab key and Number 1 on your keyboard however you can bind it to whatever you deem fit. Im not your mom.

The Give Command!

Give! The Give command is fairly simple, Give yourself weapons of mass destruction to use! While i wont go into them because that would take too much effort, theres another guide out there that lists everything you might need weapon wise.

  • Give 0: Silenced Pistol
  • Give 1: Pistol
  • Give 2: Double Barrel
  • Give 3: Bolt-Action
  • Give 4: Silenced SMG
  • Give 5: Sticky Detonator
  • Give 6: Compact Shotgun
  • Give 7: Auto Pistol
  • Give 8: Marksman Rifle
  • Give 9: Revolver
  • Give 10: Burst Carbine
  • Give 11: SMG
  • Give 12: Sniper Rifle
  • Give 13: Battle Rifle
  • Give 14: Assault Rifle
  • Give 15: Shotgun
  • Give 16: Carbine
  • Give 17: Lever-Action
  • Give 18: PDW
  • Give 19: Grenade Launcher
  • Give 20: Assault Shotgun
  • Give 21: LMG
  • Give 22: Rocket Launcher
  • Give 23: AGL
  • Give 24: Plasma Cannon
  • Give 25: Burst Cannon
  • Give 26: Scatter Cannon
  • Give 27: Vulcannon

Give 28 does nothing and so forth.

Editors Note, The Easter egg weapons are seemingly unavailable. Stuff like the Riveter and the Ultrakill Gun is MIA. Sad.

The Build Command!

With the Introduction of Sticks and Stones, We got a totally not rip-off pack a punch from COD Zombies into this beautiful game. We call it the “Build A Bang Engine.” Or BABE for short.

With the Build command, you can get your grubby fingers on such a destructive arsenal!

The Original Name of the gun is on the left, with its BABE name on the right.

  • Build 0: Silenced Pistol / Silent But Deadly
  • Build 1: Pistol / Basilisk
  • Build 2: Double Barrel / Super Shotgun
  • Build 3: Bolt-Action / Skewer
  • Build 4: Silenced SMG / Suzin
  • Build 5: Sticky Detonator / Sticky Icky
  • Build 6: Compact Shotgun / Super Shorty
  • Build 7: Auto Pistol / Bad Medicine
  • Build 8: Marksman Rifle / Storm Rider
  • Build 9: Revolver / Big Iron
  • Build 10: Burst Carbine / Frostbite
  • Build 11: SMG / Typhoon
  • Build 12: Sniper Rifle / Treachery
  • Build 13: Battle Rifle / Arson
  • Build 14: Assault Rifle / Predator
  • Build 15: Shotgun / Fire Storm
  • Build 16: Carbine / Verglas
  • Build 17: Lever-Action / ThunderLust
  • Build 18: PDW / Punishment Distrubuting Weapon
  • Build 19: Grenade Launcher / Softball
  • Build 20: Assault Shotgun / Riot
  • Build 21: LMG / Life Melting Gat
  • Build 22: Rocket Launcher / Heatwave
  • Build 23: AGL / Angry Guy Liquidator
  • Build 24: Plasma Cannon / Discharge
  • Build 25: Burst Cannon / Morningstar
  • Build 26: Scatter Cannon / Weapon-name (Not Finished)
  • Build 27: Vulcannon / Shredder

Build 28 and so forth does nothing.

The Equip Command!

Ever the elusive one, this one is. I barely use it myself, though could be fun making Ninja 2.0 with it, or just custom starter cards in general!

  • Equip 0: ROCK/ROKK.
  • Equip 1: Frag Grenade
  • Equip 2: Stim Shot
  • Equip 3: Jump Kit
  • Equip 4: C4
  • Equip 5: Ammo Pack
  • Equip 6: Health Pack
  • Equip 7: Phase Kit
  • Equip 8: Laser Cannon
  • Equip 9: Kunai
  • Equip 10: Laser Wire
  • Equip 11: Grapple Wire

Equip 12 does nothing and so on so forth.

The Misc Commands!

So, everything important to get their own section is out of the way however theres still a couple more important commands that ya might seem fun to mess around with. Lemme know in the comments if there’s any I did miss.

  • Grant: (Number Goes here.). Gives you sweet sweet moola aka money.
  • Noclip: Its Noclip! You can fly around and take your cool screenshots while being shot at! Amazing!
  • Toggle: Toggles the HUD off and on! Great for videos like those cool PSA videos The Sun is my son is making.

Psst, go watch those PSA’s please. They’re amazing.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3757 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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