Puzzle Solutions
Say My Name
Deal 2-5 damage.
Start the Puzzle
- Open “Modes” → “Solo Adventures” or “Hearthstone”.
- Click the Help icon (?).
- Flip to the 3rd page of the Hearthstone Rules, where two minions are attacking each other (5 damage and 2 damage).
- Click the upper right nail to enter the puzzle.

Solve the Puzzle (1-3 Min Per Try)
14 minions appear on the board, and 20 spells appear in your hand. Cast the correctly named spell on the corresponding minion, removing it, until the board is empty. 6 out of the 20 cards in your hand are red herrings that do not correspond to any minion on the board. There is also a 5-minute timer, after which the puzzle resets.
This or That
The most powerful warband.
Start the Puzzle
- Open “Game Menu” → “Options”.
- Click “Miscellaneous” → “Credits”. This button won’t appear if you are in “Solo Adventures”.
- Once the credits screen appears, click on the bottom left corner of the black screen to enter the puzzle.

Solve the Puzzle (3-5 Min Per Try)
This puzzle has you pick cards 50 times. Choose the older card each time. Look at the symbols behind the card text to tell which is older. Mini-sets are treated as being right after their main set. If both cards have the same symbol, either choice is fine. Pick 50 cards correctly to deal 50 damage and win. Make a mistake and you’ll deal less damage, then have to restart. Don’t worry about changed card stats. There’s a list of all sets and their symbols below to help you.
Ordered list of expansions for what card you should be choosing:
- Legacy (Classic Cards)
- Curse of Naxxramas
- Goblins vs. Gnomes
- Blackrock Mountain
- The Grand Tournament
- League of Explorers
- Whispers of the Old Gods
- One Night in Karazhan
- Mean Streets of Gadgetzan
- Journey to Un’Goro
- Knights of the Frozen Throne
- Kobolds and Catacombs
- Witchwood
- Boomsday Project
- Rastakhan’s Rumble
- Rise of Shadows
- Saviors of Uldum
- Descent of Dragons
- Descent of Dragons Mini-Set – Galakrond’s Awakening
- Demon Hunter Initiate Set
- Ashes of Outland
- Scholomance Academy
- Madness at the Darkmoon Faire
- Madness at the Darkmoon Faire Mini-Set – The Darkmoon Races
- Forged in the Barrens
- Forged in the Barrens Mini-Set – The Wailing Caverns
- United in Stormwind
- United in Stormwind Mini-Set – The Deadmines
- Fractured in Alterac Valley
- Fractured in Alterac Valley Mini-Set – Onyxia’s Lair
- Voyage to the Sunken City
- Voyage to the Sunken City Mini-Set – Throne of the Tides
- Murder at Castle Nathria
- Murder at Castle Nathria Mini-Set – Maw and Disorder
- Path of Arthas
- March of the Lich King
- March of the Lich King Mini-Set – Return to Naxxramas
- Festival of Legends
- Festival of Legends Mini-Set – Audiopocalypse
- Caverns of Time (use the card’s icon)
- TITANS Mini-Set – Fall of Ulduar
- Showdown in the Badlands
- Showdown in the Badlands Mini-Set – Delve into Deepholm
- Event (The New Gift Cards and Harth)
- Whizbang’s Workshop
Watermarks Ordered from Oldest to Newest

Crazy Eights
Eight Turns. Eight Winners
Start the Puzzle
- Start a friendly match in Battlegrounds (solo, not Duos) with 7 other players.
- Choose a hero with a hero power that does not generate cards in hand, or minions on board, and that does not forcefully affects their stats. (See list below)
- Do absolutely nothing for three turns! And make sure that both your hand and board are empty before the start of each fight. You will automatically enter the puzzle after the 3rd fight.
(You are technically allowed to buy and sell minions in the meantime, but there is absolutely no reason to do so.)
Solve the Puzzle (15-20 Min Per Try)
When the puzzle starts, if the previous steps have been done correctly, the Health of each player is set to 1, and Lightspawns minions appear on the board. The puzzle is then played as a normal game of Battlegrounds, alternating between Shop phases, and Fight phases against each other, with your gold still increasing by 1 each turn.
The goal of the puzzle is to have everyone survive for 8 turns. To do this, you must tie each fight, which requires you to coordinate with the other players during buying phases to balance your boards. If anyone dies, the puzzle is over for everyone and you have to restart from the beginning.
You will have to get through at least 5 rounds to get the achievement, but you can keep on playing afterwards if you want to. Each round goes like this:
- Your warband is cleared, then one Lightspawn minion appears on your side of the board, and several appear in the shop (opponent’s side of the board).
- Communicate with your next opponent to determine what should be on your board and what should be on theirs to tie the next fight. (See communication tools below)
- Buy the required Lightspawns in the shop (3 gold each) then play them.
- Wait until the fight, tie against your opponent, and enter the next round.
After 8 combats (3 AFK + 5 rounds with Lightspawns), you can concede and you’ll get the achievement. If you want to, you can also keep playing more rounds, but there are no extra rewards.
Additional Information:
- Because Lightspawns adjust their Attack to always fit their Health, it does not matter how they are ordered on the board, or which minion they auto-attack.
- The longer you play the puzzle, the higher the stats of the Lighstpawns and the more there are in the shop (capped at 7).
- You cannot sell your original Lightspawn, but you can sell the ones bought from the shop, in case you make a mistake.
- You can use your hero power to make the maths add up, but you shouldn’t have to, as the puzzle is made so that there is always a solution.
- Anything in your hand and on the board disappears between each round.
- You can check the current turn by hovering your pointer above your “deck slot”.
- If you can’t see the names of the other players by hovering your pointer above their icons on the left side, make sure that you aren’t in streamer mode.
List of Heroes to Avoid
You can safely pick any hero with an active hero power. If you have to pick between heroes with passive hero powers, see the recommendations below. Between picking unsafe heroes and restarting the lobby, it might be better to choose the 2nd option.
Definite No, Cannot Enter The Puzzle
- Ambassador Faelin
- King Mukla
- Ozumat
- Thorim, Stormlord
Definite No, Prevent Ties
- Al’Akir
- Dancin’ Deryl
- Enhance-o Mechano
- Illidan Stormrage
- King Mukla
- Onyxia
- Vanndar Stormpike
- Queen Wagtoggle
Very Risky
- Kael’thas Sunstrider
- Need to buy and sell other minions to prevent buffing useful Lightspawns.
- Master Nguyen
- Need to choose a safe hero power every turn. Might fail.
Be Careful
- A.F.Kay
- Sell the minions when you get them.
- N’Zoth
- Sell N’Zoth fish on turn 1.
- The Curator
- Sell the Amalgam on turn 1.
- Sir Finley
- Choose one of the safe hero powers at the start. Might fail.
- Ragnaros the Firelord
- Only problematic if you want an infinite run. No problem if you just want to get the achievement.
What a Long, Strange Trip It’s Been
What can you find in what’s been found?
Start the Puzzle
- To start the puzzle you’ll have to queue a special deck in ranked Wild. You will be immediately transported to the puzzle. That’s it. The deck code:
- Sometimes pasting in the deck code can use the wrong version of a card, so if you are not entering the puzzle, verify that:
- Worgen Greaser is the Mean Streets version, not Caverns of Time.
- Evasive Wyrm is the Descent of Dragons version, not Core.
- If you’re not sure how to find/craft the version of a card from a specific set.
- It technically does not matter which cards are in the ETC.
- Again, make sure you’re queuing into Wild (not Casual or Practice)
Full List of Cards:
Ancient Mage, Dancing Swords, Jeeves, Volcanic Drake, Refreshment Vendor, Murloc Tinyfin, Faceless Behemoth, Arcanosmith, Worgen Greaser, Emerald Reaver, Doomed Apprentice, Boisterous Bard, Wyrmguard, Arcane Dynamo, Regeneratin' Thug, Arcane Servant, Vilefiend, Evasive Wyrm, Frenzied Felwing, Starscryer, Steward of Scrolls, Fleethoof Pearltusk, Crabrider, Sunwell Initiate, Devouring Ectoplasm, Stockades Guard, Golakka Glutton, Gankster, Gear Grubber, Security Automaton, Snapdragon, Prince Renathal, Afterlife Attendant, Sunfury Clergy, Darkfallen Shadow, E.T.C., Band Manager, Speaker Stomper, Starlight Whelp, Future Emissary, Tainted Remnant, Sunspot Dragon, Stone Drake, Harth Stonebrew.
Solve the Puzzle (2-4 Min Per Try)
14 minions appear on the board, 7 on each side. Trade the minions 43 times, as indicated below. The first number is the position on your side, the second number is the position on the opponent’s side (both counting from the left).
So for example, 2-5 means you attack with your 2nd minion (from left) into the opponent’s 5th minion (from left).
- 2-5, 4-4, 1-4, 6-4, 3-5
- 1-1, 3-3, 3-2, 6-5, 2-1
- 3-2, 3-2, 3-4, 3-4, 3-5
- 2-3, 2-2, 5-3, 3-3, 3-1
- 4-4, 4-4, 1-4, 3-4, 3-2
- 1-3, 2-3, 4-2, 4-5, 1-3
- 3-3, 3-4, 3-4, 2-4, 3-3
- 4-4, 4-4, 4-3, 4-4, 7-4
- 6-6, 2-1, 5-5
Each time you do 5 correct trades in a row, you get a fireworks animation as confirmation.
The logic behind this code is that these numbers correspond to the stats of the minions in the decklist used to enter the puzzle, ordered by chronological expansion order. For example, the minion from the Legacy set is Ancient Mage with stats 2/5, the minion from Curse of Naxxramas is Dancing Swords with stats 4/4, and so on.
Hopefully this guide helped you!
It doesn’t work. I have tried over and over again, making sure that I have the correct cards and all it does is put me into a regular wild game.