Once Human Menu
The Economist: Easy & Cheap to Make
Canned Lunch Meat

- Base Stat: Max HP +10%
Extra Stats:
- Max Health + 50 (Pork)
- Max Health +100 (Bear Meat)
- Slow Recovery (Goat Meat)
- Stamina Boost + 25 (Sanity Gummy)
- Stamina Boost + 40 (Rabbit Meat)
- Pollution Resist +5% (Crocodile Meat)
- Pollution Resist + 10% (Snapping Turtle)
Canned Meat

- Base Stat: Shrapnel DMG +10%
Extra Stats:
- Max Health + 50 (Pork)
- Max Health +100 (Bear Meat)
- Slow Recovery (Goat Meat)
- Stamina Boost + 25 (Sanity Gummy)
- Stamina Boost + 40 (Rabbit Meat)
- Pollution Resist +5% (Crocodile Meat)
- Pollution Resist + 10% (Snapping Turtle)
Shellfish Meat

- Base Stat: Hitting enemies grants Vulnerability +8% for 10 seconds
Stardust Raspberry Shaved Ice

- Base Stat: Continuous Debuff Duration +20%
- Mastery Bonus Perk: “Stardust Delicacy”
Iced Tea

- Base Stat: Roll & Movement speed increased increased
Extra Stats:
- Lightweight/0 weight (Scarlet Calamus)
- Duration Boost (Sage)
- Effect Boost (Bellflower)
- Healing Boost (Honeysuckle)
- Sanity Restore (Cornflower)
- Long Shelf Life/Durability (Yellow Lotus)
Stardust Energy Drink

- Base Stat: Double Jump
- Mastery Bonus Perk: “Stardust Delicacy”
Level Me Up: Exp Boost
Orange Pie

- Base Stat: +25% Exp
I PVP: Defense from Griefers
Safety Sandwich

- Base Stat: -20% DMG taken from other Players
The Gather Squad: Gather / Mine / Speed Run Boosts
Bacon Burger

- Base Stat: Mining/Logging 30% chance Boost
Extra Stats:
- Max Health + 50 (Pork)
- Max Health +100 (Bear Meat)
- Slow Recovery (Goat Meat)
- Stamina Boost + 25 (Sanity Gummy)
- Stamina Boost + 40 (Rabbit Meat)
- Pollution Resist +5% (Crocodile Meat)
- Pollution Resist + 10% (Snapping Turtle)
Canned Seafood in Oil

- Base Stat: Mining/Logging chance yield Boost
Extra Stats:
- Please See Fishing Notes at the bottom of guide.
Anti-Gravity Milkshake

- Base Stat: Reach Max Load (carry more “Thangs”)

- Base Stat: Gathering/Logging Speed +20% & yield +50%
Extra Stats:
- Max Health + 50 (Pork)
- Max Health +100 (Bear Meat)
- Slow Recovery (Goat Meat)
- Stamina Boost + 25 (Sanity Gummy)
- Stamina Boost + 40 (Rabbit Meat)
- Pollution Resist +5% (Crocodile Meat)
- Pollution Resist + 10% (Snapping Turtle)
Veggie Stir-Fry

- Base Stat: Sprint Speed +20%
- Mastery Bonus Perk: “Stardust Delicacy
Potato Salad

- Base Stat: 15% chance to get double of Stuff
- Mastery Bonus Perk: “Stardust Delicacy
Mushroom Stew

- Base Stat: Max Stamina +20% & Stamina Recovery Speed + 30%
- Mastery Bonus Perk: “Stardust Delicacy”
I Want Extra Loot: Loot / Currency Boosts
Borscht Deluxe

- Base Stat: Twice as much Monies from chests
Extra Stats:
- Max Health + 50 (Pork)
- Max Health +100 (Bear Meat)
- Slow Recovery (Goat Meat)
- Stamina Boost + 25 (Sanity Gummy)
- Stamina Boost + 40 (Rabbit Meat)
- Pollution Resist +5% (Crocodile Meat)
- Pollution Resist + 10% (Snapping Turtle)
Preserved Deviated Chops

- Base Stat: Killing gets you +50% Acid
Extra Stats:
- Max Health + 50 (Pork)
- Max Health +100 (Bear Meat)
- Slow Recovery (Goat Meat)
- Stamina Boost + 25 (Sanity Gummy)
- Stamina Boost + 40 (Rabbit Meat)
- Pollution Resist +5% (Crocodile Meat)
- Pollution Resist + 10% (Snapping Turtle)
Cold Pumpkin Soup

- Base Stat: 30% more Chance for Ammo in Crates
- Mastery Bonus Perk: “Stardust Delicacy”
Save My Sanity: We All Like More Health
Fruity Sanity Capsule

- Base Stat: Pollution Resist +15%
Signature Ice Brew

- Base Stat: Pollution Resist +30% & Sanity recovers when not in combat
I Live to Fight: Meta Food for Meta Players
Bone-In Deviated Sausage

- Base Stat: +10 DMG to Bosses
Extra Stats:
- Max Health + 50 (Pork)
- Max Health +100 (Bear Meat)
- Slow Recovery (Goat Meat)
- Stamina Boost + 25 (Sanity Gummy)
- Stamina Boost + 40 (Rabbit Meat)
- Pollution Resist +5% (Crocodile Meat)
- Pollution Resist + 10% (Snapping Turtle)
Shattered Bread

- Base Stat: +10 weapon DMG
Assorted Canned Fruit

- Base Stat: Weakspot DMG +25% when Sanity is Above 80%
- Mastery Bonus Perk: “Stardust Delicacy”
Stargazy Pie

- Base Stat: Crit DMG +20% with High Energy (keep full)
Whimsical Drink

- Base Stat: Psi intensity +30%
Extra Stats:
- Lightweight/0 weight (Scarlet Calamus)
- Duration Boost (Sage)
- Effect Boost (Bellflower)
- Healing Boost (Honeysuckle)
- Sanity Restore (Cornflower)
- Long Shelf Life/Durability (Yellow Lotus)
Mixed Fried Hot Dog

- Base Stat: The Bull’s Eye grants +10% DMG
- Mastery Bonus Perk: “Stardust Delicacy”
Extra Stats:
- Max Health + 50 (Pork)
- Max Health +100 (Bear Meat)
- Slow Recovery (Goat Meat)
- Stamina Boost + 25 (Sanity Gummy)
- Stamina Boost + 40 (Rabbit Meat)
- Pollution Resist +5% (Crocodile Meat)
- Pollution Resist + 10% (Snapping Turtle)
Honey Glazed Meat

- Base Stat: Hitting enemies affect by Frost Vortex grants Crit DMG +25%
Extra Stats:
- Max Health + 50 (Pork)
- Max Health +100 (Bear Meat)
- Slow Recovery (Goat Meat)
- Stamina Boost + 25 (Sanity Gummy)
- Stamina Boost + 40 (Rabbit Meat)
- Pollution Resist +5% (Crocodile Meat)
- Pollution Resist + 10% (Snapping Turtle)
Spectral Canned Mushroom

- Base Stat: Every 5 seconds you stun nearby mobs for 3 seconds
Deviant Collection: Gotta Collect Them All
Creamy Spaghetti Soup Can

- Base Stat: Chance to get Deviant secured +20%
- Mastery Bonus Perk: “Stardust Delicacy”
Securement Soup

- Base Stat: Chance to get Deviant secured +50%
Extra Stats:
- Lightweight/0 weight ( Deviated Scarlet Calamus)
- Duration Boost (Deviated Sage)
- Effect Boost (Deviated Bellflower)
- Healing Boost (Deviated Honeysuckle)
- Sanity Restore (Deviated Cornflower)
- Long Shelf Life/Durability (Deviated Yellow Lotus)
I Need Monnies Bad: Food to Sell

- Base Stat: Sell to Vendor & Get Energy Links
Yuanbao Dumplings

Base Stat: Sell to Vendor & Get Energy Links
Other Interesting Foods: They Have Their Uses
French Fries

- Base Stat: Dmg from Deviants -20%
Herbal Tea

- Base Stat: you don’t have to eat or drink for 2 hrs
- Mastery Bonus Perk: “Stardust Delicacy”
Extra Stats:
- Lightweight/0 weight ( Deviated Scarlet Calamus)
- Duration Boost (Deviated Sage)
- Effect Boost (Deviated Bellflower)
- Healing Boost (Deviated Honeysuckle)
- Sanity Restore (Deviated Cornflower)
- Long Shelf Life/Durability (Deviated Yellow Lotus)
Miracle Tea

- Base Stat: +10% healing effects
Extra Stats:
- Lightweight/0 weight (Scarlet Calamus)
- Duration Boost (Sage)
- Effect Boost (Bellflower)
- Healing Boost (Honeysuckle)
- Sanity Restore (Cornflower)
- Long Shelf Life/Durability (Yellow Lotus)
Ghost Cookies

- Base Stat: Cloaked for 15 seconds or when attacked
Stargazy Pizza

- Base Stat: Can breath underwater forever
Extra Stats:
- Please See Fishing Notes at the bottom of guide.
Dietary Foods: Lose or Gain Weight
Fat-Burning Juice

- Base Stat: Lose weight
Fish & Chips

- Base Stat: Gain weight
Extra Stats:
- Please See Fishing Notes at the bottom of guide.
The Blues: Early Game Food

The Greens: We All Start Somewhere

Fishing Notes: Fish Extra Buffs
Main foods affected are Stargazy Pizza, Canned Seafood in Oil, & Fish & Chips.
- Northern Pike: +100 Durability
- Seabass: +50% Durability
- Salmon: Food won’t Spoil
- Rainbow Trout: cooldown time -50%
- Longnose Gar: Item Weight +500%
- Mackerel: Energy +50, Hydration -100
- Sardine: Energy +500%, Hydration -50%
- Sunfish: +10% Mining Speed
- Bighead Carp: +10% Logging Speed
- Carp: +10% Load Boost
- Sucker Fish: 10% Swim Speed
- Tilapia: +15% Mining Speed
- Oscar Fish: +15% Load Boost
- Arowana: +15% Swim Speed
- Sea Bass: +10% Fire Rate
- Angelfish: +5% Crit DMG
- Pompano: +5% Weakspot DMG
- Barracuda: +5% Psi Intensity
Note: I only put food that you can eat… yes there are things like making salt, sugar, & water…
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