HELLDIVERS 2 – How to Use the Spear

I’ve been using the spear consistently and for some reason some people think it doesn’t lock onto some heavy enemies, but it does. These are the following enemies it for sure locks onto: Bile titan, charger, scout strider, hulk, tank, drop ship. Note: Its seems like it will sometimes also randomly lock onto brood commanders and bile spewers.

Tips to Use the Spear

The lock on is finicky and I found that if its for some reason not locking on you can switch to first person mode and it locks that way, you just need to aim around the target’s center mass until the reticle turns green. It will 2 shot a bile titan (even sometimes one-shot if you hit them in the head) as long as you don’t hit it’s legs.

Chargers are stripped of armour and are bleeding out from one shot, dead with two. Scout striders are obviously obliterated by it and this is usually a waste of a shot. Hulks will be one or two shot depending if the rocket hits them at least partially in the back. Tanks are one shot. Drop ships are a waste of ammo 9 times out of 10 and I’ll explain that below.

Note: If you also check out the HELLDIVERS 2 Guide with Tips, the gameplay will become much easier and more fun. Useful tips for both beginners and experienced players, everyone will find something new about the game.

The one annoying issue I have with it (besides the really janky lock-ons) is the fact that if you lock onto an automaton drop ship the rocket will almost always hit the ship center mass which does pretty much nothing aside from potentially damaging some of it’s passengers before they drop. You need to quickly hit one of the 4 thrusters to take the ship down (which the recoilless rifle and EAT do perfectly) so I just wish the spear would lock onto a thruster rather than the center of the ship.

Finally, there is actually a beneficial bug affecting it, unless it’s an intentional feature. Assuming you’re playing on PC (idk if it works on PS5)… Lets say you lock onto a bile titan or any enemy that will require more than one shot, what you want to do is hold right click to aim as usual, get a lock on and fire, but after you shoot don’t let go of right click and try not to move around if you can help it. Just keep holding down right click as you reload, while continuing to look right at your target, then as the reload finishes your lock on will be instant and you can fire right away back to back repeating the steps.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2274 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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