Complete Flower Guide and Tips
Ву Dino_Socks.
Making New Colors / Color Theory
Default Colors:
- Bellbutton: White, Yellow, Blue
- Dandelion: White, Red, Yellow
- Eggwort: White, Sky
- Hibiscus: Hot Pink
- Marigold: Orange
- Penstemon: White, Green, Sky
- Thistle: Violet
- Tulip: Red, Yellow, Violet
- Heavy Nettle: Orange
- Ghostgleams: White
- Anemones: Magenta, Lime
- Petunia: Magenta
There are base colors and tints. To make a tint, mix the base color with a solid white of the same flower. For example, a green penstenum can be mixed with a white penstenum to make a mint one.
The base colors red and orange make coral. This applies to the entire top row (besides teal, which is made from blue and green).
Some colors cannot be made simply by mixing solid colors. These include: white, red, yellow, blue, sky, and hot pink. You will need an ombre of these to make other flowers these colors (sky penstenum, blue bellbutton, hot pink hibiscus, yellow dandelions & tulips, red dandelions & tulips). Simply place it next to a solid color of the species you wish to transfer the color to, leaving space around the flowers to allow the desired flower to spawn!
“Simple breeding” refers to colors that can be made through the base colors we are provided. We must use color theory to achieve these! For example, a solid hot pink bell next to a violet bell can make a magenta bell!
If you cannot achieve a certain color through simple breeding, you must crossbreed two different species, one of which needs to be an ombre.
- Make sure to water and fertilize every day for optimum results.
- Creates new spawns (example: if you have a blush dandelily and you fertilize it, it can create another blush dandelily).
- Creates patterns.
- Transfers colors (via crossbreeding).
- Transfers patterns (double ombres, speckled, trim, stripe).
- When an ombre is picked up and put back down, it “restarts” the ombre effect (i.e., it will be more likely to spawn a flower the color of the ombre and will be more likely to create a double ombre spawn).
How to Utilize Patterned Flowers
There are 4 types of patterns so far:
- Ombré (Bellbutton, Dandelily, Hibiscus, Penstemum, Thistle, Tulia, Marigolds, Eggworts, Anemones)
- Trim (Marigold, Bellbutton, Dandelily, Penstemum, Hibiscus, Thistle, Heavy Nettle, Tulia)
- Speckled (Eggwort, Bellbutton, Dandelily, Hibiscus, Penstemum, Tulia)
- Stripe
Patterns can be used to make double patterns/hybrids, can transfer their respective patterns, and can transfer colors.
Fertilizing and watering every day can create an ombré flower! Pattern flowers are vital when it comes to making new colors for flowers. (Ex: If you have a blue ombré Bellbutton and you place it next to a solid Dandelily of any color, it can create a blue Dandelily!)
You can transfer patterns of the same color! Example: If you have an orange trim Marigold and place it by a solid orange of any other flower, it could potentially spawn an orange trim of said species! This also goes for speckled Eggworts & ombré flowers!
You can use double-patterned flowers to create more double-patterned flowers! They work the same way as single-patterned flowers.
You can achieve a double trim or double speckled by placing it next to an ombré of the same breed!
Color transfer example: If you have a green speckled Eggwort and you place it near a Dandelily of whatever color, fertilize it, have patience, and you will eventually spawn a green Dandelily!
Important Notes
- In order to get a double pattern, flowers used MUST be the same breed.
- Leave space around your patterns so there’s a higher chance for it to spawn a double.
- Patience is important!
Stripe Pattern
The stripe pattern can transfer to:
- Petunia (Mother Flower)
- Eggwort
- Dandelily
- Hibiscus
- Tulipa
- Penstemon
- Heavy Nettle
Crossbreeding Different Species
- You cannot make red, white, blue, sky & hot pink.
Crossbreeding is determined by the base colors of the parent flowers. For example, tulia base colors are red, yellow, and purple. From these, you can only make orange from these color combinations.
Marigolds, eggworts & petunias also need to be crossbred to make new colors as they only come in orange (can only be made during the Colorblaze Carnival Event).
Hibiscus is another great example of needing to crossbreed in order to get new colors. It only has hot pink as the base color, which means you need to crossbreed with ombres of another species in order to get a new color.
How to Unlock Flowers
Everyone has a native flower. This can be a dandelily, bellbutton, penstemum, or tulia. To unlock other flowers other than your native flower, you need seed capsules, which you get from Wish Me Mell.
If you open all of your seed capsules & are still missing one of the 4 main flowers, you need to play the crane game to get more seed capsules!
Visitors & Flowers:
These visitors need to be residents in order to unlock these flowers!
- Lou unlocks the hibiscus in Seaside Resort.
- Chico unlocks the heavy nettle in Mount Hothead.
- Aro unlocks the ghostgleam in the Spooky Swamp.
- Poco unlocks the thistle in Gemstone Mountain.
- Marin unlocks the anemone in Rainbow Reef.
There are many different setups that can work for someone. However, the most important thing about setups is maintaining space around the flowers for potential new spawns!
- 🌹❌🌺
- ❌🌹🌺❌
- 🌹❌🌺❌🌹❌🌺
- ❌🌹❌🌺❌🌹❌
Chain / Row:
- 🌹🌺🌹🌺🌹🌺🌹
- 🌹❌
- ❌🌺
You can also set out a row of patterns and leave empty rows around it. With this setup, the flowers can interact with flowers two spaces away, directly next to them, across from them, etc.
Examples of My Setups
- Example #1: Located in Meadows Gazebo. Contains a checkerboard/diagonal row pattern of bell buttons and dandelions. Contains speckled, trim, and ombré patterns. Ombré patterns can be used to create double trims and double speckled effects.

- Example #2: Located in Merry Meadow Fields. Uses chain/row setup containing ombré, trims, and speckled patterns of bell buttons and dandelions.

- Example #3: Located in Seaside Gate. Uses checkerboard/diagonal setup containing ombré, trim, and speckled patterns of penstemons.

- Example #4: Located in Seaside Resort. Uses side-by-side setup for a pattern transfer between speckled eggs and solid color (same color as the egg) hibiscus.

- Example #5: Located in Seaside Resort. Uses chain/row setup of ombré, trim, and speckled hibiscus.

Where Can Flowers Grow?
- Merry Meadows & Seaside Resort: bellbuttons, dandelions, penstemon, tulips, hibiscus, marigold, eggwort, petunia.
- Spooky Swamp: bellbuttons, dandelions, penstemon, tulips, hibiscus, eggwort, thistle, petunia.
- Rainbow Reef: anemone, ghostgleam & eggwort.
- Gemstone Mountain: bellbuttons, dandelions, penstemon, tulips, thistle, heavy nettle, marigold, eggwort, petunia.
- Mount Hothead: hibiscus, thistle, heavy nettle, marigold & eggwort.
What Patterns Can Transfer?
- Bellbuttons: cannot stripe.
- Ghostgleam: not been reported to speckle, trim or stripe.
- Anemone: not been reported to speckle, trim, or stripe.
- Thistle: has not been reported to speckle or stripe.
- Heavy nettle: has not been reported to speckle.
- Marigold: has not been reported to speckle.
- Eggwort: has not been reported to trim.
Note: All the rest of the flowers have been reported to speckle, trim & stripe.
Red Bow Quest (A Bow for A Bestie)
Flowers Needed:
- 5 red dandylilies.
- 5 red tulips.
- 5 red penstemons.
- 5 red bellflowers.
Red is a default color for dandylilies and tulips. If you do not have both red dandylilies and tulips, you will need to play the crane game and get seed capsules (see tips below).
According to color theory, red cannot be made. In order to transfer red, you will need to have an ombré red flower. Ombrés and other patterns transfer colors. In order to turn a red flower ombré, you will need to fertilize and water it every day!
Once you have an ombré red flower, place it next to a solid color (any color) penstemon and/or bellflower in order to transfer the color. Make sure to leave space around the setup so a new flower (possibly a red flower) can grow. This will eventually lead to a new flower, but have patience in the process! It can take anywhere from a day to a few weeks for a color transfer to work.
Example of Color Transfer Setups:
🌹 = Red ombre, 🪻 = Solid color flower you wish to transfer the color to ❌ = Empty plot.
- 🌹🪻❌🌹🪻❌🌹🪻❌🌹🪻
- 🌹❌🪻❌🌹❌🪻❌🌹❌🪻
In the event that you are not able to get a new spawn that is the desired color and flower, replant your flowers again and/or try a different setup!
Crane Craze Tips
Crane Craze is one of the mini games HKIA has. It is found in Merry Meadow. This game is all about positioning and timing which can make it difficult. This guide will include tips for both Hard and Easy Mode for this mini game!
General How-To / Goal
Your goal is to pick up one of the crates! (Prizes are depicted on the crates).
- You can move the crane up, down, left, and right by jumping on the blue plates/buttons on the bottom left-hand side.
- You jump on the purple plate on the left-hand side to bring the crane/claw down!
Things You Are Going to Look at While You Play
- The motion/path of the other boxes.
- The crane’s shadow.
- The box directly in front of the prize you want!
General Tips
- Play during the day for better visibility of the shadow!
- Bring Wish Me Well (her slow and steady ability reduces the craziness of the crane).
Hard Mode Tips
- The prizes in hard mode tend to come in higher quantities, and there are more types of prizes!
- The current will move the boxes in a clockwise direction.
- The movement will be faster and more unpredictable than in easy mode.
- Move your crane to the edge of the circle (I recommend the left side for hard mode).
- Position your crane where most of the boxes are passing through it.
- Look at the box directly ahead of the prize you want.
- Jump to lower crane when the box ahead is directly on the shadow!

Video Tutorial for Hard Mode
Easy Mode Tips
- In this mode, the prizes tend to come in lesser quantities, and there are fewer types of prizes!
- The current will move the boxes in a counterclockwise path.
- It is slower and more predictable than in hard mode.
- Move your crane to the edge of the circle! (I recommend the right side for easy mode).
- Position your crane where most of the boxes are passing through.
- Look at the box directly ahead of the prize you want.
- Jump to lower the crane right when the box ahead passes the shadow.

Video Tutorial for Easy Mode
The Greenhouse
- Has a 100% spawn rate without fertilizer.
- Can breed new event flowers! At the moment, the only event flowers that exist that the greenhouse can make new flowers of are the Marigold and the Eggwort.
- Fertilizer is only necessary when you want to pattern a solid flower (e.g., turn a Bellbutton ombré, turn a Marigold trim, turn an Eggwort speckled).
- You can plant any flower from any biome inside the greenhouse.
Attached below, you can find my personal setup. I use the greenhouse mostly for pattern transfers!
Color explanation of my setup:
- Pink: Line of speckled Eggworts, meant to make double speckled eggs.
- Blue: Diagonal setup of speckled Eggworts and solid color Hibiscus (that match the colors of the speckled Eggworts).
- Yellow: Spaced out line of speckled Hibiscus in order to create a double speckled Hibiscus.
For color transfers I recommend a simple side by side, or spaced out setup!

Visual Flower Guides
Basic Flower Breeding Plots & Color Combinations
Click to enlarge…

Basic Color Transfer
Updated with current terminology.

Basic starter plot setup for flower breeding and how it works (with alt text): Fertilize flowers A & B to get new spawns. The new AB seed space is an open area where there is potential for a new seed to spawn that could have A and B as parents. To maintain the breeding process, always dig up all the new spawns and just leave your original A and B flowers. Fertilize and water those parent flowers each day.

Visual Guide to Red Flowers
Make sure to leave enough empty plots around the two plants so new spawns can grow!

Flower Color Guide

Color Palette List for The Process of Breeding Flowers

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