Here’s a guide to advanced & elite classes. Obviously spoilers for classes! Also the actual number values are not included since those are stored in code.
Ву Eldin.
Advanced Classes
Ferocious fighters who thrust themselves into battle with little thought of self-preservation.
Active Ability:
- Leaping Strike (1H Axe/Sword): Leap up to 2 extra tiles to attack an enemy in a line dealing an extra 2 damage per tile traveled. Cannot be countered.
Passive Ability:
- Bloodlust: For every kill, gain {0} STR. Resets each chapter. Current: {1}
- 1H Axe
- 2H Axe
- 1H Sword
Fighters with impressive strength that makes them a terror on the battlefield.
Active Ability:
- Crushing Blow: Perform a massive swing, dealing and taking double damage this round of combat. If the unit is killed, fear any enemies around the unit until the end of their next turn.
Passive Ability:
- Weapon Master: The carry weight of weapons is cut in half (rounded down).
- 1H Axe
- 2H Axe
- 1H Sword
- 2H Sword
Fighters who throw themselves in harms way to protect those around them.
Active Ability:
- Heroic Charge: Charge an enemy within {0} tiles, knocking aside any units in the path, and staggering them if they’re enemies. Unit gains fortify equal to {1}% of their def, rounded down. Targeted enemy must have an empty tile behind them.
Passive Ability:
- Savior: Gain x ATK, x HIT, and x MOV for each injured ally within 3 tiles.
- 1H Axe
- 1H Sword
- 1H Lance
Experts with a spear and polearm, they use the longer range to their advantage.
Active Ability:
- Skewer (Spear): Attack an enemy within 2 tiles, and apply 5 bleed for 2 turns.
Passive Ability:
- Spear Wall: When equipped with a lance or spear, if an enemy enters your zone of control before attacking you, they lose {0} SPD, {1} HIT, and {2} AVD in combat.
- 1H Lance
- 2H Lance
- 1H Sword
Soldiers who are adept at finding and exploiting the weaknesses of their enemy.
Active Ability:
- Exploitive Strike: Gain {0} ATK, {1} SPD, and {2} HIT for each status effect on your enemy during combat.
Passive Ability:
- Keen Eye: At the start of your turn, apply the Marked status to the enemy with the least HP within {0} tiles.
- 1H Lance
- 1H Sword
- 2H Bow
Bowmen who can hit a target from anywhere on the battlefield.
Active Ability:
- Arched shot: Shoot your bow up to {0} tiles with -{1} HIT for each tile traveled.
Passive Ability:
- Marksmanship: For every kill, gain {0} SKL and SPD. Resets each chapter. Current: {1}
- 1H Sword
- 2H Bow
Adept at tracking over difficult terrain, and disabling their targets.
Active Ability:
- Leg shot (2 charges): Target is immobilized for 1 turn. Cannot be blocked.
Passive Ability:
- Light footed: Forest and brush tiles no longer consume movement points. All other terrain costs 1.
- 1H Sword
- 1H Axe
- 2H Bow
Masters of the blade, they overwhelm the opponent with precise blows.
Active Ability:
- Frontal Assault: Attack an enemy three times. Can only be used when attacking an enemy from the front.
Passive Ability:
- Swift Strikes: When initiating combat, if this unit would attack multiple times, execute all attacks before the enemy can counter.
- 1H Sword
- 1H Lance
- 2H Sword
Masters of moving unseen, they excel at striking from the shadows.
Active Ability:
- Concealed Movement: If there are no enemies within {0} tiles on turn start, gain Hidden, letting you pass through enemy ZoC.
Passive Ability:
- From the Shadows: Enemies cannot counter your flank attacks.
- 1H Sword
- 2H Sword
- 2H Bow
Armored watchmen who have a keen awareness of their surroundings.
Active Ability:
- Safeguard: Swap tiles with an allied unit and grant them fortified equal to {0}% of your defense, rounded down.
Passive Ability:
- Rear guard: Remove enemy hit and avoid bonuses from flanks and backstabs for allies within {0} tiles (including self, still cannot counter backstabs).
- 1H Axe
- 1H Sword
- 1H Lance
- 2H Axe
Armored soldiers who have pledged their lives to the protection of others.
Active Ability:
- Taunt: Taunt an enemy within {0} tiles to attack this unit.
Passive Ability:
- Sturdy: At the start of a turn, if you moved {0} or less tiles, gain fortify equal to {1}% of your defense (rounded down).
- 1H Axe
- 1H Sword
- 1H Lance
- 2H Lance
Divinely inspired warriors whose intense faith inspires those around them.
Active Ability:
- Smite: Attack an enemy and heal self and all adjacent allies for all the damage dealt. This attack cannot miss or be countered.
Passive Ability:
- Divine Right: At the start of the turn, heal adjacent allies by {0}% of their max health.
- 1H Axe
- 1H Sword
- 1H Lance
- 2H Sword
Healers who live to serve the people around them.
Active Ability:
- Healing Light: Fully heal an ally and remove any negative status effects. Regain a charge every time this unit fully heals an ally with the Mend ability.
Passive Ability:
- Aiding Effort: If any ally is below 50% health, gain 2 movement points.
- 1H Axe
- 1H Sword
- 1H Lance
Scholars who draw on their extensive knowledge to give allies an advantage on the battlefield.
Active Ability:
- Vital Points: Refresh an allies turn. Regain a charge every third turn, if possible.
Passive Ability:
- Shared knowledge: Adjacent allies gain {0} HIT.
- 1H Axe
- 1H Sword
- 1H Lance
Elite Classes
Elite fighters who gain power the closer to death they are.
Active Ability:
- Indomitable: The first time this unit’s vitality would reach 0 each chapter, gain {0} fortify for {1} turns and restore half of your vitality.
Passive Ability:
- Berzerk: Gain {0} ATK and {1} AVD for each {2} points of missing vitality.
- 1H Axe
- 2H Axe
- 2H Sword
Warriors who have conquered countless battlefields. Their mix of experience and strength makes them untouchable to all but the greatest fighters.
Active Ability:
- Triumphant Surge: Fortify self by {0}% of your defense and heal to full. Fear all adjacent enemies. Gain a charge every {1} kills (Current {2}/{1}). Start with no charges.
Passive Ability:
- Battleborn: The first time each turn this unit overkills an enemy by {0} DMG, resfresh their turn.
- 1H Axe
- 2H Axe
- 1H Sword
- 2H Sword
- 1H Lance
- 2H Lance
Among the bravest warriors on the battlefield. The worse their situation gets the stronger they become.
Active Ability:
- Against the Odds: Gain {0} DEF and SPD for each adjacent enemy.
Passive Ability:
- Bravery: When initiating combat, gain an extra attack if adjacent to {0}+ enemies.
- 1H Axe
- 1H Sword
- 1H Lance
- 2H Sword
Commanders of the battlefield, they dictate where enemies can and can’t move.
Active Ability:
- Concussive Blow: Attack an enemy with hilt of your lance, stunning them for 1 turn.
Passive Ability:
- Off-Balance: When equipped with a lance or spear, enemies that enter your ZoC before attacking are staggered after combat.
- 1H Sword
- 1H Lance
- 2H Lance
- 2H Axe
Masters of hit and run tactics. When these elite warrior strike, death is guaranteed.
Active Ability:
- Echo of Defeat: When defeating an enemy, transfer their status effects to a random adjacent enemy.
Passive Ability:
- Thrill of the Hunt: The first time each turn this unit defeats an enemy who was marked, feared, bleeding, or immobilized, resfresh their turn.
- 1H Lance
- 1H Sword
- 2H Bow
Master bowmen so accurate they can pick out exactly what part of their enemies to hit.
Active Ability:
- Headshot: Lose {0} HIT to deal fatal damage to an enemy without block. Does not work on elites.
Passive Ability:
- Deadeye: Gain {0} damage for every {1} hit chance over 100 against a target.
- 1H Sword
- 2H Bow
Elite fighters that draw from a wide range of skills to overcome any enemy.
Active Ability:
- Negate: Negate any enemy combat modifiers to ATK, DEF, HIT, and AVD during combat. (Including terrain).
Passive Ability:
- Precise Shot: Always ignore enemy shields when attacking with a bow.
- 1H Sword
- 1H Axe
- 2H Bow
Legendary swordsman so attuned to their blade it’s as though they move as one.
Active Ability:
- Blade Surge: Slice through an enemy into the tile behind them. The first time each turn this ability kills an enemy, refresh your turn. (Enemy must have an empty tile behind them).
Passive Ability:
- Footwork: If the unit’s speed is {0} higher than the enemies, gain a third attack.
- 1H Sword
- 1H Lance
- 2H Sword
- 2H Lance
Deadly killers who can dispatch multiple enemies in the blink of an eye.
Active Ability:
- Fight Unseen: Flank and backstab bonuses are doubled.
Passive Ability:
- Silent Killer: The first time each turn this unit kills an enemy with a backstab, resfresh their turn. (We can store the last turn it was refreshed as a variable, and if it was refreshed this turn, don’t trigger the refresh again).
- 1H Sword
- 2H Sword
- 2H Bow
Veteran guardians with unmatched vigilance, they command the field with strategic insight and iron discipline.
Active Ability:
- Rally: Fortify adjacent allies for {0} DEF.
Passive Ability:
- Strengthen Resolve: Fortified allies within {0} tiles gain {1} ATK.
- 1H Axe
- 1H Sword
- 1H Lance
- 2H Axe
Elite warriors of unbreakable resolve, serving as both the first and last line of defense.
Active Ability:
- Battlecry: Taunt all enemies within {0} tiles.
Passive Ability:
- Daunting: Taunted enemies within {0} tiles lose {1} ATK.
- 1H Axe
- 1H Sword
- 1H Lance
- 2H Lance
Divine warriors who’s faith has been proven through countless battles.
Active Ability:
- Holy Path: Not affected by enemy zone of control.
Passive Ability:
- Divine Inspiration: Killing an enemy heals the lowest health adjacent ally for {0}% of their max health.
- 1H Axe
- 1H Sword
- 1H Lance
- 2H Sword
Those who’ve dedicated their lives to the service of others
Active Ability:
- Aegis: Fortify a unit by their defense for 1 turn.
Passive Ability:
- Group Prayer: Heal all adjacent allies by half their HP.
- 1H Axe
- 1H Sword
- 1H Lance
Masters of arcane wisdom, they empower their allies with profound insights.
Active Ability:
- Martial Insight: Restore a unit’s block. Heal them for the same amount.
Passive Ability:
- Cartography: Allies moving through adjacent tiles do not consume movement points (Still affected by ZoC).
- 1H Axe
- 1H Sword
- 1H Lance
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