HoneySelect2Libido DX – How to Enable R18+ Content (Uncensor Patch)

This is a quick tutorial on how to unlock 18+ content in the HoneySelect2Libido DX game.

Guide to Enable Uncensor Content


You don’t have to manually install the special patch or tweak the game to uncensor it; instead, you can utilize HF Patch to accomplish that for you while also adding a ton of new material. This guide explains what it does, how to get it, and how to set it up.

About HF Patch

A patch for HoneySelect2Libido (usually shortened to HoneySelect2 or HS2) with all free updates, fan-made English translations and essential mods. It will improve performance, add features, fix common issues, and allow you to load character cards and scenes found online. All this while still keeping the original, uncluttered feel of the game.

All content is tested and fixed (or removed) as needed before each update. HF Patch can repair many common problems, try it if you have issues with your game or mod setup. By default, it cleans the game before applying new mods, providing a stable platform for further modding. You can apply HF Patch over any game installation or repack without issues.

HoneySelect2 can be split into two parts: character and scene creation tools (character maker and Studio), and a meet&fluff story mode (it can use your custom characters, but not scenes). Here are some previews of the creation tools:

You can see some video recordings of the character maker and studio being used (most videos are for Koikatsu, but maker and studio have essentially identical features in KK, AIS and HS2).

HF Patch does not contain the full game, paid expansions or any other pirated content. You have to buy the game and expansions separately. The base game (HoneySelect2), and by extension this patch are not suitable for minors. If you are under 18 years old you can not use this patch. The base game and this patch contain only characters of age 18 or higher. The creator of this patch is not responsible for creations of its users and prohibits any unlawful use of this software.

You can see more info and the source code here.

What’s Included?

HF Patch includes and installs by default:

  • Free updates, including Studio (sandbox character poser / scene creation tool).
  • Fan-made translations and automatic machine translations to fill in gaps in official translation.
  • Most commonly used plugins and mods, which allows you to load most character cards and scenes available online.
  • Fixes for common issues with the game and mods like botched mod installs.
  • Full uncensor with multiple different models.
  • You can see a full list of plugins included in HF Patch here.

Note that HF Patch does not contain the full game, paid expansions or any other pirated content. The full game needs to be already installed for the patch to work.

How to Install the Patch?

  1. Install HoneySelect2.
  2. Download the latest HF Patch release from here. You should get a single .exe file and 2 or more part files. You can place these files anywhere you want. Do not download any .zip files from GitHub – they contain source code for the patch, not the patch itself.
  3. Install the latest HF Patch by running the .exe and following the wizard. The default settings should work well for most users, especially newcomers.
  4. Done! You can now start the game launcher as usual and you will notice some new options straight away. You can remove the downloaded patch installation files now if you want to save some space.

Important: It doesn’t matter if you install special patch or any other update before applying HF Patch, but do not install special patch or update on steam after installing HF Patch! The patch makes the game compatible with original jp updates (for studio and mod support) but that means it’s no longer compatible with updates specific to the steam version. If steam auto updates the game, you can run the patch again to fix it.

FAQ / Notes

  • Notes for HF Patch, I strongly recommend reading them!
  • Only Japanese and English localizations are fully supported at the moment, if you play the game in Chinese then you will notice markedly worse translations after installing HF Patch.
  • You can configure many plugins by Pressing F1 and then “Plugin settings”. You can also see most of the plugin hotkeys in this menu (and change them).
  • You can prevent Steam from showing you play the game by starting the .exe manually (not from the Steam library). Make your games private to be extra sure. The game can also run with Steam turned off. Just know that we won’t judge you for your hours played.
  • If you verify game files in your Steam client, you will lose many features and have to re-run HF Patch to get them back. You can do this if you have issues as it will restore game files but not remove any of your data (to remove/disable mods you have to remove the BepInEx and mods folders).
  • Installing HF Patch will add free updates for HS2, which contain Studio (separate exe file). For many people this is the only mode they use (apart from character maker to make characters for use in studio), so it is highly recommended that you check it out.
  • HF Patch does not contain the full game, paid expansions or any other pirated content. The full game needs to be already installed for the patch to work. All paid DLC are optional and not required, you can skip them and the patch will still work fine (some features might be disabled/unavailable).
  • You can install HF Patch over almost any game install and have it work perfectly, and you can run it again to enable/disable some plugins. This patch will automatically fix many broken game/mod installs and common issues. Just make sure to let it remove all old mods when asked.
  • It’s recommended to install all content mods if you plan to download character cards – they are required by many cards and scenes. If you find a card that is showing mod missing warnings try updating Sideloader Modpacks. This can be done with KKManager.
  • The mods included in the patch don’t modify any game files and can be easily disabled by removing the “winhttp.dll” file from your game directory. Official patches are applied permanently.
  • Included fan translations are only used to fill in the gaps in official translation.
  • Please leave the modders some positive feedback or help them in some other way!
  • There is no warranty on this patch or on any of the included mods. You are installing this patch at your own risk. That being said, we try our best to help in case of issues. If you find any bugs, do let us know so they can be fixed.
  • HF Patch does not contain the full game, paid expansions or any other pirated content. The full game needs to be already installed for the patch to work.
  • If you have installed a previous HF Patch or separate mods it is recommended to remove ALL mods when prompted. This will prevent any potential mod conflicts or outdated mods causing problems.
  • All free patches and DLC is included. Paid and limited-access DLCs are not included, but they are optional and not required.
  • You can run this patch as many times as you want and nothing will break. All mods are optional to install, and most can be removed by running the patch again.
  • It’s recommended to install all content mods if you plan to download character cards – they are required by many cards and scenes.
  • You can use this patch to fix many broken game/mod installs.
  • Older versions of BepInEx will be automatically upgraded, and most botched installations should get fixed by running this patch.
  • Please leave the modders some positive feedback or help them in some other way!
  • There is no warranty on this patch or on any of the included mods. You are installing this patch at your own risk.

Solutions to Common Issues with the R18+ Patch

  • If after installing the patch you have issues running the game, restart your PC and try to install the patch again with default settings.
  • If after installing the patch Studio hangs when loading, start KKManager (it’s in a folder in game directory) and click “Look for updates” at the top, then tell it to update the Studio modpack. Or press the update button in the launcher.
  • If you have trouble downloading by using the magnet link, try updating your torrent client or use the latest qBittorrent (it’s known to work well).
  • Make sure you downloaded ALL parts to the same folder and that the parts all have the same name. You need ALL parts for the patch to work. If the installer asks you for another disc it means that your download was not extracted correctly and is missing files, or you renamed or removed some of the extracted files.
  • If you see any messages about corrupted files you’ll have to re-download the offending part (or all of the parts). If you downloaded the torrent, most torrent clients can “force recheck” the downloaded files so you don’t have to re-download the whole thing.
  • If your antivirus is flagging the .exe file make sure that you’ve downloaded the patch by following links in this post. If you are sure the download came from the right place, it’s most likely a false positive (it’s a common issue with non-signed application installers).
  • On slower drives it can take a few minutes to finish verifying the files since it has to read and hash a lot of data. If you can see it’s doing something in task manager then just let it run.

Network Fix After Patching (Download Cards In-Game)

After applying SB2 or HF patch, you’ll lose access to the Network features for uploading and downloading cards. This is a quick fix on how to solve it.

Failed to confirm user information

After applying the SB2 or HF patch, you’ll realize you’ll have lost access to the Network features of the game. An error with a prompt “Failed to confirm user information” will show.

Let’s Fix It

In the game’s directory, launch “Initial Settings.exe”.

The Game’s Launcher will pop up. This is the default look of the launcher after patching it.

Click on the Update Button.

Wait for the mods to load, select only the Uploader Config Mod (Unless you want to use the other mods) and update it.

Network Access Restored

Close all windows and relaunch Honey Select 2 from Steam. You can now access the Network.

A wide variety of cards is now presented and downloadable directly through the game itself, and you can now upload your own custom-made cards online. Great!

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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