
This guide introduces all teleportation commands in the Fallout 4 game.
How to Enter the Teleport Command
It’s very simple!
Open the console in the game with the [~] Tilde key and enter the command you need for teleportation from the list below.
For example, this command will teleport you to the Kiddie Kingdom:
- coc KiddieKingdomExt
Teleport Commands (Vanilla Game)
- coc Abandonedshackext
- coc Abernathyfarmext
- coc Andrewstationext
- coc ArcJetSystemsext
- coc AtlanticOfficesext
- coc AtomCatsgarageext
- coc BackBayext
- coc BackStreetApparelext
- coc BADTFLregionalofficeext
- coc BeaconHillext
- coc BeantownBreweryext
- coc BedfordStationext
- coc BigJohn’ssalvageext
- coc BostonAirportext
- coc BostonBuglebuildingext
- coc BostonCommonext
- coc BostonHarborext
- coc Bostonmayoralshelterext
- coc BostonPolicerationingsiteext
- coc BostonPublicLibraryext
- coc BoylstonClubext
- coc BreakheartBanksext
- coc BunkerHillext
- coc C.I.T.ruinsext
- coc CabotHouseext
- coc CambridgeCampusDinerext
- coc Cambridgecraterext
- coc Cambridgeext
- coc CambridgePoliceStationext
- coc CambridgePolymerLabsext
- coc Campuslawofficesext
- coc Capsizedfactoryext
- coc Caveext
- coc Charlestownext
- coc CharlesViewAmphitheaterext
- coc ChestnutHillockReservoirext
- coc Coastalcottageext
- coc CoastGuardPierext
- coc CollegeSquareext
- coc Collegiateadministrationbuildingext
- coc CombatZoneext
- coc ConcordCivicAccessext
- coc Concordext
- coc ConcordSpeakeasyext
- coc Corvegaassemblyplantext
- coc Countycrossingext
- coc Covenantext
- coc CraterHouseext
- coc CraterofAtomext
- coc CroupManorext
- coc CustomHousetowerext
- coc CutlerBendext
- coc D.B.TechnicalHighSchoolext
- coc DarkHollowpondext
- coc DartmouthProfessionalBuildingext
- coc Decayedreactorsiteext
- coc Decrepitfactoryext
- coc DiamondCityext
- coc DiamondCitymarketext
- coc DrumlinDinerext
- coc DunwichBorersext
- coc EastBostonpolicestationext
- coc EastBostonPreparatorySchoolext
- coc EasyCityDownsext
- coc EdgeoftheGlowingSeaext
- coc EgretToursMarinaext
- coc ElectricalHobbyist’sclubext
- coc Esplanadeext
- coc FairlineHillEstatesext
- coc FallenSkybridgeext
- coc Fallon’sdepartmentstoreext
- coc FaneuilHallext
- coc Federalrationstockpileext
- coc Federalsupplycache84NEext
- coc Fensstreetsewerext
- coc Fiddler’sGreenTrailerEstatesext
- coc FinancialDistrictext
- coc Finchfarmext
- coc ForestGrovemarshext
- coc Forgottenchurchext
- coc FortHagenext
- coc FortHagenfillingstationext
- coc FortHagensatellitearrayext
- coc FortHagenTownshipext
- coc FortStrongext
- coc FourLeaffishpackingplantext
- coc FraternalPost115ext
- coc Garagealcoveext
- coc GardenTerraceext
- coc GeneralAtomicsfactoryext
- coc GeneralAtomicsGalleriaext
- coc GibsonPointpierext
- coc Goodneighborext
- coc Gorskicabinext
- coc Graygardenext
- coc GreaterMassbloodclinicext
- coc GreenetechGeneticsext
- coc GreentopNurseryext
- coc Gunnersplazaext
- coc Gwinnettbreweryext
- coc Gwinnettrestaurantext
- coc HalluciGenExt
- coc Hangman’sAlleyext
- coc Harbormasterhotelext
- coc HardwareTownext
- coc HaymarketMallext
- coc HestersConsumerRoboticsext
- coc HomePlateext
- coc HopesmarchPentecostalChurchext
- coc HubCityAutoWreckersext
- coc HubrisComicsext
- coc Hugo’sHoleext
- coc HydeParkext
- coc IrishPrideIndustriesshipyardext
- coc JalbertBrothersDisposalext
- coc JamaicaPlainext
- coc KendallHospitalext
- coc KingsportLighthouseext
- coc LakeCochituateext
- coc LakeQuannapowittext
- coc LaytonTowersext
- coc Lexingtonapartmentsext
- coc Lexingtonext
- coc Libertaliaext
- coc ListeningPostBravoext
- coc LonelyChapelext
- coc LongneckLukowski’sCanneryext
- coc Lynnpierparkingext
- coc LynnWoodsext
- coc MahkraFishpackingext
- coc MaldenCenterext
- coc MaldenMiddleSchoolext
- coc Maldenpolicestationext
- coc MaldenTownshipext
- coc MassachusettsStateHouseext
- coc MassBaymedicalcenterext
- coc MassFusionbuildingext
- coc MassFusioncontainmentshedext
- coc MassFusiondisposalsiteext
- coc MassPikeInterchangeext
- coc MassPikeTunnelEastext
- coc MassPikeTunnelWestext
- coc Med-TekResearchext
- coc MedfordMemorialhospitalext
- coc MedicalCentermetroext
- coc MiltonGeneralhospitalext
- coc MonsignorPlazaext
- coc Murkwaterconstructionsiteext
- coc MuseumofFreedomext
- coc MuseumofWitchcraftext
- coc MysticPinesext
- coc NahantChapelext
- coc Nahantext
- coc NahantOceanologicalSocietyext
- coc NahantSherrif’sDepartmentext
- coc NahantWharfext
- coc NatickBanksext
- coc Natickext
- coc NatickPoliceDepartmentext
- coc Nationalguardbarracksext
- coc Nationalguardrecruitmentofficeext
- coc NationalGuardtrainingyardext
- coc NeponsetParkext
- coc NH&MFreightDepotext
- coc Nordhagenbeachext
- coc NorthEndext
- coc O’Neillfamilymanufacturingext
- coc OberlandStationext|coc OberlandStation
- coc OldCornerbookstoreext
- coc OldGranaryburyinggroundext
- coc OldGulletsinkholeext
- coc OldNorthChurchext
- coc OldRoboticsext
- coc OutpostZimonjaext
- coc ParkStreetstationext
- coc ParkviewApartmentsext
- coc ParsonsCreameryext
- coc ParsonsStateInsaneAsylumext
- coc Peabodyhouseext
- coc PickmanGalleryext
- coc PolicePrecinct8ext
- coc PoseidenEnergyTurbine18-Fext
- coc PoseidonEnergyext
- coc PoseidonReservoirext
- coc PostalSquareext
- coc PrewarSanctuaryExt01
- coc PrydwenHull01ext
- coc qasmoke
- coc Quincyext
- coc Quincypolicestationext
- coc QuincyQuarriesext
- coc Quincyruinsext
- coc RadioTower3SM-U81ext
- coc Rangercabinext
- coc ReconBunkerThetaext
- coc redrocketext
- coc ReebMarinaext
- coc RelayTower0BB-915ext
- coc RelayTower0DB-521ext
- coc RelayTower0SC-527ext
- coc RelayTower1DL-109ext
- coc RevereBeachstationext
- coc Reveresatellitearrayext
- coc Roboticsdisposalgroundext
- coc RoboticsPioneerParkext
- coc RockyCaveext
- coc RockyNarrowsParkext
- coc Rookfamilyhouseext
- coc Rottenlandfillext
- coc Salemext
- coc Sanctuaryext
- coc SandyCovesConvalescentHomeext
- coc SaugusIronworksext
- coc ScrapPalaceext
- coc Sentinelsiteext
- coc ShawHighSchoolext
- coc SkylanesFlight1665ext
- coc SkylanesFlight1981ext
- coc Slocum’sJoeCorporateHQext
- coc SomervillePlaceext
- coc SouthBostonext
- coc SouthBostonHighSchoolext
- coc SouthBostonmilitarycheckpointext
- coc SouthBostonPoliceDepartmentext
- coc SpectacleIslandext
- coc StarlightDriveInext
- coc SuffolkCountycharterschoolext
- coc SunshineTidingsco-opext
- coc Super-DuperMartext
- coc superdupermartext
- coc Swan’sPondext
- coc Taffingtonboathouseext
- coc TenpinesBluffext
- coc TheaterDistrictext
- coc TheCastleext
- coc TheFensext
- coc TheInstituteext
- coc ThePrydwenext
- coc TheShamrockTaphouseext
- coc TheSlogext
- coc ThicketExcavationsext
- coc TrinityPlazaext
- coc TrinityTowerext
- coc TuckerMemorialBridgeext
- coc UFOcrashsite01
- coc UniversityPointext
- coc USAFSatelliteStationOliviaext
- coc USSConstitutionext
- coc Vault-TecRegionalHQext
- coc Vault111ext
- coc Vault114ext
- coc Vault75ext
- coc Vault81ext
- coc Vault95ext
- coc Vertibirdwreckageext
- coc WaldenPondext
- coc Warwickhomesteadext
- coc WattzConsumerElectronicsext
- coc WaypointEchoext
- coc WestEverettEstatesext
- coc WestingEstateext
- coc Westonwatertreatmentplantext
- coc WestRoxburyext
- coc WestRoxburystationext
- coc WickedShippingFleetLockupext
- coc Wildwoodcemeteryext
- coc WilsonAtomatoysCorporateHQext
- coc WilsonAtomatoysfactoryext
- coc Workhouseext
- coc WreckoftheFMSNorthernStarext
- coc WreckoftheUSSRiptideext
- coc WRVRbroadcaststationext
- coc Yangtzeext
Teleport Commands (Nuka World DLC)
Dry Rock Gulch:
- coc NukaWorldWildWestGateA01
Galactic Zone:
- coc DLC04GalacticZoneExt
Kiddie Kingdom:
- coc KiddieKingdomExt
Power Plant:
- coc NukaWorldPowerPlantExt
Safari Adventure:
- coc SafariAdventureGate01
Fizztop Grille Patio (Near Bed):
- coc NukaWorldNukaTownUSA07
Bradberton (Town):
- coc BradbertonExt
Bradberton Overpass:
- coc BradbertonOverpassExt
Evan’s Home:
- coc DLC04POIBB14
Grandchester Mystery Mansion:
- coc DLC04GrandchesterMansionEXT
Morton Residence:
- coc DLC04POIBB04
Nuka-World Junkyard:
- coc DLC04JunkyardExt01
Nuka-World Power Plant:
- coc NukaWorldPowerPlantCheckpointExt
Wixon’s Shovel Museum:
- coc DLC04POIBB10
Teleport Commands (Far Harbor DLC)
Dalton Farm:
- coc DLC03DaltonFarmExt
Echo Lake Lumber:
- coc EchoLakeLumberExt
Longfellow’s Cabin:
- coc LongfellowsCabinExt
National Park Visitor’s Center:
- coc NationalParkVisitorsCenterExt
Aldersea Day Spa:
- coc AlderseaDaySpaExt
Acadia Observatory:
- coc AcadiaObservatoryExt
Acadia (Interior):
- coc DLC03Acadia
Beaver Creek Lanes:
- coc BeaverCreekLanesExt
Briney’s Bait and Tackle:
- coc DLC03POI14
Brooke’s Head Lighthouse:
- coc BrookesHeadLighthouseExt
Children of Atom Shrine:
- coc DLC03POI24
Cliff’s Edge Hotel:
- coc CliffsEdgeHotelExt
Cranberry Island Docks:
- coc Dlc03poi04
DiMA’s Cache:
- coc DLC03MQ06DigSiteExt
Eagle’s Cove Tannery:
- coc EaglesCoveTanneryExt
Eden Meadows Cinemas:
- coc EdenMeadowsCinemasExt
Fringe Cove Docks:
- coc FringeCoveDocksext
Glowing Grove:
- coc DLC03POI39
Haddock Cove:
- coc HaddockCoveext
Harbor Grand Hotel:
- coc HarborGrandHotelExt
Horizon Flight 1207:
- coc HorizonFlight1207ext
Kitteredge Pass:
- coc KitteredgePassext
MS Azalea:
- coc MSAzaleaExt
National Park Campground:
- coc NationalParkCampgroundExt
National Park HQ:
- coc NationalParkHQExt
Northwood Ridge Quarry:
- coc NorthwoodRidgeQuarryExt
Nucleus (Children of Atom):
- coc NucleusExt
- coc DLC03POI54
Radiant Crest Shrine:
- coc DLC03POI12
Rayburn Point:
- coc RayburnPointExt
Rock Point Camp:
- coc RockPointCampExt
Ruined Church:
- coc DLC03POI37
Ruined Radio Tower:
- coc RuinedRadioTowerExt
Southwest Harbor:
- coc SouthwestHarborext
The Last Plank (Bar):
- coc DLC03FarHarborLastPlank
Waves Crest Orphanage:
- coc DLC03POI45
Vim! Pop Factory:
- coc VimPopFactoryExt
Zephyr Ridge Camp:
- coc ZephyrRidgeCampExt
Teleport Commands to an NPC
Find the ID (in the console) type:
prid [ID]
Then type:
moveto player
Exist the console and there you go.
Or you can use this command:
[RefID].MoveTo Player
Note: You need to be standing on a navmesh, with enough room on the navmesh for the NPC to spawn. NPCs will not spawn on anything lacking a navmesh.
Mostly, this is not an issue, but there are certain places that appear to have incomplete navmeshes, like the back part of Hangman’s Alley, where the chained door and guard post are.
Hangman’sAlley and Hallucigen,inc. won’t work. “Expected end of line” due to the apostrophe and and period. Sucks cause i’m trying to get to hangman’s alley but for the life of me i can’t find it.
Hangman’s Alley is actually “coc FensRaiderCampExt” or “coc FensRaiderCampExt02”
Police Station in Cambridge, best is just use coc Collegesquareext as it places you just around the corner.
Institute was something like coc institute01 but I need to check, it’s been awhile. I get back to you.
Correct cell name is NahantOceanSocietyExt
thanks gettting to good neighbour was a pain becuase i fell down a hole and i couldn’t get out
Does nothing happen when anyone else uses the goodneighborext? I’ve tried goodneighborext, goodneighborexteriorgate, goodneighborext02, goodneighborext01 and basically all of the ones the console help 4 command gave me but for some reason it does absolutely nothing. No error, no nothing. And I just fast traveled to diamond city before I tried all these so it does actually work.
And yes, “coc” was in front of the “goodneighborxxx”. I’m very confused.