Welcome to the desk!
Complete Desk Walkthrough

This car is divided in two parts. Players needs to solve the first part to access the second area. There is a secret door hidden on the bookcase.
For the first part, you don’t need to solve the puzzles in a certain order. When a riddle is solved, the “key” is a part of a codex code. You need to solve both riddles on the 1rst part of the room to have the entire codex code.
One is hidden in the submarine model and the other one in the sun of the solar system model.

There are 2 puzzles on the first part of the car.
- One puzzle is at the start of the car. Players needs to open the submarine by putting the correct code on the padlock.
- The second one is a two part puzzle : the globe and the solar system.
There is one puzzle on the second part of the car which is about constellations.
- Solution: Submarine
- Solution: Globe
- Solution: Solar system
- Solution: Book
- Solution: Constellations
Solution: Submarine

For the begining, there are a radio and a codex code on a desk below a window.

The player in the room has to tell the codex code to the Companion App player, turn the radio on and listen the audios.
On the radio, there are 3 audios the player in the room can listen to. Each one is a different weird sound. One of them is a sound of a seabed creature, an other is a boat sound and the last one is about a geology place (It could be an iceberg, a coast or an ocean).
On the codex code, the Companion App player has 3 buttons, each one is a sonar layer and the player can listen several sounds including the ones the player in the room can listen to.

There are 3 layers/sonars : creature, boat and geology place.
The differences between the player in the room and the Companion App player is the number of each sound. The player in the room can only listen to one sound of each category meanwhile the Companion App player can listen to 3 sounds of each categories.
It’s a sound puzzle. The player in the room has to describe each sound and the Companion App player has to found the right one. Each sound is related to an information, written on the bottom left on the sonar.

Once the 3 sounds are found, the Companion App player has to be careful about the information related to each sound.
There is a book next to the submarine. Some important informations are written on that book. Each page is related to a section.

There are three sections and each one is related to key informations. There are 3 posters in the desk: Cote, Ocean and Iceberg. There are some information on each poster: zone names and their depth.
Each category on the book is related to informations written on the posters.
Geology places help players to find which poster they have to look after.
Creatures are related to a depth which is related to a name. The name’s zone is the most important.
Boat are some instruction to know which letters players have to use to find the submarine password.

There is a difference between chinese version and the other languages.
For others, here are the informations:
- Jackson boat: “can only discern the vowels pronounced by the speaker.”
- Merry boat: “can only discern the consonants pronouced by the speaker.”
- Sunny boat: “can only discern every other letter.”
For chinese version:
- Jackson boat: “选取已识别单词中的第2、第6、第7、第9、第11和第12个字母”
- Merry boat: “选取已识别单词中的第1、第3、第4、第6、第8和第10个字母”
- Sunny: “选取已识别单词中的第1、第3、第5、第7、第9和第11个字母”
To sum up, players have to find the right poster (the geology place sound) and the right depth (creature sound) to find the right word. Then they have to pick up the right letters (boat sound) that gives them the password to enter on the submarine model.
Here are the solutions:
1rst solution:
- Creature: Cetanae
- Boat: Jackson
- Geology place: Cotes
The Cetanae leaves at 2500m under the sea, near the “cotes”. The correct word is “FOND NAUTIQUE”. The correct boat is the Jackson and the instruction is about the vowels. Players have to pick up the vowels of “FOND NAUTIQUE”.
Here are the vowels : FOND NAUTIQUE so the password is OAUIUE.
2nd solution:
- Creature: Coursodon
- Boat: Merry
- Geology place: Ocean
The Coursodon leaves at 4200m under the sea, in the “ocean”. The correct word is “LIMBE DIVISEE”. The correct boat is the Merry and the instruction is about the consonants. Players have to pick up the consonants of “LIMBE DIVISEE”.
Here are the consonants : LIMBE DIVISEE so the password is LMBDVS.
3rd solution:
- Creature: Laboon
- Boat: Sunny
- Geology place: Iceberg
The Laboon leaves at 500m under the sea, near the “iceberg”. The correct word is “POINTE GIVREE”. The correct boat is the Sunny and the instruction is about discerning every other letter. Players have to pick up the every other letter of “POINTE GIVREE”.
Here are the solution: POINTE GIVREE so the password is PITGVE.
Enter the correct password on the wheel below the submarine. Congrats, it reveals a part of the codex code.

Solution: Globe

This is the first part of the riddle to unlock what’s inside the solar system. You can’t open the sun model without solving the globe puzzle first.
There is a map with a codex code near the globe. The player in the room has to tell the codex code to the Companion App player (the codex code can change).
The player in the room has to focus on the world map. It’s checked, there are pins located at some countries and there is a protactor.
On that map there is a starting point. It could be on France, USA or Greenland. Each check on the map has a location. For example, the USA pins is located at D5.
The player in the room has to tell the starting point location to their mate.

The codex code is a strange compass.
On that compass there are 2 key informations:
The 1rst one is the same location than on the map “H3”, “C4”, etc. and the smartphone player can spin the compass.
The 2nd one is a direction. For example 195° SW (South West). It gives information for the player in the room.
Here is how it works:
The player in the room has to tell the location of the starting point pin. For example D5.

Then, the Companion App player spin the compass to line the arrow up with the location D5. This one gives a direction. For example: 47° NE.

Then, the player in the room has to put the protactor at D5, search 47° NE on it. It shows an other pin (here Greenland).
Then, this player tell the location of this new pin, etc etc.

Until the final location indicate 0° North.

Here are the solutions:
- Starting point: USA (D5 and direction 47°NE)
- 2nd country: Greenland (B9 and direction 195°S)
- 3rd country: Brazil (G8 and direction 120°SE)
- 4th country: South Africa (I13 and direction 90°E)
- 5th country: Australia (H19 and direction 325°NW)
- Final country: India (E17 and direction 0°N)
- Starting point: Greenland (B9 and direction 230°SW)
- 2nd country: USA (D5 and direction 150°SE)
- 3rd country: Brazil (G8 and direction 115°SE)
- 4th country: South Africa (I13 and direction 85°NE)
- 5th country: Australia (H19 and direction 350°NW)
- Final country: Russia (B18 and direction 0°N)
- Starting point: France (C12 and direction 70°NE)
- 2nd country: Russia (B18 and direction 150°SE)
- 3rd country: Japan (D20 and direction 230°SW)
- 4th country: South Africa (I13 and direction 295°NW)
- 5th country: Brazil (G8 and direction 10°NE)
- Final country: Greenland (B9 and direction 0°N)
Click to the globe and then click on each country you have found, on the right order.
The globe opens, there are some planet models inside.
Solution: Solar System

You can’t solve this puzzle without solving the globe puzzle before.
There are 7 planets inside the globe and players has to put them on the right place on the solar system model.
To know how to do it, smartphone player has to go to the gallery. There is a picture with the solar system and the place of each planet on it. Be careful, bow are not on the right order.
Here is the picture on the gallery:

Here is the solution:

Once planets placed, it reveals the other part of the codex code needed to open the secret door.

Solution: Book

This riddle could be solved if players have already solved all the others puzzles on that part of the room only.
Players have the 2 parts of the codex code: the 1rst part on the sun of the solar system and the 2nd one on the submarine model.
The player in the room has to tell the code codex to the Companion App player.
On the codex code, there is a picture of the 1rst part of the room, top point of view. There are 5 books, each one is placed at a different spot, each one has different (color and symbol) and they are numbered.
For example:

This player has to describe all the books in the right order (1 to 5) to their mate. The player in the room has to find all that book and place them on the bookcase (top to the bottom, left to the right).
Congratulations, you just opened the secret door!
Here are all the solution:



Solution: Constellations

This puzzle allows players to find the final door code.
There are two things important to find: the 3 correct slides to put on the projector and which pocket watch to use.
The first step is to look at the window near the bed. There is a moon at a specific step of the lunar circle (it changes every time players retry the car).

There is a poster near the sofa, it explains the name of each step of the lunar circle.
For example: first quarter midnight, waxing gibbous moon, full moon, etc.

The player in the room has to find the right step of the lunar circle that they can see outside and tell this to the Companion App player.
There is a voice recorder on the companion app and some records named by a step of the lunar circle and an hour. This player has to find the record named as the same step of the circle lunar as the one outside and tell the mate the hour.
The hour helps the player in the room to find the right pocket watch hidden on the furniture on the right when this player enters the 2nd part of that car.

The PC/Console player in the room has to put the pocket watch on the base near the projector.

The 2nd step is to find the right slides.
The Companion App player has to listen to the audio named by the same step of the circle lunar that their mate gives to them.
The audio is about a story and constellations. The speaker gives the name of a constellation and a geolocalisation, you might need this informations.
For example: The audio of the waxing gibbous moon at 01:15am record is about a constellation named the Colibri Luisant with the GSP coordinates: 50°51’32N.
The GPS coordinates are related to the slides on the car. The player in the room has to find the right slides (there is a number on each one).
For example: the 50, the 51 and the 32 ones, and put them on the projector.

Once that’s done, there is a constellation that is projected on the wall.

The player has to look throught the pocket watch. Some stars are circled and numbered (1, 2 3).

Then, the Companion App player has to open the constellation book and go to the right page. For example: the Colibri Luisant page. There is the constellation with a number on each star.
The player in the room has to tell which stars are circles and the Companion App player has to tell the number of those stars.

Those numbers are the code to go out to the car. Enter the right ones on the order that the pocket watch is showing.
Here are all the solutions:
The waxing gibbous moon
- Voice recorder audio name: Waxing_gibbous_moon_01:15am.wav
- Constellation: Colibri Luisant
- The GPS coordinates are: 50°51’32N
- The player in the room has to put the 01:15 pocket watch and the slides number 50, 51 and 32.
- Final code: 783

The waning gibbous moon
- Voice recorder audio name: Waning_gibbous_moon_04:30am.wav
- Constellation: Chat à deux pattes
- The GPS coordinates are: 47°12’50”N
- The player in the room has to put the 04:30 pocket watch and the slides number 47, 12 and 50.
- Final code: 487

Once that’s done, enter the final code on the exit door. Here is an example:

Congratulations, you clear the 6th room!
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